Symmetra Survey Results!

:clap: this :clap: right :clap: here :clap: !!!


You realize that the devs have said that things like Role Q and Hero bans definitely wonā€™t be added to the game, and then later were added right?

Just because a quote here or there in the past says one thing doesnā€™t mean Blizzard doesnā€™t change itā€™s tune. Saying that Sym players should just give up pointing out the problems and flaws that they see in a hero they love because YOU think itā€™s a waste of time is justā€¦ I could fill in a lot of words but Iā€™ll leave it to your imagination I guess.

Maybe if Blizzard gave a crap about their own game theyā€™d pay attention to the numerous problems plaguing it and fix some of them. Who knows, all we can do is hope that they come to their senses, but itā€™s better than just staying mum about the problems that you do see. Really no point in that.


I mean tbf, ā€œgo back to sym2.0ā€ != fixing her problems, and in fact probably makes her problems worse tbh.

like many people go ā€œbut shield gen and old barrier is sustainā€ yet forget or donā€™t realise thatā€™s not enough sustain for an immobile shorter ranged hero esp for a dps hero i.e. going to struggle hard to get in in and out of range and still going to struggle staying in range.

effective range, burst, mobility and sustain are the parameters to all heroes.

primary with charge up mechanic is locked into being not burst and lower effective range whilst demanding zarya levels of sustain (something sym canā€™t reasonably have).

with sym3.0 orbs, we can see that they can be faster to be more mid ranged and tp can be made more frequent (like old 3.0 tp) so that sym can actually have a mobility option which also gives more availability to tp-orb-melee burst combo. and so we see the power distribution among those parameters start coming together.

but in going back to 2.0, you wonā€™t have any mobility, yet still have a shorter effective range whilst simultaneously not having the sustain for such a range nor a way to get there and out. at best youā€™d be looking to make sym not as a support, but rather as an off-tank with 2.0 kit by reworking her to somehow get more sustain with that kit but need to continue walking on eggshells because if you add too much sustain her primary would be too oppressive in being too easy to charge.

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Too bad that the majority of the players youā€™re describing that Iā€™ve personally come across donā€™t do such a thingā€¦ Not even close actuallyā€¦

The only thing they do is falsely condemn the entire 3.0 just because it happens to be one of the most numerically underpowered ones in the game and nothing more. All while at the same time nostalgia is reigning and they somehow think that the mess that was Symmetra 2.0 coming back to the game would do anything other than severely damaging the health of both the hero and the game as a result.

Yeah, I guess that everyone is, for better or for worse, entitled to their personal opinions at the end of the day, but that doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t criticize that stanceā€¦


Iā€™m glad your survey went well. You should probably details where you got the respondants from. For example saying whether you asked just the forums or asked elsewhere too! It can help determine whether the communities asked may have shown some bias and other details to draw better conclusions!

This survey was only shared on the forums.

If I do create a similar survey, I will be sure to share it elsewhere and add an options to determine where people saw the survey link :slight_smile:

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What if she could put down 2 Teleporters instead of just one ? Have anyone ever suggered this ?

You legit just left out some ppls responses

healing turrets would be so disgustingly underpowered unless the turrets are fundamentally different than how they are now

I did address this in my OP.

oohhh, my answer to the rework part was, i think she needs a rework to be less turret reliant and the tp should be like original 3.0. was that to vague?

As much as I love 2.0, I think itā€™d be best to keep her as a DPS. Personally I think they should either

  1. Buff her survivability(give her 250hp or reduce her hitbox size) & reduce her ability cooldowns.


  1. Buff her Primary Fire to be more consistent & revert nerfs to her Turrets & Ult.

When her current kit isnā€™t sledgehammer nerfed itā€™s actually pretty good, 3.0 is less niche and less passive.

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Was that your rough wording? Because Iā€™m looking at the responses at the moment and canā€™t see that.

i think so, and that is my opinion, i could just be remembering incorrectly tho

Okay so Iā€™ve read through every response three times, and thereā€™s definitely no response that alligns with the ā€œless turret reliantā€.

Because SurveyMonkey only allows me to view the first 100 responses, I think you must have been part of the 10 responses that I am not able to see (without paying for it).

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While this is valid, Symmetra is still one of the most impactful characters for disabled players, her turrets have massive range and can be placed anywhere on the map, thereā€™s also tp and that massive wall is one of the easiest ults to use

Naturally, using the beam is the hardest part for disabled players however, the emphasis on her beam seems very low in comparison to her utility in the rest of her kit. Symmetra is one of the few characters who can play at any range they choose too which is great for all players who use her

ultimately the disabled players werenā€™t robbed of anything, the character still allows them to do a lot given their condition, however, mechanically able players can draw very little extra value out of her kit (which is why we see a lot of complains about it). Sadly, we canā€™t allow a character to deal that much damage without some input, I understand it was great to feel like you were at the same mechanical level as say a widowmaker but you (the disabled player) need to understand that people without that handicap can draw a lot more value from a character like that and as such it needs to be gated somehow


This is what Iā€™d like to see:
Sym 2.0 with AoE healing turrets. Also give her gun a healing beam as well. The AoE turrets should be capped at less than 25 hps (probably shouldnā€™t be able to stack the turrets). The healing beam on her gun would be her 3.0 sym beam (aka no lock-on); they could also make it so that her healing ramps up just like her damage). I like her deployable barrier so I guess we would have to get rid of her damage orbs to make room for the healing. People hate playing against Symā€™s turrets, so this should make it more fun to play against her. I just hate that they gave up her and made her into a DPS; we donā€™t need more DPS and she is a prime candidate to be moved back to the support roster.

I strongly disagree with you but I donā€™t really have the energy to write it all out. But 2.0 was significantly more capable of taking care of herself than 3.0. Her proton barrier alone made the difference, but her turrets deploying faster / activating quicker meant you could win a LOT more duels than you can with her now.

Sym 3.0 requires you to have set everything up beforehand. If you didnā€™t set up your turrets, well guess what theyā€™re not going to be active for this fight, because theyā€™ll either be destroyed by chip damage in transit or by the time they activate and set up the enemy is in another place. There are significant advantages to her turrets but also new disadvantages that no one seems to want to acknowledge, including the quantity being so small that you can only cover one route meaning if the enemy decides to just go a different way you wonā€™t get any ult charge off of them at all. They barely do any slow anymore, and they take forever to come off cooldown.

Yā€™know whatever, 3.0 sucks thatā€™s the end of it Idgaf.

Iā€™m a disabled player and I can say youā€™re 100% wrong with this my dude. I used to be able to play this game a lot more and I usually played Sym. My work requires me to use my right hand and a lot of days it is tired, the added aim requirements are very difficult on those days because my muscles are already fatigued. I imagine it will get worse when Iā€™m older and my condition advances, but Symmetra was an easy way for me to participate in the game without having to over-use my right hand muscles.

Now sheā€™s so aim reliant that I might as well play Moira all the time, and sheā€™s boring as boiled potatoes.

But thanks for assuming we lost nothing due to the change, even though it clearly didnā€™t impact you so idk why youā€™d think that in the first placeā€¦


I donā€™t disagree with everything you said however when you say it clearly didnā€™t impact me, youā€™re wrong, it impacted everyone because her character now requires more aim, period, perhaps you were more impacted by the changes but that doesnā€™t overshadow the fact that symmetra is a character available to use for EVERYONE and as such she has to be balanced for everyone

but then again, you can clearly aim enough as to draw value from everything else but her left click, so do that

Moira might be boring to you but the truth of her character is that most of her value comes from abusing cooldowns, strategy and positioning, Iā€™m sorry youā€™re disabled but what you want is for the game to play for you, which is a perfect accomodation for someone like you but when you put that same mechanic on another player who is mechanically able then they start melting everything

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