… they are not going to announce the end of Symmetra 2.0 on Live. It’s just going to happen. We’ll log in, see a patch download, and not know if the end has come until we click on Play Game.
It’s this part of it that feels awful all of a sudden. I have 500+ hours on Sym. I can’t say I didn’t get my money’s worth out of this super fun and engaging hero. I am totally OK and welcoming to Sym 3.0. I would agree that Sym 2.0’s time has come and past, and that the game ecology overall might very well benefit from this change. I haven’t even yet decided if I will continue maining Sym after the change (I do have other heroes in my roster).
The sudden-ness, though. If it goes down as I think it will… that will be painful, to me and to a lot of Symmetra fans. At the risk of being over-sentimental; I don’t mind saying goodbye forever to a dear friend, but at least let me escort them to the airport and wave goodbye.
I just would like to know that this is my last 24 hours of playing my Main Hero. I would like to know when I close my Battle.net Browser and go to sleep, that that was it. I would like to be able to treasure my last match with Sym 2.0 and know that tomorrow will be a new day.
I don’t know how I could add anymore to the point I am trying to make here, and choose to stop typing now. Selah.
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You’re probably good until next week.
This was posted 7 days ago. Seeing as how the game wasn’t patched today, I would say you likely have another week, possibly 2.
Sorry to see you aren’t as excited about the changes as I am
I hope you find her to be just as much fun if not moreso in time!
It’s not about being fearful of the future… I am actually hopeful. It’s more about the not-knowing when it will happen.
I want to treasure my last day, my last match with what has come to be a friend of mine. All I am hoping for is a bit of notice from Blizzard. That’s not too much to ask, I think.
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iirc, they always have downtime before a patch, and the downtime is noted on the launcher for all to see.
I used the last weekend of the anniversary event to one trick her, and say my proper goodbyes (since I was going to farm that double XP weekend anyway). Right now, I’m in peace with my beloved Symmetra going away, and we are just sitting in the airport making her company because her flight was delayed.
If you have not done that yet, I would advise you to do so this weekend. Play her to your heart content, and enjoy those last moments. You don’t have to wait until the last possible second to say goodbye to her, and thank her for all the fish good times you got thus far.
Welcome. Get ready for the “adapt or git gud” coming and have a good rest from the game. If you return to play and feel that you are not satisfied, do not be in doubt whether to uninstall the game or not. If it were to be uninstalled, the forum, the community, OWTeam, Blizzard, and especially, the people of the competition, did not miss you. Welcome to the “New Overwatch”.