đź”· Symmetra, some help could be useful

I think Symmetra’s rework be good as a base for a dps I’m against #bringmysym, she has to be played in a different role than before (especially on current exposure and survival). However, the criticism then I support is on the extreme situationality of primary fire , which is absurd for a basic attack. In it there is the unique feature of being able to recharge the ammunition, but it is exploitable on too many characters of the whole game, making it a niche rather than a character like any other: there is better as “anti-tank” (Torbjorn, Bastion and Junkrat) and the ability to recharge the ammunition does not seem quite advantageous against only 4 characters of the game shield (5 considering the ulti of the enemy Symmetra)

The beam for autolock (sym 2.0.) made the gameplay of some characters very unjust and justified who saying “no aim, no brain”, but the current ray (sym 3.0.) it requires too high a precision to be a short-range attack (for Zarya it is applicable given the high overflow from Tank). Consequently:

“Why should I use a small and weak beam that requires very high precision and many movements when I could use the globes that have more chances to hit the enemies closely with the damage splash?”

I think the problem of many is that now the beam behaves in anticipation of a mid-range, and no longer short-range as a time, sensibly destabilizing the original gameplay with which the photonic projector was designed in the upgrade levels. So I have suggestions that you can consider individually or in combination:

1. Different widths like a real projector
What surely makes it difficult to manage the beam are the upgrade levels: a large beam at level 3 is OP, but a small beam at level 1 is UP. So, why not create a new type of beam that behaves exactly like a real projector? Large and weak lights vs short but powerful lights.

LV 1. Large and weak beam, necessary to accumulate energy (not large as the winston weapon)
LV 2. Medium beam with medium power
LV 3. “Zarya Style” beam with maximum power (and therefore more precision required)
The style of the viewfinder could be reviewed to make the magnitude achieved more comprehensible (like this image)

http ://images2.imagebam.com/c4/39/72/d44ecf1046352744.jpg

But this change leads to the resetting of the 2 seconds of charge per level. We could also consider the return to 5 m away instead of 7m, since the aim is to encourage the fight in short-range when using primary fire.

2. Better management of ammunition
When a globe is created, ammunition is used based on its size. However, this does not happen with the beam, and as a result, once you are at level 3 the risk of having to stop to recharge is always high. It would be fairer to spend the ammunition on the basis of the power achieved:
LV 1. 2 ammo x sec
LV 2. 4 ammo x sec
LV 3. 7 ammo x sec

3. The beam that slows down
Symmetra is a character designed to be an enemy of Lucio. We could consider the power of the “Zarya Syle” beam with a power of slowing down of the enemies as happens for the turrets, allowing them to have more possibility of pointing at the beginning of the fight in the short range:
LV 1. -1.00 m x sec (as 1 turret of Sym 3.0)
LV 2. -0.75 m x sec
LV 3. -0.50 m x sec (as 1 turret of Sym 2.0)

4. More chances for refills
Symmetra has the new unique mechanic to recharge the weapon against the shields (why not define it like a passive?) but there are too few opportunities. Why not let her give her more chance to do it instead to bypass the manual refill procedure?

  • Recharge in contact with HP shield of enemies (Zenyatta, Zarya, Symmetra)
  • Recharge in contact with HP temporary barrier (Hammond, Doomfist, Sound Barrier)
  • Reload the same ammo spent when a globe hits an enemy barrier in full.

I would like to close with some accessory proposals that could be useful for the Symmetra kit, which often tends not to resist or to be ignored in battle. But obviously the highest necessity is above all primary fire.

For the teleporter
  1. accelerated deployment at 0.5 sec
  2. Minimum evocation distance 7 m, to avoid evoking it at ridiculous distances due to hurry.
  3. A better graphic effect that makes the direction of the output teleporter clearer to the comrades, the current effect is not very visible in the clearer maps and many comrades ignore the direction of the output.
  4. Autoteleporting for the characters’ immediate movement skills for a quicker escape: Genji’s dash, Mercy’s guardian angel (teleporter selectable for her), Moira’s escape, D.va’s retro rockets, Wrecking Ball race, Hanzo, Mccree’s somersault, Doomfist’s rocket punch / slam (but without that I can finish the blow at the exit)
For the turrets

That they (the turrets) are not detected by Bob and the Torbjorn tower while they are flying. The turrets will be detectable by them after they are placed on a surface.

For the photonic wall
  1. faster wall deployment (there is a slight delay for now)
  2. -0.50 m slowdown to enemies crossing the wall for 1 sec.
  3. possibility of positioning our turrets on us like a real wall, creating new spaces for them. When the wall disappears, the turrets rest on the ground.

thanks for reading.


Sym 2.0 would have been favored in this meta. Everyone’s playing deathball rework the one hero that is great at stopping it.


and you’re right, my friend. But I still consider this rework full of potential but poorly managed. the primary fire was a mistake to modify it so rigidly and made it completely different from the original fight approach. in short, it was a too invasive rework, in fact torbjorn and hanzo continue to have the same shooting methods.

of the options that I have proposed I HOPE evaluating the “1” (the one in the style of the projector) because I think it is a viable medium between those who do not want an autoaim and who would like to make Symmetra a valid choice when fighting closely.

Sym 2.0 rework was full of potential as well but they never tried once to buff her with faster orbs, more range, faster charge on robs, more turret health, throw able turrets, slower shield, more health, shorter cd, larger range on sg, more tp charges, quieter ults, more turret range or dmg, the ability to stop her shield, the ability to move her ults after they were placed, or a rework that didnt make her a new character