Sym didn't get better the meta shifted

Not only do statistics outright prove this to be wrong, but I don’t think you know what that word means.

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That’s because no one can factor those things in, they don’t live long enough. OR, if you want to toss them out in the middle of combat, you’re spending three seconds to do so.

Yeah she’s worse against dive without shield gen but a faster TP would fix that allowing her to escape easily.

First of all, I’m pretty sure I’ve told you that you don’t throw them mid combat (unless you’re being pursued). You teleport them.

Saying you can’t factor her turrets in is like saying you can’t factor in Dvas missles, Reins firestrike, etc. Its more realistic to say your turrets will get value as opposed to them not getting value. Use them better.

Ahh, so you announce your approach, then two seconds later, you arrive, and the enemy team somehow doesn’t kill you instantly?

This is midfight we’re talking about. The last thing the enemy backline is considering is that the Sym will come and obliterate them. Your argument would apply if you were playing a footsie battle at choke or in the neutral game.

Or are you just picking and choosing the situations as you see fit?

Oh, under those circumstances, 2.0 did the same thing, just with considerably less set-up and with greater success.

Yes walking into their backline at 5.5m/s with a 30dps starting beam vs an Ana/Zen or really any combination of support lineups and literally no way of escaping should (and they should) the supports start winning the 1v1 is definitely more reliable. Sure.

Actually sym is’t bad like numbers, but her kit needs more help for work it.

I want link you about her primary fire anc what I think about it. 🔷 Symmetra, some help could be useful
I think then symmetra has a big change in her battle range, it’s foundamentally this the problem for who was main sym 2.0, and a propblem for the oroginal concept for her projector (powered for levels)

I think you overstate the term, as squared is an exponent, and projectile turrets with 35x the hitpoints already accomplishes that goal alone, but the power of her barrier relative to a fixed, easykill shield generator or a fixed portal also accomplishes it by itself.

Yes, her primary fire is not the same, everyone gets it, but Sym’s role changed and she isnt commando “throw shield/autolock” newbie farming any more.

Sym needs piercing orbs and shield gen back. Goats would die off in a heartbeat

If she was stronger we would actually see her lol. Has any team ever after the sym rework asked for a sym?

Sym 2.0 was a counter to brig. If brig is being played a lot and the current sym isn’t it shows sym got worse at dealing with barriers. Her orbs are better in a 1v1 but they lost the value they provided to the team

It’s not dive she’s worse against its deathball

I think tp was designed as a way to deal with dive. The devs didn’t realize though that baguette would kill all of dive herself. So I think sym currently is meant to be an awnser to dive. The problem is she is meh against deathball now

Imagine Sym 2.0 against GOATS…5 sec until you get Shield Gen, through them with Shield Gen’d Sym and Shield Gen’d Mercy, stopping them with 6 instead of 3 turrets, having the barrier to block dives…Symmetra couldve actually been E-Tier in the current Meta! But NO!, she gets ruined and remains in F… I man Z-Tier.

That is not necessarily the case. That is just some standard you claim exists. The world of why people do what they do under which circumstances is considerably less uhhh… oversimplified. With 2 available group slots for 16 heroes, you need to see overpowered nonsense like the Hanzo upgrade to see significant movement.

I have actually been on several teams that have requested Sombra after the rework, because she fit what the team was trying to accomplish and the player…and this is really important, was known to the team to be an effective Sombra.

The real problem with groups asking for certain character isnt that the characters are strong, but the likelihood that the person switching can be trusted to play that character right.

It is why I will never, ever ask someone I dont know to switch to Moira unless there is an out of control Genji that no one is dealing with, because in my experience, the likelihood of someone playing Moira well is considerably lower than someone playing Mercy well in the role of healer.

It is true, Moira can heal circles around Mercy, but there is much temptation to make use of the other side of the kit, and I have seen too many people fall into the temptation of using her poorly. The very last video clip I saved was the direct result of this.

Someone picks Moira, people tried to ensure that the player knew what they were doing, it was responded with “I’m a great Moira”, we lose, then POTG comes, Moira goes “See?”.

I watch in abject horror as a full health Rein Earthshatters, and Moira gets 4 black beam kills, yet Rein died to two of those Moira killed as soon as the Mei and Soldier stood up. This is why I dont trust people to play Moira, has nothing to do with her power or potential.

The same is the case with Symmetra. When I start seeing less Don Quixote Symmetras going “This weapon sux” then I’ll start trusting that people know how to play Sym, good ones make a massive difference.

Yeah I was a gm sym 2.0. I was in voice chat constantly and was very positive to instill confidence in my team. That was one of the most important things with sym 2.0. If your team didn’t believe they had a chance you would lose. But if they did believe in me it was an easy win.

I think TP was designed to give low mobility heroes mobility, she’s better against deathball comps (Less with goats but hey goats counters everything) than dive, shield gen allowed her to survive longer to dive, now if she doesn’t get any peel she’s dead.

But TP allows her to escape, it’s a fair trade she gets mobility instead of survivability, now if you buff TP and make it an actual escape it would make her way better when facing dive.

Full charge beam is insanely good against deathball.

When you talk about full charge beam I disagree any other dps has the same damage if not more with no start up time. The turrets being so good is what justifies her pick

Hahaha! Sorry, the reference made me laugh, I couldn’t help it, I had to respond.

I call that “going cowboy” as in “Yipee-ki-ay”. The problem isn’t with the person, so much as the weapon. It advocates that type of use, due to the charging nature of the weapon, and it’s relatively short distance.

You don’t really have a choice in the matter. If the beam was ranged like Zaryas, we could utilize it effectively without putting ourselves in harms way, but as it stands now, you’re never more than a shield bash/charge/hook/dash/roll/mine/tether/etc away from your target, which makes trying to employ it a very, very dangerous decision to make.

Sym is better than 2.0, but is unfortunately suffering from a new problem (well not new, it’s been there since her 3rd rework).

Sym 1.0/2.0 had a tickrate of 4, which means her damage piled on very quickly which is why she felt unfair. She went from a 4 tick rate to a 20 tick rate (and lock-on to have-ta-aim-now) beam. So it just feels really bad, despite every other aspect being better (range, damage potential, shield eating, etc).

The high tick rate makes her beam garbage and less consistent (less consistency = less usage = less effective overall = etc). It’s a main part of her kit and it needs to be closer to the source material (Zarya’s 5.5 tick rate beam) and not like the other beams (with 20 tick rate that function differently overall). Fix the beam. You fix her consistency. You fix her viability in different situations. She feels like a normal DPS - since the other DPS are consistent whereas she is not since her DPS is split between 3 different sources (a weird MB2 that could use a touch up or be re-purposed, sentries that are 2m shorter than her MB1 for some reason, and ofc MB1 itself).