Symmetra should've stayed a support

It’s because the community virtually demanded Support be strictly healing characters, that’s all it was.

People can wish for Sym 2.0 and reminisce, but she is gone. It’s best to accept it, move on with your new life with Sym 3.0 and accept it. I do a lot of Sym, things I enjoyed in both kits, but she’ll never be reverted, and shielding is something Blizz looks down on along with armoring due to it being a direct problem of power creep. Now, even the “armoring” from Brig is a scant 4 seconds… and ult is 30 seconds…

EDIT: I fully expect a small buff to her shielding at some point, probably to 225. I also would not be surprised to see her shielding get the “charges off primary against shield” mechanic a lot of folks including me have suggested over time.

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I so miss Support Sym. I honestly think that it could’ve worked well if they would have carried her 2.0 kit onwards. My ideas were to make her kit stronger supportively like make the Shield Generator give her turrets more health, or her turrets detected people and gave them a red outline through walls so that everyone could see them, like proper sentries.

RIP 2.0, you will be missed. Having a unique support was healthy for the game while also making everyone made because she couldn’t heal. I always asked for 3 supports when playing Symmetra because I counted her as a DPS in the 2/2/2 system but she was also a support hybrid meaning that the 3 support would work well.


The entire basis of her kit was her ultimate, which was a support component. Everything else was to enable that. Using her outside of that play-style meant using her inefficiently, based on the design. Either the players needed to play her more like she was designed, or the developers needed to strengthen her ultimate/ultimate-enabling abilities.

I mean. Good luck trying to change how people decide to play the character.

Sym was used to have her turrets block paths / create kill rooms and such, and she had several problems. Even if you just set up an area to protect the teleporter, it wasn’t exactly hard to kill her or the turrets.

My point was that they could have kept her in the support category if they wanted to. But the category is largely arbitrary, since as I said, she competed for the role of a damage dealer.


I gave the suggestion to Jeff to make her shields different from Zarya’s, Zen’s and Sym’s base shields. He never replied to it.

Instead of regular shields gained, Sym’s shields would constantly recover damage taken. The recover rate would be around 20-30 HPS.

We could have buffed her original 25 shields gain to 50 + constant recovery.


Got rid of shield generator for 75 shields on “E” + constant recovery.

We could have brought back 25 shields and kept shield generator for 100 shields gained + constant recover.

Never got a reply back, it was after the rework after all. I thought it was a pretty good idea and would have been better to try than to full out rework her.

We could have given her a “Shields Recovered” card at the end of the game as well.

Considering how significant her rework was anyway, why Blizzard didn’t make her more of a support instead? Especially since everyone was literally pointing out at that time that we don’t have enough supports…

I personally think that non healing support can work, but s/he would need to give enough sustain for the team.

Here’s how I would make Sym a nonhealing support (with visuals):


Photon Projector:

  • Now shares Moira’s aim characteristics;
  • Ammo pool increased 70 → 100;
  • Range reduced 12 → 9 meters;
  • Ramp up time decreased 1.6 →1 second;
  • Damage changed: 65 to 130 to 195 → 70 to 85 to 100;
  • Ramps up on barriers, no longer refills ammo on damaging barriers
  • Can pick up items again;


  • 2.0 Symmetra’s orbs that pierce enemies and shields;
  • Smallest orb release time reduced to match the 3.0 iteration;
  • Smallest orb size increased by 50%;
  • Smallest orb damage increased 12.5 → 22.5;
  • If orb is released at less than 25% charge, it moves at 50 meters per second but no longer pierces.

Weapon Switch:
Architech’s Gauntlet

  • Switch time of 0.5 second;
  • 6 ammo;
  • Has no reload;
  • Gains 1 ammo every 5 seconds, similarly to Doomfist;
  • Idle animation of old turret placement stance

Primary (Turret)

  • Deployed as destroyable projectile that snaps to surface;
  • Health increased 30 HP → 15 HP + 20 Armor;
  • Damage per second reduced 50 → 10;
  • Has no cooldown, costs 1 ammo instead;
  • Turret deploy amount increased 3 → 6 turrets;
  • Turret’s slow effectivenes increased 20% → 30% per turret;
    • This slow effect is now capped at 60%;
  • Turrets now reveal damaged enemy to team for up to 1 second after taking damage;

Secondary (Teleporter)

  • Two way teleporter between Symmetra and target location;
  • Interaction range increased by 33%;
  • Has no cooldown, costs 3 ammo instead;
  • No longer teleports turrets;
  • Exit of the teleporter (the one placed farther from Symmetra) can be used instantly.

First Ability: Photon Barrier

  • Elliptical shield that moves forward at Symmetra’s run speed;
  • Cooldown reduced 10 → 6 seconds;
  • Barrier HP reduced 1000 → 450;

Second ability: Photon Shield

  • Channel Barrier health on ally, similar to Zarya bubble or Brigitte armor pack;
  • 25 meters range;
  • No longers gives 25 permament shields;
  • Now gives 120 temporary shields decaying at rate of 30/sec;
  • Cooldown increased 1 → 4 seconds;

Ultimate: Shield Generator

  • Health increased 50 HP, 350 shields → 300 HP, 300 shields;
  • Buff range increased 50 → 60 meters;
  • Range can be seen with a blue circle, like Lucio’s aura;
  • Can be deployed at up to 25 meters away from Symmetra;
  • Shields reduced 75 → 65;
  • Now also converts 75% health to shields;
    • EMP converts these shields back to health;
  • Restores your Architech’s Glove ammo after casting;


her kit is about damage, not healing

Blizzard just needs creative people right now, and clearly they’re lacking in that across all fields.

Also OP if you want, I made a rework suggestion on reddit a while back, if you wanna take a look here:


Guys i’m still shook they gave us the wrong damage numbers for her primary since the reveal lol

werent you the same person that has even said theyve never played sym 3.0??
also lol at anyone who thinks shield gen was any fun to use.
it was the most passive thing ever.
and worst. if it wasnt enough to help out your team, there was nothing you could do, till it was destroyed.

3.0 feels much better, 2.0 is worse in every aspect, and this is fully confirmed after the new sym buff.

That’s your opinion. Shouldn’t really try shove it on others.

For me, finding all the sneaky spots for her ult was extremely satisfying, and making mind games between protecting it and just baiting it? I loved it. It kind of rewarded dedication to playing her, as well as detailed map knowledge. You don’t have to like it, but that doesn’t mean everyone did.

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Yeah I feel they really dropped the ball with her, should have made her more support, not less.

honestly i miss the shield generator as her ultimate, at lest for me it was more useful then the actual one.

yeah i dont think anyone really liked being locked out of getting any ult charge unlike literally any other hero for the entire match even

sym 2.0 was so bad you were so strict in terms of how helping your team, shield gen was incredibly passive and many times you werent even able to protect it, or it was just not enough.
and it also locked you out of using tp.
so if you didnt go shield gen, what support did you really do?
photon barrier? the ability that mostly helped symmetra just to be less squishy for a short moment?

ive won games alone with assistance of my ult honestly.
although if your team sucks, it can drag you down.
sg wasnt any different on that regard anyway LOL

Well, as I said, since her rework was so significant, they should’ve just went full on support and add something besides her little shield to support her team. You know, that is what this thread is about.

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Yeah, I remember that.

“Hey, we wanted to nerf Zarya against armor and we accidentally nerfed Sym. Ops. Also, we told you wrong damage on her beam. Lol”

It makes me think that they buffed her primary just to compensate us for that mistake. Wowser.

no way sym is way more badass now, no kap

Either that or just became a utility tank with very low HP (like 300).

Yes I 100% agree, I even suggested doing another rework and making her a unique support for multiple reasons. Not a lot of people like her or playing her


Let’s hope they make another hard light support