Symmetra should've stayed a support

Same here, she should stayed as Support

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I would have to argue that adding 450 self-regenerating health to the team’s health pool (with SG) was pretty supportive.

They keep giving Sym these super gimmicky tools while at the same time being scared of making them too good.

She has a teleporter, but it’s slow to deploy.

She can eat shields, but she doesn’t have much range range and has no mobility along with a standard health pool.

They should have just reworked her into a shield-oriented support. Give her an active shielding ability like hank from evolve or something.


She’s far from a “Basic DPS” though with her mechanics.


There’s nothing supportive about her.

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Yessss. I so agree. Symmetra is still a support at heart. She still feels like one anyways


You are looking at it way too oversimplified.

First, the reason why she was changed to DPS role was because she was NEVER a support in the first place. Nobody who was actually trying to run a real comp (not you’re solo queue 1-4-1 comps) ever used her as support. So the classification change was just because it made no sense to classify her as a support when she always took a DPS slot.

Second, Blizzard realized “hey she’s not actually viable as a DPS in any way, but obviously she will never be viable as support?” So they decided to rework. Whether they did a good rework? I’m not gonna state my opinion on that, however, it’s pretty clear to me regardless of her rework or not she was never a support, and blizzard, realizing this, finally decided to actually take action towards her.


i agree, i miss symmetra 2.0 , she was the queen.
sadly she will never come back.

she was a really special support that got changed into a copy of zarya and a basic dps.


she could have stayed support easily.

I agree that the healing turrets was a silly idea. What I would have done would have been let her give out temporary shields with a bit of health like Brig or let her build her TP or a Health Pack Spawn point. This could be built in most places and would last for a shirt time. Her beam could have stayed but be more like Moira’s. Her turrets would be thrown.
I’d get rid of her old ULTs and keep her new one.


but but D’: shield piercing orb! It ate everything in its path @_@ slowly… menacingly!

“Slowly, gently, this is how a life is taken.”

Symmetra’s entire kit was centered around her ultimate. It’s why her beam was short-ranged with guaranteed fire. It was to be used defensively, to guard her ultimate nest. Her secondary fire was designed as a zoning tool to be spammed at the choke; not really for consistent damage.

Since OW release Symmetra has never really been a solid support. She has always been a DPS/support hybrid. There are multiple support/dps hybrids in the game.

Mei, Torbjorn, Zenyatta, Symmetra, Sombra, and Brigette. However, Torbjorn’s support roles got axed and moved almost entirely into DPS.

Symmetra is still a support/dps as she has been in the past. Its just the pure power of one move got axed which is her teleporter from spawn. That was easily one of the best ults in the game, but put on a character that had horrible other support/dps traits.


Nah shouldnt of stayed a support should of moved her to Tank just allowing her to stop and start her barrier would of been huge and let her barrier tank.

What support does she give? That bugged mess they call teleporter?

By this definition, previous torb, soldier, zarya are all hybrid support units.

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Its too much hassle for situational gains.
Not many maps have flank zones where you can utilize it well and turret bombing can result in losing the turret and the tele at the same time leaving you with nothing to gain from it.

I understand that. Again, I’m not saying she didn’t have supporting elements to her kit. I am speaking more practically however.

When played, Sym fought for a damage slot normally. That’s just how it was.

She never was a support. She had more in common with torb than any of the healers. She couldn’t replace healers either.

So yeah, lets quit with the nonsense.


to be fair, the only support part of her kit was her ult, and even then it was just a somewhat poor man’s rez.
Shield gen was cool tho, but it literally was the ony good part of her kit and she wasn’t worth running for it.
Her base kit instead just screamed “defense”.

I love sym 3.0, i speak as an ex-sym main (not because i stopped playing her, i just don’t “main” her anymore and i generally stopped playing much).
What i want is fixes to her primary fire (i don’t mind aiming, but that stuff is too aim intensive for its own good) and some qol to help her survive more.


Bugged or not it’s a supportive ability. Her turrets are also supportive due to the slow effect they give. Her wall is also a support type ability.

She literally has the same number of supportive abilities as she did when she was a “support.” The only difference is she’s been reclassified as a dps.

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