Symmetra should've stayed a support

Unfortunately, I guarantee that she will not be changed as ‘revert’ is not a thing that Blizzard does.

i mean, they have reverted some smaller changes in the past, so who knows

Agree. Some of the ideas I gave was make her shield generator a skill not a ult. The idea of “hiding stuff on the map” was unique and further increase the dept of the map.

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I know what your point is. My point still stands.

Honestly, I don’t think Sym worked that well after they changed Mercy. Mercy synergized best with Sym from a support standpoint but once they changed Mercy’s ult, she didn’t have a defensive ult anymore to combat ult combinations. This was made even worse when they dropped Mercy’s healing. Sym was not good as a dps beforehand and taking a support spot meant giving up a defensive ult. As fun as Sym could be, there were a lot of design issues with Sym. She required too much setup, was too reliant on her ult, too slow, too map dependent, and way too situational really only shining on defense of certain maps.

Ah yes. She was unique in the sense that, she didn’t work as a support at all.

Unique doesn’t mean good.

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Ever heard of the death of the author? You can’t force people to interpret your work a particular way; it doesn’t work.

Everyone said she wasn’t a proper support, and the devs said yeah but maybe a non-healing support could work. They wanted to give her and the game enough time to maybe fit into the role. They also did the rework to reinforce the idea a bit, and… nope. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. They have no choice but to accept that.


She still was a good hero though, many people just had the perception that she was bad. Even people who just didn’t like her playstyle called her bad for no reason. if you learned how to play her she was fine.

I’m sorry but that’s simply not true. If she were really any good in any situation, she’d be played in pro games. She was the only hero that was consistently not played.

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I genuinely hope they never stick another non-healer in Support. I absolutely believe that her being in support is one of the big reasons why people hate her so much.

Nothing was ever as infuriating as needing a second healer for help and a Sym player going “I am a Support, shut up.” There is no reason she ever should have been in support, she was always just a weak DPS and she is where she is supposed to be now.

The rest of her kit was really annoying, especially the pretty garbage, phase through walls lock on laser, but nothing made me hate seeing her picked more than knowing if I needed help healing, 90% of the time [being pretty nice] they would refuse to switch.


They did when they took her out because she didn’t heal.

If you don’t actually heal people, you don’t belong in Support.

If they had just made it so sheild generator goes down after a certain amount of time, have her beam require aim, then her 2.0 self would have been fine.

She can be changed without being reverted. Blizzard does occasionally revert, and with how things seem to be shaping up, I wouldn’t say they wont do it.

What ‘‘support’’ does she provide?
If anything Sombra should be support

Obviously people aren’t going to play her as she is designed, but she plays as a support when you do. The original post I was replying to said her kit wasn’t focused on support, but that’s literally how she was designed. You could shoot with Mercy’s pistol only, but she’s not designed that way.

Then they needed to reinforce her design, which they chose not to do.

You’d be surprised how little time people spent on learning Symmetra. Her kit is very complex and takes an unusually long time to learn. Even though her mechanics are simple.

There were definitely people in top 500 who mained Symmetra.

Symmetra isn’t a basic dps, if she ever was put back to the support line-up, they’d have to rework her kit again, and im sure they’d remove core parts of her kit in-order to allow her to have a more support-role-ish abilities.

That doesn’t really mean much in terms of her kit. I guarantee most of them didn’t main her as a support, but DPS.

Dafran also mained Torb just to troll and tilt people for a long time before he was reworked. Maining doesn’t mean you have good intentions or are actually playing them “as intended.”

The point of the post I was replying to was that she wasn’t good in general. I’m talking about the people who actually main her seriously.

Eh, I guess. I missed that bit and since they are referring to OWL, it doesn’t really apply to 1.0, even though I share their sentiment.

I’m sure people mained 1.0 Sym as well.

She needed a rework both times she got a rework. The issue is that the reworks were horrible. Further, moving her to DPS only hurt her pick rate, because DPS has the largest character pool in the game. That means she’s competing against more characters for a spot on the team.

Her issue as support, is that she didn’t really support. They could make her a support without giving her healing though. Revert her to Sym 1.0, but instead of +25 Hp shields she can give to everyone, give her one +150 hp shield she can give to one player. Make Sym the shield generator so that if she dies or that player gets too far away from her, they lose their shield.

This would allow Sym to have a pocket Mercy effect on characters. She’d buff their total health instead of heal. Her old teleporter ult was always sort of comparible to Rez as it allowed her teammates to get back faster from respawn. She couldn’t damage boost, but she can deal damage. They might have to nerf her damage just a little bit to make her balanced though considering that shield would be really good.