Symmetra’s voice actress agrees

Anjali Bhimani –the voice of Symmetra agrees, Symmetra needs a golden glove or highlight intro/victory pose with her golden gun (She liked the tweet)

We’re two and a half years in and Symmetra mains can’t show off their gold weapon in a victory pose or highlight intro.

Her glove is a tool she uses to make teleporters, turrets and her ULT. Tools are gold! Torb’s hammer is gold. Roadhog’s hook is gold.

Edit: Now Baptiste’s Scout is golden. Are we ever going to get a victory pose or highlight intro?

Please… :sob:


They both deal damage, but Symmetra’s glove doesn’t (except for melee damage).

Symmetra herself approved it, this needs to happen NOW


It makes her turrets and her turrets do 50dps each.


Torb’s Gun Turret isn’t gold either and Symmetra needs both Golden Sentries and Glove.


Symmetra’s glove will be golden. Welcome to MY reality


If the voice actress agrees …


This would be such a minor thing to implement. I just wish they would take some time and do this, honestly, if this hit the PTR I would be overwhelmed.

Sadly most symmetra mains arent symmetra mains anymore because their struggling hard with the new sym

What happens when you completly do a 180 with someomes role…

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well, as a foul weather friend, I’d like a golden glove.

lets come up with some ideas that include the gun then?

  • sym is knocked down…she lifts up her gun and you see it “charge up” - she grins as it reaches max charge and you get the “epic camera woosh attack pose” thing

  • sym charges up a ball and fires (thinking zarya grav intro here)

  • sym shoots out 3 turrets right next to her, throws up her wall and sits down to read as you see the turrets shooting at something off screen (i actually think this one works better if shes already sitting when it starts…so maybe no gun here)


I think that they should cancel golden BOB and give Torb golden claw, Sym golden glove and Rein golden insignia.

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Well, I know a lot of Rein mains have been wanting that since Brigitte got a gold shield.

It’s so funny how before these post I never realized Sym didn’t have her gun in her poses or highlight intros lmao but i’m All for seeing her gun in newer poses and highlights. I don’t know about her glove tho… it being golden to me would throw off a few of her skins and look kinda ugly, but that’s just me lol

Can I just say, that is the most fabulous profile picture I’ve ever seen.

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it’s from Halloween, it’s not casual wear :joy:

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What about Moira’s nails?


“Blizzard, you are mistaken! Only through Golden gloves can the META evolve.” ~Symmetra, Maybe


Mercy’s Parasol Victory pose was pretty much copy paste of her emote.

If Symmetra got this, we good


The Queen has spoken