Symmetra Rework Opinions from a Symmetra Main

This is a pretty good concept. Ages ago I thought of the same thing but instead to switch between different building options (different turrets, or anti air builds or mortars or light cannons)

But yeah switching to the barrier would be nice, she is missing the sustain, but I think that adding like 50 barrier to her health pool would be nice

If Blizzard kept Sym in support, they should of concentrated on giving her some form of healing ability.

Her Photon Barrier should be replace with Photonic Repair: she places a buff, much like how Zen places a healing orb on a ally. But this does not Heal, it replaces missing HP with Shield HP. The ally can still be healed from another source, and any missing health healed pushes out the Shield HP the Photonic Repair provides

I’m sure you realize then the versatile utility of the barrier as a tool for a damage character?

While I’m sure you weren’t referring to it (because that thread got no response), I did propose returning Summetra’s Photon Barrier in exactly that way:

Well, that thread also talks about a mini shield generator, but that’s the relevant bit. Both the Turrets and the mini Photon Barrier use the same hard light prop. Might as well let us spawn a barrier at the cost of one Turret, causing our “turret” skill to go on cooldown as a tradeoff.

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Totally agree.

I’m looking forward to more heroes having their viability brought in line with the rest of the cast too! :slight_smile:

TP is an ineffective gap closer that can be used to make amazing plays sometimes, and the rest of the time, is outclassed by photon barrier put on an eight second cooldown.

Meh this will probably go live next Tuesday so our timeline to be heard is growing thin.

EDIT: Yeah there are more ticks per second, and it’s significantly worse against armor. That should probably be addressed :stuck_out_tongue: because only being able to kill barriers and then subsequently 200hp no-armor heroes is not very strong in the armor pack meta.

Sadly, I’m starting to feel this way, as well. The Teleporter is handy and all, but its usefulness is heavily limited. Maybe in the Overwatch League, the pros can come up with some amazing plays but the mere mortals among us aren’t going to do anything of the sort. As it stands, it’s just a way to reach vantage points, which Mei can already pretty much do with her Ice Wall.

The loss of the mini photon barrier sucks big-time.


How cwn u tell there are more ticks?

Also with how precise it is u cant even kill 200hp heroes lol

i found initial Symmetra underwhelming, but after her first rework - when she gained moving shield and shild generator, i absolutely loved it.

The moving shield allowed to play her a lot more actively approaching enemies head on to lock on, shield generator was very situationally effective where teleport woudnt be hat much.

Now however, whatever character Blizzard names it - its is NOT Symmetra.

  • lock on is gone
  • teleport is gone (lets face it, the new teleport is entirely different role and thus entirely different value for a team, where old ones could be game breaker)
  • less turrets

i have no doubt the new character will be fun to play and lots of have lots of integration in the game and tactics - but its NOT Symmetra. It is not a rewamp, its deleting old character and puting some new under the same name.

Symmetra imho should be either based entirely around turrets, or her lock on cannon. Now she`s just another beam spam hero. It was fun moving behind the shield, approaching enemies, locking on, jumping around to awoid being hit - now range is increased so there is no need to high risk close fights. She poses no danger to flanker heroes anymore as neither has shield nor means to effectively defend in close range. Her turrets are reduced - 30 hp will not protect from anything, and number is reduced. Increased damage will not fix it - prior you could cast a wide net to detect enemies and raise charge fast - now you have to focus turrets to be any effective and ultimate is worthless compared to importance of getting teleport/shield early.

The “rework” is like removing grenades from Junkrat and giving him a soldier 76 gun. What next? Removing turret from torbjorn and giving him transforming into mecha ultimate? Removing electric gun and shield from Winston and making him melee?


Armor gets significantly more effective against guns with large tickrates because of how armor works.

Eg, if you have a 100 DPS weapon that have 4 ticks per second, each tick deal 25 damage, and armor reduces each tick to 20 damage, so you deal 80 DPS. But if the gun have 20 ticks per second, it will deal 5 damage per tick, which armor reduces to 2.5 per tick, so you deal 50 DPS.

Yeah Nibelung it’s really painful. I just tested on my roommate’s PC (I’m a console player) and killing orisa is basically impossible now, and even at full charge you lose so much effective damage that she can beat you in the one versus one.

I wonder now, previously symmetra had great matchups against basically everyone. Now a vast majority of her good matchups (Tracer, Genji) have gotten significantly worse, with her harder matchups (Particularly Winston) now becoming near-impossible without a pocket and Zarya bubble…


I understand how ticks work, but how can u tell it had more than before?

This is how I’m feeling about it too. The new teleporter is definitely a fun thing to play with and I can see where it has a lot of potential, but as far as the actual effectiveness in 90% of games, it’s actually a massive nerf. Compared to being able to effectively rez your teammates on a delay, and possibly turn an entire game around, being able to reach the high ground is nice but not nearly as game changing. One of the things I love about Sym 2.0 is her ability to be the hero, who places that teleport that turns the game around.

I’ve personally always hated the Teleporter for the same reason I hated Mass Resurrect - it can feel tremendously cheap to play against. Not the point, though.

The issue with Symmetra’s new Teleporter isn’t the loss of her old Teleporter, it’s the loss of her old Photon Barrier. While that was clunky, clumsy and hard to use at the best of times, it was neverthelss a very useful tool for self-defence or even for advancing on an enemy. Replacing THAT with the new Teleporter is a far greater problem because she no longer has any active defences.

I don’t believe most heroes are balanced around their ults. If anything, being a one-trick ult pony is why Symmetra’s been tinkered with so often. Heroes are definitely balanced around their abilities, however, and the Teleporter just isn’t cutting it. The novelty of it wears off pretty quickly, the short duration/cooldown make it a chore to use, even though interesting uses for it are FAR rarer than once every 12 seconds, and it ends up representing a major hole in her kit.

I forget where I said this, but Symmetra’s kit currently encourages a “Rooftop Phara” type of playstyle. Teleport to a vantage point, lob alt-fire orbs at the enemy from above. Trying to get any kind of use out of her primary fire feels like stepping into moving traffic - maybe I can pull it off, but my instincts are telling me it’s a mistake. Because it almost always is. It’s simply not worth it.

The Teleporter is fine as a skill, but she really needs her Photon Barrier back, else they may as well disable her primary fire for all the good it’ll do.


Exactly like I told you. Armor gets more effective.

It’s harder to test the exact numbers on the new tickrate, but if armor suddenly start becoming harder for you to break through, its because the tickrate increased.

I mean, that would be awesome. I always thought it’s pretty stupid that Winston, literally a giant gorilla, who goes Hulk for his ultimate and destroys everything, carries around with him and uses the dinkiest, weakest most pathetic gun in the entire game.

Hm or maybe more turrets would help if they’re really trying to push damage-symmetra.

Lol this is so true. Without the lock on, and with the new beam’s ramp up time and pinpoint accuracy requirements, it’s almost impossible to out-dps your close range opponent. It’s all well and good to say that it has all of this damage potential except its effective DPS is actually a nerf unless you just want to spend your whole play time focusing barriers instead of enemies.

Right. I honestly think the delayed ramp-up is a far more severe issue than the loss of the lock-on. I’m reasonable OK at keeping my gun on target, but it takes SO LONG to ramp up that I tend to die at around when I get Level 2 charge.

See, with Live Symmetra, a lot of it is mind games. People “know” that once you lock on they’re screwed, so they’ll often panic, disengage, shield or otherwise be disrupted. With PTS Symmetra, it seems like most people have realised the beam is mostly harmless, so they’ll tank it and fire back. In a straight-up damage trade starting from no charge, Symmetra will almost always lose.

To be honest, this is the case on Live, as well. I’ve started deliberately advancing on aggressive Symmetras with, say, Reinhardt knowing they’ll expect me to back off and knowing I can easily out-damage them. It doesn’t always work, but if I catch them with no charge they’re dead. It’s just the Live Symmetra can build up charge a lot faster and thus is actually dangerous a lot more often. The PTR Symmetra builds up charge so slowly and loses it so quickly that the only reliable way to build up is to poke at the edges of barriers.

In short, PTR Symmetra’s ramp-up is far, far too restrictive which reduces her practical damage significantly.


That, IMO, is one of the (many) reasons why Symmetra don’t work in the pro scene. Because they know how numbers work, and once they notice Symmetra locking into an ally, they turn and kill her before she ramps up enough to be a threat.

If they desired the rework to make her viable in the pro scene, they just made the situation worse.