Symmetra Rework: Defense or Support?

It also would be labeled op, much like mercy res

is she gonna keep the animation of her holding out her hands and summoning her turrets or is she just gonna instantly shoot it out of her gun? because i prefer her using her hands to summon her hardlight stuctures.

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Off topic, but it’s really interesting to see how polarizing these changes appear to be are. Some posters seem to really love the idea, others absolutely loathe it.

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I alwyas found it tedious to place sentries on a move. Most of the time you are a sitting duck trying find the pixel perfect spot where they can be placed instead of being placed automatically to the nearest position in range. Torb kinda suffers from the same problem when it is near stairs or something but is not as bad.
I guess this will help a lot.

Maybe they changed her secondary fire to turret fire?

That’s the overwatch fan base in a nutshell

I actually love this idea and was hoping this would be just a normal buff for her one day <3

Would she still be slowed as she fires this projectile?

Im more curious what her weapon will be like, is it gonna be the same or are they giving her new one?

but then what are they gonna do with her shift or her energy ball? and also when ever symmetra summons something (her turrets, her teleporter her sheild gen) she always uses her hands implying that its HER power not her guns. if her gun can suddenly summon turrets i think it kinda takes away from that

The way he made it sound is you have 3 turrets in the bank. So if you lose all 3 turrets simultaneously, you can instantly re-apply them. This will make Sym more capable during fights (combined with the ability to shoot the turrets).

So imagine you have a doorway trapped, and you’re hiding behind shield on backside of point. Enemy team pushes through door, tanks turn and destroy turrets, then advance. Old Sym was screwed. New Sym could fire more turrets above door from safety, effectively forcing tanks to turn again, or forcing supports to now deal with the trapped doorway.

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I like the idea of being able to place turrets at a distance as it means more strategies and using my brain is my favourite part of playing Symmetra.

I dislike the 3 turrets because it means I will use my brain less as there will be less strategies available to me.

I think it really depends on the player and their reasons for playing Symmetra but for me personally it always was the fact I could build 6 turrets so I had a lot of variation in how I could use them


I’m saying the hot rid of her energy ball for the turret gun. I don’t know what shift does I’m a console player.

yaaaasss!!! I am fine with this! Hope the cooldown isn’t that high

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I’ve been really anxious about Symmetra’s rework (she’s been my favorite character since Overwatch was first announced), but I like this direction.

Maybe her Photon Barrier could be baked into these turret projectiles to free her E ability for her Teleport. Then she could get a zone control ultimate, something like a Stasis Field (like HotS Zeratul’s Void Prison) would be cool and very thematic with her theme of control and order.

Hopefully they’re gonna be easier to recharge too because if they’re still 1 HP they’re probably gonna get sneezed at and die because of that.

but it think having her gun summon the turret as suppose to symmetra herself would kinda ruin her design. her gun has never really used the hardlight technology symmetra uses. it main shoots energy but its symmetra who builds things.

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Do you know how useful that energy orb is? I used it all the time and frankly im still amused of how it can even hit someone when its so slow moving and super predictable ( even snipe a widow often) ! I killed three at the starting point defense when the door opened, combo with turrets and orbs are very powerful and can gain insta ult.


Yeah, but I think the change is there so you can just fire a turret and still be engaged in the fight.

They are at 30 HP now.