Symmetra Rework: Defense or Support?

Really? Because I don’t think it is.

Probably a really unpopular opinion, but I played WoW for a solid 8 years from launch up until a few months into Mists of Pandaria. I quit for four years because I wasn’t having fun. The game I was playing, was not the same as when I had been enjoying the game. I came back for Legion, and I think that is my last dip into WoW.

The reason I say this is because change is good. WoW, OW, etc, are still very unique games. Change for these games is also still a good thing, it helps keep the games fresh and fun for a lot of players for years. A side effect of that though, is the changes will eventually be too much for people and they won’t want to play anymore.

I think that’s okay, and I think that’s what some people might start to feel or already feeling. I don’t think the uniqueness of this game has faded at all, it is still a great blend of a moba and FPS that no other game has done well to date.

Now if we could get those lore updates faster…

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I need to see more but I personally prefer 6 turrets and having to place more over 3 turrets and having to place less, There is more variation on what you can do.

Assuming the 3 turrets are twice as much slow and damage as 6 the enemy still only has to aim at half as many so I definitely prefer 6 which are half as strong.
Unless the cooldown is really really generous I don’t think I am going to like it.


I feel Symmetra is really about to get screwed over! Please just let her be cause every idea that has been suggested for her *minus the Teleporter as an ability idea * has been TERRIBLE.

As someone who has mained Symmetra since the game has come out, this is really breaking my heart! :broken_heart:


Great thought, and while we’re at it we should probably change Dungeons and Dragons to be more like Go since Go’s been around so long. There’s no reason not to do this since the only thing that matters about a game is keeping as many people occupied for as long as possible. The fact that they’re wildly divergent games with completely different goals and ethoses isn’t important.


But overwatch even welcome not just casual and hardcore fps but people who cant aim and new to the genre of first person shooter! This game is my only fps game because i despise the cod type of games where there only guns and rifles.

The reason this game is so popular and has 30 m of players because it welcomes broader playstyle and even my friend who has special condition can casually play this game.


That sounds terrible. They should have just stuck with trying to change her into a healer. They should turn her into the Overwatch version of a WoW Shaman, but I bet they are saving that for an all new hero. Change her turrents into a totem and go from there.


I have a friend with a similar story. She’s legally blind. She’s very close to making it to gold and has worked hard on her teamwork and her ability to improve herself. I don’t think she would be so close to gold or even playing this game if it wasn’t for the variety of playstyles.


Thinking about Sym teleport change, and I think instead of an ult it’s going to be made an ability like Mercy rez, placed on a 30 sec CD. So for example, a teammate dies, you pop teleport ability, and a portal from spawn to Sym opens for X seconds. Perhaps even more than 1 teammate can use the porter? Essentially it will be another version of Mercy rez, maybe even more powerful.

If that happen, i would hate blizzard. That mechanic breaks the Fun out of Mercy.


none of you read my post!

Overwatch was released at a very experimental state, we had crazy stuff like bastion with a shield and mercy with 50% dmg boost, the game has evolved and has been finding balance and welcoming players who are willing to squeeze the best out of each hero

I don’t think that changing sym from deploying 6 turrets to 3 will change Overwatch into CoD you know why?

  1. CoD has no classes system
  2. CoD has no turrets that deal damage and slow

I said specifically that taking the good aspects of a game for overwatch to grow into a better game is the right way to go, I never said that this should be CoD 2


Why would they save it for another hero if they thought the ability felt slow and clunky?

Sounds just like the approach Firefall took to their multi-turrets.

Is there any reason you went with increasing their stats and lowering the capacity over reducing the cooldown for turrets? Your previous comment seems to acknowledge that the game can often be too fast for turrets to be reliable and with them still being easy to destroy, just 3 stronger turrets seems like a harsh reduction in strength. Being able to re deploy, move, or spread turrets more on a shorter cooldown along with finally the long wanted change to how you place them would be much stronger in my experience with her.


These are important stories to share as people who aren’t professional OWL players get further and further marginalized by dev decisions toward “aggression” and “high-level” play. Overwatch represented a fun, inclusive game with an optimistic outlook and numerous mechanical ways to contribute – but it’s becoming less so with each change that moves it more toward a “serious e-sport.”


I don’t disagree she needed a rework especially after all the neglect and silly ideas like “Let’s make Moira orb instakill all her turrets until people complain enough to get it reverted”

Her turrets will have 30hp which provides a little survivability but they will still die fairly easily and the enemy has to locate less of them because now there will only be 3.

I never just hope my setup works, I make my setup work.
It isn’t that I want to always spread them thin, It is that I want the option of doing what will best fit the situation and strategize how to best destroy the enemy.
I would prefer having 6 turrets that do half the damage but recharge faster over 3 turrets that do twice the damage and recharge slower any day of the week.


I like these changes. I always thought her having six turrets was always clunky. Maybe some people just got used to it, but I welcome less turrets with more damage. I suggested that a while back.

What ever allows her to be the most effective.

That would be a terrible idea because it would basically encourage Symmetra to stay hidden when the teamfight starts. If she dies first, the team can’t count on her TP to come back faster.


I’m sorry Geoff, but that sounds dumb as hell.


I love this.