Symmetra Rework: Defense or Support?

How long would the cd of the TP be? Can you please tell us?

Are there any changes planned for her gun? Her gun is typically what holds her back more than anything

Since this thread have so many responses from Geoff and pretty much a full preview from Symmetra rework, don’t you all think the mods can merge it with the Symmetra megathread?

I mean, the Mercy megathread get random Mercy topics merged with it all the time…

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I highly doubt he can get to specific with cooldowns, or interactions with Sombra/Genji. That stuff comes later in balance testing/finalization.

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Thank god shield gen is gone tbh. Such a boring and uninteractive ability that was just flat out frustrating to hunt down and destroy in a nest of turrets. These new abilities actually reward good thinking and creativity, I can’t wait to see how it works out.


Plz don’t give her only 3 shes ment to build and keep track of many structures that is how she always has functioned for me now she will just have to worry about 3 means she can’t adapt to different situations she will be forced to either guard a ult or a chock or a flank route instead of being able to do multiple things.


This has to happen omg.

Nobody will be able to find Geoffs new responses if that’s done will they? Best it stays as a new post till the tubers make their 10+ videos about it.

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it would be pretty bad if she could erase the whole thing by touching it with her ult, however I would agree for it to be erased if Sombra hit Symmetra directly with EMP


Darn it!!! I was really hoping that he could give us details on the abilities.

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This actually sounds very interesting can’t wait to her out. Also, yay! New defense hero :smile:

i am also extremely confused and as eager to know as everyone else
“Infinite in size”?
how does one target this?

is it like Junkrat where she’s controlling it without controlling herself?

or is it like mei “exactly”?
how does it span a map if you’re tethered by your LoS like that?
wouldn’t it be extremely difficult that way?

this is intriguing but also confusing, i understand it’s early but, please, a little more context with how that works?

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I love these changes to her gun.

why are you removing sheild generator? there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with it as an ult

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That is why I am asking. It would suck if her entire ult was deleted bc it was made of shields.


It was boring for both the Sym player and the enemies.


i want to personally see why geoff is removing it, why he thinks it should be removed

Thank you not every character has to kill an entire team to be viable. They did it with Hanzo junckrat, sombera, even mercy for a little while (we all remember the nano valk) so plz don’t make her another one plz

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Quick Question…will the achievement the Path is Closed be modified with the Symmetra Changes??? PLEASE TELL ME IT’LL BE CHANGED…also another question why did you make the doomfist cute spray achievement, its just evil

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Thank you for the update, we really appreciate it.