You missed the part where I said Sym should also be able to destroy it herself.
Still, it would inrease the downtime of the teleporter by a longshot, Just like it happend with torb,
My buffs would be
Give it penetrating (heroes not shields think Mei beam)
Give it the same tic rate as other beam weapons
Secondary Orbs
Holding for 2s now shorts the old orbs.
Now acts like a torb turret set and forget unlimited time.
Increase number to 4
Decrease cooldown to 8s each
Damage reduced to 40 each
Walling off choke points isn’t the only use for Ice Wall. It takes a whole lot of practice (and some creativity) to know when and how you can use it. You can completely disable enemy structures (teleporters, turrets, supercharger, etc)
Not the only use but it is the primary use. The main reason you pick her anyway
It’s the main reason you’d pick her, but Symmetra does not counter Ice Wall.
Actually it makes the uptime of the teleporter variable, and ties it to the skill of the Symmetra player (which I for one would like to see again) rather than having a fixed 75% cap on uptime.
I’m also sick of being unable to destroy the teleporter; can really ruin attempts at sneaky flanks.
But she does
You completely skip the choke with tele thus mei’s impact on the game is vastly decreased
Lemme get this straight. You want
75 more shields
3m added to primary fire range
Double the amount of turrets with increased range (even if only 3 can be placed at once)
Fasters orbs that also do more dmg
Teleporter to have a shorter cd often
33% reduction in ult charge needed.
You seriously dont think that would make her OP?
Well we won’t know until the devs try it, will we?
Perhaps the barrier change is too much, but I am confident that at least if ever other change is made, she wouldn’t be OP.
That said, I would rather have Sym be vaulted into OP territory and then nerfed into a balanced state (like Hanzo) than continue to wallow in the depths of F-tier for all eternity. Its depressing.
But she really isnt doing poorly now, has a great winrate, people just dont pick her often. Couldnt it be possible that she isnt actually weak, and just has a low pick rate because most people dont enjoy playing her? They just dont like the style of spamming orbs, and if she isnt OP and a must pick, would rather play a dps they like more? Im talking about ladder anyways, most dps are weak in pro play atm.
On ladder, Sym 2.0 was still better; she was more highly picked and had a higher winrate:
- 〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%
- 📊 The more things change: Crunching the numbers on the "impact" of the Sym 3.0 rework
How much people play a hero has nothig to do with how fun they are, its how powerful they are; people like to win. And Sym just isn’t powerful enough for the general community to pick her outside of extremely niche situations (niches that are now smaller than the ones occupied by her previous versions).
Also if Sym 3.0 is so good now why cant the pros figure a way to use her more than they used her 1.0 version? The version that was universally agreed to be bad?
The fact that 3.0 is less popular with pros than 1.0 should be a very big warning sign.
Take a quick look at mccree pick and win rates then. If you really believe that then I give up, this wont go anywhere.
Win rate is kind of always a bad indicator for sym. As if most rounds it goes like this
Sym working - stick
Sym not working – change because of the shear amount of hate you will get and the endless reports received it does not matter how good you are doing as sym if your team is losing it’s your fault.
I’ll tell you exactly what I told another poster recently when they referenced McCree at me regarding Symmetra:
I would argue that winrate is only a good indicator of power level/viability when tied to pickrate. Pickrate, however, is a good indicator in its own right of viability; because people like to win, so on the whole the community will play the most powerful heroes.
If anything, on its own, winrate could perhaps be used as an indicator of how risky a hero is to play .
In other words, pickrate how rewarding a hero is to play, and winrate represents how safe (or risky) they are to play.
Good examples:
McCree has one of the lowest winrates in the game. However, he is certainly not a bad hero, as attested by his high pickrate. He is certainly risky, but his kit is so rewarding that it far outstrips this risk, to the point where McCree is fourth most popular dps even in silver. This arguably makes him OP; McCree shoudl not be this rewarding for only gold and silver players.
Sombra, on the other hand, has a low winrate and can be called genuinely bad, because she also has a low pickrate. She is low reward, high risk.
Likewise, on the other side of the spectrum, Brig has a high play rate AND win rate; she is high reward, but low risk, a belief shared by most people in the OW community. This is a strong reason she could be considered OP.
By this thesis, Sym’s low pick but high win ratio would describe her as a hero that is low reward, low risk. The playerbase find it hard to get value out of her, because she doesnt offer much compared to other heroes, and when she is played she is played very safely, which I feel sums up Sym’s situation entirely.
Reaper is similar to Sym but less extreme (low pick, high win), and so is in the same boat. Doesnt offer much compared to other heroes, and so played only in very safe, Reaper friendly situations.
You cannot say
And also
The 2 contradict each other. Mccree has a pretty high pick rate, yes, but a terrible win rate. He isnt being picked because he is some great hero at their ranks, rather he is fun to play. Which goes against your first point. Another example would be pre rework mercy, she wasnt that great, she was the most picked hero in the game tho. People enjoyed playing her.
Then you say
Then we look at tracer, also low pick rate and low winrate, but in her case you say.
Just Fix her Teleport thats all she needs just like reaper.
Fix Reapers E and Symmetras E /// {Hmmm} (they have similarities)
Once you do this, they will jump up a tier in the OW Tier List
The biggest buff they can give Symmetra (in my opinion) is lowering her tickrate back to 4.
I fail to see the contradiction.
My thesis is that McCree is fun not because there is something about McCree’s kit that makes him intrinsically fun, but because he is powerful, and people find powerful heroes fun to play. None of that is contradicted by anything I said previously, or the Mercy situation,
Then we look at tracer, also low pick rate and low winrate, but-
I’m gonna stop you right there actually. Tracer does not have a low pickrate, especially compared to Sombra.
For the last 6 months, Tracer has hovered around the 2% mark, and as I have argued previously (📊 The more things change: Crunching the numbers on the "impact" of the Sym 3.0 rework) I would contend that 2% is a fair benchmark for a balanced hero’s pickrate.
If anything, by the above method, I would currently rate Tracer as medium reward, high risk.
Sombra, on the other hand, is borderline trash tier, and has been for the last 6 months at least. So she woudl be accurately described as low reward, high risk.