Symmetra requires a complete across the board buff

She’s a trash pick, no reason in any situation outside of meibe dealing with mei should you ever pick Symmetra. She’s too easy to counter by just changing your playstyle. She’s way to slow for the game.
30 seconds to reset your turrets is far too long.
2 seconds to set up a tele is again too slow
4 seconds to actually start dealing considerable damage is again far too long.

If I were to buff Symmetra, heres how I’d do it.
Primary Fire
Deals 120 base
+40 each charge
Ignores armor

Sentry Turret
Turrets all recharge on a 15 second cooldown.

This firmly places her in the anti-tank niche with anti flanker capabilities with the turrets. Her ultimate is purely defensive which is both a blessing and a curse.


I would change her cooldowns too, I would boost her ultimate charge as its the only way she can shield herself using her abilities.
tick rate ahh that needs a change…
a revert is never going to happen so its prob the only thing we can hope for…

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Why not just change the turret cooldown time to 7 or 8 seconds? Her overall kit seems pretty powerful with a mercy pocket…

I would love a turret cooldown reduction + everyone with a mercy pocket is strong. mercy isn’t a pocket hero though.


thats 21-24 seconds for a full reset, and if you misplace any turrets thats 28-32 off the clock and you can’t replace them.

This is why I prefer the 15 seconds full reset cooldown.

<— Grandmaster Mei main

Symmetra does not counter Mei lul

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no one even mentioned mei…

I actually don’t mind armor countering her, since its the opposite kind of tech to what she uses. I just wish she had some sort of advantage; the regaining ammo on barriers was a step in the right direction in this regard.

These are the buffs I would like to see most for Sym, and that I think are most necessary:

  • 275 health again (100 normal/175 shields)

Doomfist can have 400; Bringing this back is both fair and necessary

  • Primary fire range increased to 15 m

If Zarya, a tank, can have a 16 m beam that does more damage, I see no reason Sym, supposed DPS, can’t have a 15 m beam that is less damaging.

  • Turret charges increased from 3 --> 6, range increased to 15 m.

Does not affect how many Sym can have deployed. Range increase is necessary to make up for the 30 meter reduction in total area Sym can cover now she can only have three out (it also matches the primary range again)

  • Orb projectile speed increased to 30 m/s and damage increased to 130

This is what we were initially promised, and it is needed, especially when Pharah can throw her rockets at 35 m/s.

  • Teleporter now lasts until destroyed (cooldown starts on destruction) and Sym can destroy it herself by activating the ability again (like a Mei wall). Cooldown is half its normal value (6 seconds) when Sym destroys her own tele.

Sym is one of the only builder heroes who can’t destroy her own buildables, and we’ve been asking for this since launch.

  • Ultimate cost reverted to 1000

Increasing the ult cost to 1500 has proven to be a needless nerf.


I actually think they should intentionally make Sym and Torb overpowered. There is such a strong ingrained bias among the community against those two heroes that they will never be accepted even if they are balanced productive members of a team.

Make them overpowered and let it last a few weeks, or even a couple months. Shatter the misguided player attitudes and then bring them back to a point of balance. It’s the only way they will ever be accepted.

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Just revert her to her 2.0 form, but keep the 3.0 deployment method of the sentries. The clunky sentry deployment she used to have was the only thing that needed attention.


Eh, its just theory craft around Tele getting past chokes so Mei can’t use her niche at all.

OP mentioned it literally in the 1st sentence of their post

I agree with all of this… we need to carry on making symmetra threads so everyone can see :slight_smile:

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oh I never realised hehe, I kinda agree, mei counters close range heroes but istill find myself killing her if im lucky.

Thats not the reason I have Sym countering mei
She counters mei with Tele denying Mei’s niche

Then the Meis you’ve played against are getting baited into using their wall too easily.

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I like both Sym forms but I think we can all agree current one is weaker.


How, you just teleport past choke with your team


No more “cooldown starts when destroyed”

That made torb feel so horribly clunky, and can lead situations where if the enemy team ignores the tp your now stuck forever with a TP somewhere

It feels horrible to have the enemy control my cooldown

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Woah woah, Sym does need buffs or adjustments to every part of her minus the secondary but if we are giving ignore armor the only thing she needs is a tick rate fix then for that. Adding more damage is absolutely ridiculous then so break that up somehow and take your pick. I don’t want my girl to be just completely insane like that.