Symmetra Players, I summon thee

time stamps compared to mine and yours:


all of them :eyes: :eye: :lips: :eye:

That’s a bad idea. Hard counter’s are incredibly bad design.

I disagree with the logic of “current form never worked so no point in getting buffs esp because people will lose their minds over fair treatment” because

  1. they didn’t ever give reasonable numbers to the kit i.e. it’s be like nerfing tracer’s mobility abilities to have 30s each including each charge and then concluding “well she’s not working like that so therefore the form/design doesn’t work and let’s just give up on fixing that”
  2. fair treatment should be trumping hero hate. objective balance > subjective hero preferences.

sym having tp as better self mobility and it being more frequent alongside her staple weapon fire (orbs) being decently ranged will make her faster paced to keep up.

Slight correction. I was trying to communicate that, "the oft-mentioned sub-niche of “shield eater” is something it’d be pointless to buff into because of the impending 5 v 5 thing and the tremendous loss of shield potential on either team.

The point about “people will lose their minds over fair treatment” was a different point that we must ignore such people because their perception is on a psychotic slant and can’t contribute meaningfully to the discussion in a good-faith fashion.

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Stop making me literally immobile

I dream of a day we get crit damage on Symmetra. That would help a ton.

I do like the current version of Sym for the most part. But the main problem is that OW2 looks to be mostly payload maps and sym is bad at payload. She likes to set her turrets up and bunker down a point. She can’t do that if she is constantly on the move. They need to make something like maybe she can stick her turrets on a person too and it continues to beam them until an ally kills the turret for them or something like that.

She could have different effects based on what she damages as a passive. Shields regen ammo, burning flesh would maybe cause a small dot that is unhealable damage for example for a few seconds (or absorb healing)

Sym can be good on a payload? Her turrets respawn fast enough to set up a counter defense, or defend your backline enough.

No. That’s the main problem with builder heroes.

The points moves but the constructions doesn’t unless you put them on the payload but that’s a horrible spot.
Same reason why the devs didn’t like healing turrets.

I still think turrets should follow her around and zap heals/damage on people :eyes:

I made a concept a while ago which sounds similar to this. I can’t find it sadly :frowning:

Well. Turrets are now a target ability like discord or rapair pack. They fly to their targets and follow them until destroyed. If you look at an enemie you throw a damage turret and if you look at a team mate you throw a healing turret.
It would be very similar to discord orb/harmony orb.

Damage turrets would be useless tbh because they would never reach their target without being destroyed earlier and I’m not a big fan of healing turrets at all.

symmetra right now is ok, but thats just because 2cp exists and shes good in there. when ow2 is out she will definitely need buffs to her primary/secondary and improve her turrets

I want her kit to be sped up. Turrets and tp take too long to deploy and turret cooldowns def need to be shorter, while tp cooldown needs a treatment similar to torb turret’s cooldown.
Orbs are too slow and take too long to charge up (and need to pierce again!)
Beam could use higher base damage or slight charge increase, or maybe last longer before the charge goes down. And it definitely needs another meter or two.

Finally I think her shield ult should block things that normally go through shield (dragons, coalescence, winston’s lightning, etc.) like its not a terrible ult, but nothing about it is very special. And when they reworked sym they said tp would be a good way to escape grav, but it isnt, its way too slow and often times most people in the grav cant reach it or just ignore it.
Plus I think having a way to shut down gravdragon outside of support ults would be nice.

I think slightly speeding up tp deployment, orb charge, turret deployment (by like a fraction of a second) and then giving more range to her beam and tweaking the cooldowns on her abilities would put her in a good spot, and then giving her ult something special would actually give people a reason to use her other than as a taxi or just because they like the character

We had the Aprils Fools experimental that did speed up her sentry deployment and it was pretty good. Apparently Sym buffs that make her half decent are an Aprils Fools joke :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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I fully believe that they keep her bad on purpose… any hero that is labeled “niche” is not allowed to be good, the few times sym, moira, sombra, etc. weren’t considered a throw pick, not even a must pick or something just not absolutely trash, they quickly got nerfed within the month… Like its painfully obvious to me that they dont want these heroes to ever see pick rates similar to that of even mid-tier heroes so they keep them bad

Its not a conspiracy theory, they outright admitted when they created Infinite TP that they were nerfing her capacities as a DPS hero to keep TP as a team ability.

They dont want her to be anything but a taxibot on fears she might become a pro-play staple if she is a functional DPS with a team TP.

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Well, here’s a simple question.

What would happen to Symmetra if:


  • Primary/Secondary Fire: Ammo increased to unlimited.

Or alternatively


  • Primary Fire: Gain ammo when shooting any enemy object or player

Doesnt matter in the long run because her issue is that she cant survive in her intended range and has no damage outside said range (orbs are unaimable outside 15m).

She is a close range hero without the tools to be one, basically. Which isnt something that is fixable by small tame number buffs. Its like removing Reaper’s lifesteal and wraith form and reducing his max HP, and expecting him to work up close anyways.

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