Symmetra Players, I summon thee

Come here my brethren. Would like to have a nice discussion with you ladies. I want to ask you this though: Are you satisfied with the current state of symmetra? Are you enjoying her or do you not enjoy playing her? What changes would you like to see for her?

Personally, the latest change to symmetra was nice and a good step. I like the idea theyre going for. However, I’m not completely satisfied quite yet as theres only one or two more steps that i await. yes i sound like a broken record at this point but a longer beam is honestly the final product for her to be decent in this game’s current state.

Also would love to see some QoL changes and bug fixes to our queen to make her feel better to play as theres currently several bugs that we face today. That is my standpoint of my hero.

Would like to hear your different inputs yall :heart:. Setting up the carwash :3


never have been, probably never will be tbh


No <3

I like playing her purely because Sym is Sym, but gameplay-wise she is… very unsatisfactory.

For Blizzard to stop with the mislabel nonsense that Sym has suffered since launch. 1.0/2.0 mislabeled as a support healer, 3.0 mislabeled as a dps, while neither ever had the tools to thrive in said roles.

I still dont think healer Sym is anywhere near a good idea because it requires either a massive rework that deletes Sym in worse ways that 3.0 did, or a low scale rework that just shoves healing in some of her destroyable constructs that just… wont be viable. Woe if they slap healing on TP… game’s first healing that can be rejected by your own team.

Symmetra was deleted two years ago, and the impostor we got wearing her art assets are just a Vishkar replacement.

Given the direction the devs are pushing the game, I doubt that old Symmetra would fit in anymore. She was methodical and based on preparation. The devs are moving the game to be faster and more open. She simply no longe fit anymore.

For her substitute, I’d say the very least would be extend her beam to be the same range as Zarya/Echo beam, and remove the ramp-up, making it a static damage value, so that they can start balancing her on her real damage numbers instead of a theoretic 100% uptime on level 3.


Symmetra mains, there are dozens of us, DOZENS!!!

I main her for funsies now in arcade modes because for wins she’s extremely map dependent as well as team coordination dependent.

Her shield ammo gimmick needs to go as it is irrelevant since most dps duos best barriers down fast.

She needs a job or a specific utility that separates her from the already crowded damage roster to justify starting or subbing her in.

Sym also needs to be able to hard counter heroes. After nerfs at best she soft counters Genji.

And most importantly she needs more godly emotes to show off her underated Thicc assets.

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If the Genji dives you near sentries, yeah. Otherwise Sym is a free kill.

I enjoy Sym 3.0 so I am technically not allowed here.


Right now all I want is some extra range on her primary, at least when raised at an angle for dealing with flying enemies and jumping genjis.

And the ability to recall turrets that she is targeting with an ability similar to sombra’s cancel teleporter.

And maybe the ability to crit to deal with targets that are getting healed.

And slowing down targets that use abilities, right now turrets do nothing against a nano genji chasing everyone, if it slowed his dash that would be nice or limit the dash distance.

I am more scared of what she will be in the future.
In ow2, she is completely unviable.

Her primary fire gimmick is now useless due to there being almost no shield to charge.
She can’t front line as efficient due to no shields to hide behind as most tanks are becoming brawlers.
With the fights becoming more fast pace, your ult will become obsolete faster as teams advance/retreat and you have a 12 second wall that does nothing.

And why does she not have 250 health for a close range hero??? Reaper, Mei, Doomfist all have 250, heck even Mcree. So why does she only have 225?

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If only she had a low cooldown personal shield and extra 75 HP… if only…

all i want is my piercing orbs and noodle beam back


Noodle beam could be an improvement tbh, but without an ultimate to rush, piercing orbs are just free enemy healer ult charge, and wont be as good come OW2 because less barriers.

i just find it hilarious Zarya is a tank and can beam from a mile away but it’s a step too far for Sym to be able to beam someone without being in 1-hit kill CC range


symmetra players you gys are hot!!! i mean your hero is…

How dare you to say symmetra doesn’t require aim, I would like to see your 100% tracking on very slow motion.

Then leave.

Be less stupid and also leave.

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Another typical symmetra player who feel inferior than others

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sym doesn’t require aim, you literally have 3 turrets to place down and spend a lot of time with that beam on shields

Don’t talk to me at least you can hit 51% on your orbs.

Anyway OP, I think she’s in a decent spot. I’d like to see OP heroes nerfed around her and for her TP and turret glitches to be fixed, namely:

-Tp selfdestructing on geometry and going on cooldown because of it (this can lose games). My stupid naive hope is that they keep ignoring this, including the videos I’ve posted 1000x, because the OW2 engine will fix it??? Probs not.

-Tping turrets off of a payload (or even a cosmetic vehicle) causes the turrets to break

If they won’t address power creep, then give me a 14m beam and 5 m/s more speed on orbs.