Symmetra Players, I summon thee

Another typical symmetra player who feel inferior than others

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sym doesn’t require aim, you literally have 3 turrets to place down and spend a lot of time with that beam on shields

Don’t talk to me at least you can hit 51% on your orbs.

Anyway OP, I think she’s in a decent spot. I’d like to see OP heroes nerfed around her and for her TP and turret glitches to be fixed, namely:

-Tp selfdestructing on geometry and going on cooldown because of it (this can lose games). My stupid naive hope is that they keep ignoring this, including the videos I’ve posted 1000x, because the OW2 engine will fix it??? Probs not.

-Tping turrets off of a payload (or even a cosmetic vehicle) causes the turrets to break

If they won’t address power creep, then give me a 14m beam and 5 m/s more speed on orbs.


Speeeed booost.

not satisfied because blizz trashed her core uptime ability and didn’t ever give her reasonable kit numbers in the first place.

like no matter how you look at her kit numbers as aspects, she’s simply ranked on the low side for each of those parameters amongst the cast.




I do not enjoy her.
Even though some people say HeR PlAyStYlE Is SiMiLaR.

Support rework.

Not a Sym player, but did yall see this?

Confirmed upcoming skin and golden gun victory pose.

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I like how you needed to point out that they’re gay men. Wonder what that says about you…

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There is so much potential with Symmetra especially with her profession of a Hard-Light user.
Since I play majority Arcade, I barely hand on the “somewhat satisfied”. But being honest, she’s bland when looked at in any other setting (QP Comp) Sure she has Turrets and TP, but all you do 6/10 of the game is firing Orbs, 2/10 using your Primary and 1/10 anything else.

I’ve just been throwing ideas. I’m hoping the Skill Tree actually shows some Soul in her. I haven’t played OW iN two weeks as I just left vacation, but it did give me some time to brainstorm and make all sorts of fun crazy ideas.

Which change are you referring to? Sorry, but wasn’t it the health increase from like several months ago?

Sort of, but I can’t ever be satisfied since they got rid of Sym 2.0. That was like the most fun she’s ever been, and she still sucked. I’d love to have Sym 2.0 back.

For what she’s worth, I find her quite fun to play. The only problem is that playing her to make her the most fun sacrifices her power. I find her tremendously fun when using TP dynamically but respawn TP is simply too effective and I have to sacrifice it in order to have the best time playing her. That’s a design flaw.

Longer beam, faster projectile speed on secondary fire. And/or make the secondary fire pierce through shields and reduce the damage. But I like everything else.

I just want her to go back to being a support and heal.

She can’t be a DPS. She’s had years of changes in the role with nothing to show for it.
No time dedicated to making her a support that heals. Time to fix her properly.

I love Symmetra as a character and concept, and I love how powerful I feel the rare moments I get a lvl 3 beam and turrets going all at once…
But it feels so empty and hollow for some reason.

However Echo is scratching that exact itch for me, way more consistantly.

If we had Symm 2.0 with Her current gun and turrets, I think thatd be awesome.

Seems like vibecheck is rallying an army to storm the Blizzard HQ, make them give Sym a skin + buffs and not leave till they do so.

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There’s random bouts of enjoyment but it’s slightly more on the unenjoyment side.
I simply play her still because I’m really good at beam weapons

Longer beam. Bring back shootable shield. Do something about ult, it’s not fun or a “hero moment”

Honestly it would be immediate improvement to just revert to Sym 2.0 completely

No. Absolutely not.

I made several threads. I can recap, but first I’d like to provide the context for why I think the changes are necessary. The perfect, concise summary of that is this following statement

Or in other words, nothing in her kit works within the environment of the game. Her exceedingly-slow buildup to get anything done (literally her cooldowns, primary fire, and secondary fire all have excessively-long build-up time before they become lethal) makes her an inferior matchup against literally every single hero in the game.

She doesn’t have a niche, despite what her detractors say. I’ve found that she’s a superior pick in only one scenario in the game, which is defending a point in overtime, which not a viable niche at all.

  • People freak out about her sentries and claim their damage towards her damage output during a teamfight, despite this same “logic” never being applied to other DPS heroes and the fact that her sentries contribute less damage to a teamfight than literally any other damage cooldown from every other DPS hero in the game
  • People freak out about suggested range increases for her primary, despite all but…3? DPS heroes having vastly more range and higher damage output at the same time. I kid you not, someone was saying it’d be OP for her to have 15m range because then she could operate “from safety”, like that’s something that S76, Ashe, 'Cree, Junkrat, etc, don’t already do in spades.
  • A certain individual freaks out about the TP sentry bomb technique despite it being utterly useless, he’ll still claim she can’t get buffs without the removal of sentry bomb. Because apparently a very long-cooldown move that typically results in 0 kills and 0 impact on a teamfight is OP and is holding her back from getting buffs. Yes, really.
  • People freak out about her TP being a broken team mechanic because it bypasses certain chokepoints, rather than pointing out that the map design in this game is so bad that it causes this problem in the first place.
  • People freak out about her viability in double-shield despite her shield-eating mechanic and team TP enabling the team to get on top of the bunkered enemy team.

I mean, how do you get her balanced when people have this insanity about singling out Sym for a lack of viability when other heroes demonstrably do more and aren’t OP? We can’t have a good-faith discussion about getting her balanced with people that are insane and refuse to use the tools at their disposal to fix the problems that arise in the game. So, if people think her doing less damage than S76 at half the range is somehow “OP”, then just ignore them. Don’t engage with them, don’t amplify their ignorance by quoting and mocking them. Don’t engage with other bad-faith discussions they try to get going. Just ignore them.

In short, I’m really not happy with the rampant hypocrisy in regards to people’s perception of Sym viability. And I’m really not happy that she provided the playerbase valuable tools to ward off problems in this game, and the devs decided that this cannot possibly be and nerfed her down instead of telling players to use the tools provided to solve the emerging problems. Then they had to separately nerf those problems because hey there’s no tools to deal with it :clown_face:

Also, trying to get her buffed into relevancy at this point seems like a fool’s errand. Her current form never worked in this game, and is going to somehow be even less viable in the next iteration of this game. Her one and only interesting point - shield eating - isn’t going to be viable in the next game unless they allow that mechanic to work on a hero’s personal shields (like Zen’s primary health) instead of just deployable shields. Her slow-to-build up damage doesn’t work here and certainly won’t work in a “faster paced” version of this game.

If you wanted to buff her into relevancy for this game, it’d require several different buff packages. Because nothing in her kit works in this game, basically everything has to be buffed and that’d make people screech about “power creep”, when it’s just getting her to match the viability of existing heroes.

To start, let’s go about making her primary worthwhile.

  • Option 1: current primary attack stays the same, but Sym gets a hero passive that ALL damage she does, in whatever form it takes, does 2x damage to shields. Then she is a true shield-eater, because right now, her damage output is lower than other shield-breakers and if this is going to be her niche, they need to actually commit to it. Maybe even put add that “personal shield health” bit to this, so she has favorable matchups verses certain heroes.
  • Option 2: Keep a drastic damage ramp-up, but make it plateau higher. Current is 60/120/180. Move it up to 120/180/210, since the entire point of a slow charge-up mechanic is to make the top-end worthwhile. Right now Sym tops off lower than some other DPS and she has no burst, so her output at the top end must be high enough to compensate for lack of burst.
  • Option 3: gentler ramp-up, more range: move the numbers to 120/150/180, and add 6m range, bringing her range to 18 meters. That’s still less damage and range than 'Cree and S76, by the by, so don’t start crying about it being “OP” or “being able to do too much from range”. Which is literally what I heard last time I mentioned it.
  • Option 4: ditch the damage ramp-up, leave it at 180 at all times, make the beam a bit smaller since even for the Sym player it starts to take up a lot of the field of view, and increase range to 15m.

As for her secondary
Ask Zephrin. He literally specializes in this exact thing.

As for her sentries

  • option 1: Redesign the sentries so all three current sentries are deployed in a tightly-knit triangular formation as a singular cooldown (think of it like Echo’s primary fire), set to 9 seconds. Reduce damage output to 30/apiece, or 90 for the full set. Since the devs are going to remove CC from non-tanks anyway, just remove it from the sentries at this juncture and let it be.
  • Option 2: give her team utility in having the sentries keep the current cooldowns but do no damage. Instead they provide, within their LOS that already exists, wallhacks making enemy team members visible. Like Sonic arrow, but in a deployable that doesn’t work through walls and only within it’s own LOS.


Loving it still.

Small buffs. Or if we did get a large buff a compensation nerf to make it a small buff.
Like 14m beam but the max damage is 170. Something like that.

But suggestions would include:

  • Reducing turret cast time
  • Making teleporter placement spammable and not cancelled
  • Increasing turret projectile speed
  • Faster but smaller orbs
  • 14m beam but slight damage reduction.

Just to make her more of a generalist. Obviously not all of these, BUT THAT TELEPORTER ONE IS A MUST.

I love Symmetra a lot, my favourite hero because she’s so crafty. But personally I would like a 14m beam, Turret cast time reduction, primary fire damage reduction and that teleporter change.

I promised myself I wouldn’t ask for too much then I did. Alright I’ll choose one change and I would simply have to go with the turret cast time reduction oddly enough. Because with the beam change I’d have no gurantee it’d end up like Reaper’s changes :grimacing:

Not a Sym player, however would like to give an opinion on what its like playing into her, or with her on the team. Having a sym on the team is fine, as long as they swap off sym when the enemy start running hard counters.

Playing into a Sym however, is such a chore. I despise the current generation of Sym turrets compared to the old ones. The current ones melt you far too quickly, and give too much reward for things which are basically free damage.

I have an idea for a support Sym rework, but a lot of people would complain about bonus shields being back. She’d work pretty similar to a mix of Moira and Brig. Do damage to build up charge on a shield pack. Throw it onto a teammate. Bring her back to 200hp, make her a back line defence type hero like Brig.

Pls, dont feed the M Mains. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Yes infact she’s overpowered :grin:

Nope not enjoying her playing her feels like cheating

Max dps to 120 and beam range reduced to 8m