Symmetra players, help me understand

To your comment “it can be walked through” makes 0 sense.

Put it this way. If she makes it so it is closer to you guys, no range can affect you. This forces the enemies to get up close with you AND you still have the range advantage because it is an ally shield. Of anything, this ult is going to render ranged heroes in that time completely useless.

Im a Symmetra main, even hit GM with her a couple of times.
For me she is really bad now , she wont help the team in any way. Thats the only reason i can justify me playing her. Now im just a dps guy, with bad kit.
Her new TP is bad,noone got time to use it. People will be shooting/healing/posisioning, its no time to see where the TP is and where its going.
And her new primary fire,went from the easiest aim to one of the hardest. The hard thing with symmetra was to get close and get kills. You have non survivability,200hp. And shes only viable at super close range.
And her new ULT, its god awfull.


Humans perceive change as bad. To the people that have this hero close to them, change is bad even though it’s pretty easy to see this is a good change.

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Projected Barrier… You Will be missed.
Blocking Phara Ults and forcing her rockets to kill herself.
Blocking High Noon, saving your team and triggering that flanking Mccree.
Baiting Hog Hooks.
Baiting Flash Bangs.
Blocking Widow shots.
Blocking D.Va Bombs.
Blocking Hanzo Scatter/Storm Arrow.
Blocking Attack Visor.
Blocking Whole Hog.

That is a lot of survivability lost.


Sym was never a Tracer hard counter in the first place the only thing you can do is camp a room with turrets and wait for her to one shot combo with orb melee.

Genji is still easy to kill with the orbs, 2 orbs and he’s dead, also turrets are more effective against him.

I don’t know, man. I played her because I loved builders and had a blast with the sentry turrets… as the meta continued, they were easier and easier to blow up, so the new Symm makes me pretty happy.

Old Symm just felt like a jack of trades and master of none of it… I guess except LMB. All the things she felt like she could do was really just a niche opportunity that didn’t make for an overall good character to select… Sure… I could time a barrier to block’s ult, but should I really play a character just to do that?

Her entire kit and what people missed about her felt because it just complemented LMB.

3.0 I’m happy with. I feel like she has a lot more answers to enemies. Spam explosive shots into an enemy to disrupt formation, eat a barrier down, flank enemies with sentry turrets or use them as sentry to know if someone’s trying to flank, teleport certain heroes to high ground quickly, help create escapes, and force enemies to come to you (note these are all things that don’t require very much mechanical aim to do).

  • Symm 3.0 feels like she earns the title of being a builder.
  • Symm 2.0 feels like a complementary abilities to better LMB.
  • Symm 1.0 felt like a jack-of-trades and master of literally nothing.

I’m happy with the update.

I wrote about it 10 posts ago if you wanna give it a read.


I completely agree with your post. She is a very engaging character to play now.

I feel like she has a very versatile kit that enables a lot of potential.

They could’ve implemented the current tickrate onto her autolock and it would theoretically have resolved the issue of it killing around corners.

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First off not saying this as a smart alec. I thought I was clear I meant defending the point against flanking tracers trying to distract your team. (Mainly with a spread out turret placement meaning no where on point is safe for her)

The auto lock is still an issue yeah its close range but that’s still a weapon that will kill by not really needing to do anything but hold the fire button and barely keep track of your target.

So that’s a problem with Symmetra, but not Winston/Rein/Brig?

Symmetra has always been more than her lmb. Not to say that she was enough to be viable, because she wasn’t. However, Sym 2.0 was a step in the right direction that could’ve been improved upon. People don’t understand how old Sym truly played so they can’t see how Sym 3.0 offers virtually the same amount of utility (which isn’t enough) and will be equally terrible as the current Symmetra.

But for people that aren’t able to see what Sym already brings to the table, it’ll always be about the autolock. That’s why Sym mains are bothered. Yup. The autolock. Sure.


Winston’s, Reinhardt’s, and Brigitte’s doesn’t jump in damage the longer you hold the fire button on one person. They do static damage that doesn’t increase unless expanded on by an outside force. Sym’s beam grows stronger to the point she just has to latch it once on a 200 health hero and their gone,

In the first 2 seconds, Symmetra will do 90 damage. If an enemy Mercy is healing that target, your first second of damage doesn’t even count, because it’s 30dps while Mercy heals for 60hps. She also has to saunter over to an enemy with her 0 mobility or escape options to do this. Do you really think that’s how she is played? People just walk up and lmb the whole team down and that’s that?

That same Mercy beam cuts Syms max damage in half and she’s doing that same static 60 damage that Winston does. Her gun is literally the most balanced part of her kit and it’s still weak despite the fact that she doesn’t have to aim it.

Wanna know what she does have to aim to have virtually any chance of winning an engagement with another DPS? Her orbs. People think Syms skill ceiling is low and is because of her auto lock, but the height of her skill ceiling is in those slow, easy to dodge orbs. You can land that orb on a McCree close range, put him at 75hp, block his flashbang, latch your beam on, and he can still two shot you before you can kill him. Her auto lock is absolutely nothing compared to half the kits and damage outputs in this game.


90 damage with a gun that does the aiming for you if you let them nail you that’s just you not playing the 5 D’s of Dodge ball my friend. I’ve played since Overwatch’s release and let me tell you their isn’t anything short of a Roadhog pulling you into a Bastion as Mei freezes your soul from your body than a symmetra playing the floor is lava while tethered to you.

Just a quick FYI all 3 of those have more health, mobility, a shield (hers is on a cool down and runsaway) , a stun, or a self heal and all start close to sym 2.0’s 2nd tier lock on beam

Oh yeah I know Trust me I have felt the tender embrace of god from those three in the same formation Roadhog brought me in Mei froze me in place and Bastion tore into my Soul. Poor little Winston.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a lock on or not. The only reason it really existed was to justify both her melee range and her ramp up gimmick.

Honestly, for her to be anywhere near on par with the other DPS now, her ramp up mechanic should be removed entirely considering she has to aim now. Give her the straight 180 dps beam.

Or turn it into the lightning gun and give it infinite range lol

i love playing symmetra, and i’m also intrigued with the rework; i have a good feeling i will at least tolerate it and play her a lot.

but she really isn’t the same character anymore. different gun, less area control with 3(!! don’t like this at all) turrets taken away, and less survivability without photon barrier. she might have worked fine if they just gave her some buffs, maybe add the reworked gun onto the current sym to appease everyone’s hatred for her lock-on, but i guess we’ll never know since they decided to take the drastic step first.

i’m open to the idea of adding changes but i’ll really miss playing current sym, she’s basically being deleted from the game so it’s no wonder sym players are mad.