Symmetra players, help me understand

your nuts 180 dps your effectively killing the almost half the roster just by passing over them twice. Soldier 76 only does 19 damage a shot, McCree only 70 at the minimum and that’s if you hit them. Your putting her on the pedestal with Hanzo at that rate.

Both of those heroes have weapons that exceed a 10m range and have actual mobility.

Zarya does 190 at full charge as a tank. Meanwhile Sym has to charge her beam for four seconds with her 0 sustainability and gimmicky mobility to do 10 damage less as a damage hero.

Even at the 180 DPS people have explained countless times how the tickrate change affects her dps. Is PTR Syms beam just looking at enemies melt? The answer is no. It’s struggling to kill a Brig because she has 150 armor and bursts you down or getting flashbanged and FtH because you can’t block it.


Mobility are we talking about McCree’s roll that has 10 second cool-down because that isn’t mobility that’s a party trick. Soldier 76’s sprint is a joke that once Sym’s beam connects he can barely get out of range or usually what we 76 mains call it the quick shot in the back. Mobility in this game is Winston jump, Genji’s wall climb, Hanzo’s wall climb. My point being is if your getting shut down before you can get any work done as Sym that’s your fault not the characters Sym has the potential to waste teams If you use her correctly. I have seen it, I have lived it to be more accurate.

Soldier can 100% sprint FAR away from Sym if she has no charge or even level 2 charge. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

You have seen it and I have been it. It takes the perfect storm of circumstances for Symmetra to accomplish that. And even then, someone on the enemy team screwed up severely. A Widow that hooked into the wrong place at the wrong time, an Ana that took some chip damage and didn’t see the 125 ball of death that’s about to pierce the tank and hit her.

All she has is a 7m dragonblade that she can be killed way before it even reaches that damage potential, and after she has you rely on your team actually supporting you and the enemy team not focusing you down like anyone with half a brain will. I’m nearing 700 hours on a hero that is effectively being erased for a new one. Do not talk to me about “using her correctly.”

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It isn’t.

A poll was done with HUNDREDS of Symmetra players.

Over 50% (in each option except for maybe, 2?) were very positive about the changes to Symmetra.

It’s just the cranky ones that make threads saying she’s ruined, etc,.

Hold on, Hold on before this keeps going and we all get rage induced at each other I am talking about PS4 Not PC Just wanted to clarify before a text war gets started sorry for upsetting you but Sym the way she is now on console is a lot scarier than what she is on PC

The problem here is that the Sym rework wasn’t for the current sym players.

It’s for the other 99% of people that never play her, so that they might actually play her. I mean, just run the numbers here. If 50% of the old sym players hate the new sym, that’s like half of a percent. But if 50% of the players that didn’t play her now like her, that’s one hundred times as many people who will like the rework.


The signature attraction of playing that hero was the strategy and mind games involved at mid-high levels of play (all of which were directly tied to her ult). The removal of that really hurt.


On the whole, I don’t think the response is negative. The majority, at least by my (limited) estimation, seem to like the changes to her orbs, turrets and teleporter.

The negatives mostly involve her (1) huge decrease in survivability (loss of barrier, -75 hp), (2) new wonky primary that doesn’t work well with her reduced survivability, and (3) UI issues with the teleporter (extra keybind).

People seem pretty love/hate on her new ult. They either see a lot of potential or think it’s too weak for an ult.

For me personally, what I don’t like is the loss of support/tank utility. I’d much rather they’d refined her concept further into a barrier tank or shield support - scrapping either the orbs or beam to make it fit. The game doesn’t need more DPS heroes. Besides, she’s not a strong enough DPS without a high-damage AoE ult to compete for a slot with heroes like Reaper, Pharah, Junkrat or Hanzo. Might as well fill in the roles that do need more hero choices instead.

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Symmetra now has the worst ultimate in the game. It can be walked through and ignored. Or destroyed all together. :expressionless:

did the rework her to make her different yes it’s a complete success but did the rework her so she might see play time and not be seen as a troll pick no. I’m excited for some of the utility she will be getting in the new teleporter and throw able turrets. Although it would have been nice if the TP did not have a time limit and we had 1 more turret with each one having only 40 damage.

My main issue with her rework is her new primary fire you now require an incredibly large amount of mechanical skill to simply breakeven with the damage you could generate from the old Symmetra primary.

They should add another tier of charge 80dps
Tiers still change at every 2s
Damage tier resets after 1.5s of not firing
You no longer need to hit to damage ramp
Add penetrating to her beam

I came from console and while generally everyone was slightly easier to deal with there than on PC now, I still ran into my fair share of people that could shut me down with little effort even with full charge. Having to aim with a controller doesn’t make Symmetra any harder to deal with. People are just bad.

I don’t think that’s true that Sym is Genji’s most favorable DPS matchup. I’ve played a fair amount of Genji on my alt, and the targets I have the most success killing 1v1 are Torbs and Soldiers.

What I mean is that once in a team fight she is easy to lose track of and with the crazy things healers can do she can do a lot.

They stole their precious autolock. And apparently it was Symmetra’s signature.

I’m talking about new symmetra

I disagree. It will completely nullify the double-sniper meta for 15 seconds every. single. push. if you can aim your orbs or get stuck in with your M1 and not evaporate to enemy fire.

5k is nothing to sneeze at. Nothing will be able to break it short of a bastion in turret form that fires everything, reloads, and fires everything again. Even concentrated fire from the entire enemy team won’t break it quickly.

The only thing that can handle it is a sombra ult, and she’s not exactly a common pick.

My critiques about her kit are as follows

Her primary fire sucks for everything it’s intended for except sustained barrier melting (best against orisa/winston). I’d honestly prefer if it were reverted to its old autolock and old damage at this point. They need to adjust the tickrate again.

She could use a fourth turret (redistributing the damage numbers per turret, of course), at a reduced cooldown (8 seconds). Also i think the travel speed could stand to be bumped up a tiny bit

Her right click should autofire when fully charged, and not hold for an extra second any longer. There’s no point to doing that anymore, as it’s easier to hit your intended target. (Could be made a slider in her character settings for when to release it)

Her ultimate is underwhelming, and it either needs to charge even faster or it needs to have more bells and whistles to make it interesting.

The teleporter could use a deployment speed increase. It’s hard to make use of it to save people from things like a grav because the grav is usually over or almost done by the time you can react and it deploys.

Kit feels underwhelming thus far, as people on the PTR are getting used to dealing with it.

Whole Hog can break the barrier, that’s about it.

Nothing a quick mouse macro can’t fix, auto fire orbs on a 1s interval bad luck for console players.