Symmetra players, help me understand

…Why is your general response to Symmetra 3.0 generally negative?

I genuinely want to know. The only bad thing I can see about the rework is how drastically they changed Symm’s primary fire… but I don’t main Symmetra, so I don’t know her as well as you guys do.

Other that the fudge-up with the primary fire, Symmetra 3.0 appears to be an excellent hero for strategy and tactics: the new telly looks good for enabling some crazy plays…

  • teleport a bastion/reaper/junkrat into the enemy back line, have him wreak some havoc, and teleport out
  • telly as a getaway driver for allies who have found themselves overextended
  • use it to catch up with allies who charge into the fight too soon, letting the team more easily work around a reckless teammate
  • use the telly as a jump pad up to high ground for immobile heroes (e.g. Ana, Mcree, Bastion, Orisa)
  • peel for healers being harassed by a flanker
  • skip spammed-out chokes entirely, and teleport to the other side
  • a quick escape from grav and other area-of effect ultimates

And the barrier wall looks like a big middle finger to spam, snipers and enemy teams playing from high ground. Symm could in effect create new choke points with that thing.

But as I said before, I’m not a Symmetra main. Therefore, I don’t have the same insight into what makes this hero so endearing to her dedicated playerbase. What is it about the new Symmetra that has made you upset? What could be changed about her that would make you happier?

Edit, because I’m curious: What is it about Symmetra that made you fall in love with playing her? What’s the core of her playstyle? What parts of this have been tampered with in the rework?


Well the ult only lasts 15 seconds and can be walked through so you can just wait it out or ignore it entirely. The issues with her primary have been talked about to death so I won’t go into that. The teleporter is telegraphed and easily destroyed, potentially splitting the team or just leaving you without an escape. Even if it isn’t destroyed, you only have a very limited window to use it. Not saying it’s bad, just that it’ll be very situational once people get used to it.


Hero ult is very bad, and she has very limited range with less survivability then old sym , basically making her kit contradict itself, get in close to beam but oh wait you can’t because you have no survivability

It’s easier for genji to kill sym then it is for him to kill any other dps

She’s like a support


Sym 3.0 is an aim intensive, low hp, glasscanon hero with low mobility and survivability.

Honestly, she’s just not the same hero so why is it so hard for people to understand we dislike the rework? They removed the hero we liked.

To be clear, I think a lot of Sym mains would prefer if Sym 3.0 was simply a new hero and Sym 2.0 was simply buffed a little instead of deleted.


What would she be catagorized as before the rework?

I hope the devs listen to your feedback. I really do.

If they don’t, it’ll be the PR nightmare with Mercy all over again. The megathread protesting her rework (on part 10, when you count the megas from the old forums) is still going strong, even after nearly a year after Mercy 2.0 went live.

If they start a megathread for Symmetra, I’m going to flip a table.

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Because she feels like a very fragile version of Zarya now. Yeah TP on CD is cool and stuff. But there is shield gen ? Why do they remove shield gen as an ultimate ? It was a good counter against enemy Roadhog/Doomfist and with competent Briggete/Torborn on your team you could counter Widow/Hanzo.
Previously I felt like my ultimate has an impact on my game. Both TP and shield gen could be clutch. But new ultimate is just “meh”.


People of the forums… Help me understand…

Why do you generalize entire groups of players like this when there are actually some of us Sym mains who like the rework? :thinking:


We have no idea which camp (pro vs anti rework) is in the majority. Until then, I’m assuming the latter.

But the Mercy rework was in no way that extensive. Not only did she keep her primary fire, secondary fire and flying, but her ult now boosts the 3 of them. Her only real change is how her rez works.

The equivalent Sym rework would be to add the new teleport to her current toolkit and nothing else.

Sym loses lock-on primary, piercing secondary, photon barrier and shield generator. Sym 3.0 is the biggest rework of any hero ever

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Because that’s what people do all the time everywhere. :woman_shrugging:t2: You Just did it, and I just did it. Most smart people know (have actually read!) that some Symms are happy with the rework anyway.

These Sym changes aren’t for the Sym mains. They’re for the DPS mains. Why do u think they’re taking away her auto-aim? Why do u think they’re moving her to defense? They want to appease the majority of the playerbase.


Because she is still the same fundamentally bad character. They just gave her a different coat of paint… again.

Not enough range to deal with long range heroes. Not enough survivability to deal with close range characters. She’s more screwed in fights now than she ever was before.

Turrets still die to a puff of smoke and have a long recharge timer. The buffs were not good enough and they made her turrets worse in a lot of situations.

Teleporter is easily destroyed and anyone with a brain is going to be able to immediately destroy it or immediately destroy whoever comes out of it. Positioning F-tier characters is hardly worth it. You’re never escaping grav with that thing unless the enemies are brain dead. And even if you do, congrats on bunching up your team in a slightly different location. It needs way more HP.

Her ULT is still straight up trash. I mean, it’s more interesting, but who cares? Walk through it. Useless vs flankers and close range characters. Annoying at best for long range characters.


Ive played a lot of succesful sym matches in PTR these days and think sym 3.0 could use some tweaks to be better, for example a bit shorter primary fire charge requirement would be cool, currently it takes a while to charge it and the first 2 levels only tickles the enemy this is so bad to the point sym players are using right click as their primary fire instead, additionally I feel the charge fades too quickly as well by the time I achieve charge lvl 3 if the enemies are not that close togheter you may end up reverting to lvl 2 and 1 if you dont find enemies quickly.

I thought symettras ult was underwhelming at first but that was before I found out you can rotate pressing q similar than mei walls, oh boy I was wrong, sym ult when properly used can decide a lot of team battles! , the most important thing its that is nearly indestructible so whenever you place it any one triying to destroy it will be massively wasting their time and ammo so they only have two choices, move up or wait and this is where the power of the ultimate relies.

If you’re attacking I found its best to rotate the wall in order to split the enemy team effectively in two, that also enables you and your team mates to zig zag while moving forward over and over for cover, if you place this at the right moment basically you get a free closing distance that can’t be punished which is huge, most of the times I place it like this my team ends up winning the fight, its all about angles.

You can also use the ult while defending/capturing a point with the default angle so all the enemy reinforcements are on the other side and you force them to walk over to you while youre in cover.

Another neat thing you can do as sym is to place all your 3 turrets on the floor and teleport then behind the enemy supports when they are busy, most of the times they get killed before they know what’s going on.

Given some tweaks give sym 3.0 a chance and youll be surprised, shes pretty engaging to play now as a damage character.

I’m not super negative about it but I simply will miss the current Sym a lot. Shield gen gone, old-kind teleport gone, photon barrier gone, etc…it’ll be just way too different so I won’t get the same gameplay experience ever again.


The thing about ult!rez was that it came with a bunch of mind games and demanded a high-risk/high reward playstyle to get it often enough for tempo rezzing purposes. It was a very complex ult that required a lot of strategy and fast-paced desision making in order to use to maximum effect.

Taking that away has affected Mercy significantly. She’s no longer rewarded for taking risks, and after you reach a minimum of skill there’s literally no way to improve with using her (E rez is a very simple ability to use, and Valk does everything for you so you can’t get better at it). That lowered skill ceiling has a lot of Mercy fans upset.


Her entire character was based around defense and now they made this abomination of zarya with turrets. Completely unnecessarily switched her ult to an ability (which just went GREAT the last time they tried that with a character) and completely overhauled her ultimate for no reason. Yeah can’t imagine why mains would be annoyed with that

I don’t know I’m one of the few that loves new Sym.

People are mad because she’s different from old Sym ?

But if you want Sym viable in most of situations I think you have to change her a lot and most of all change her weapon.


Not Symmetra main but I do play her from time to time.
This is not Symmetra.
Symmetra is dead.
This is Sanjay, using Sym’s model and name.

Its mainly because she is vastly different from what she was for better or worse.


Sombra’s EMP deleted any barriers in range kinda making her ult usless. Also people only have to walk though it and its no big deal. It would make more since for the hardlight tehcnology to be like a more thin Mei wall, and massivly nerf the size of Symmetras new ult to be just big enough to wall off one side of an objective.

I like her teleport as a basic skill. It makes her more of a team player but also reduced the survivability she once had. At least her projection barrier can save my team from a D.Va ult. Dont get me wrong both skills are good. I’m on the fence on that skill change.

The new Sentry turrets. Yes its cool, and they do more dmg but you cover less ground to know where the enemy is, when you set them up to notify you of flankers.

I love Symmetras alternative fire before the PTR changes. It helps people deal with a triple barrier meta as the shots pass though taking out an over protected Bastion for example. With Symmetra and Sombra as they are perfect for a anti barrier meta, that has been happening but people dont want to switch their main to counter.

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I like the new Sym. It’s awesome to see the Sym I used to play become this amazing hero.

Her new beam actually takes skill now. Her tele is so good for team play in allowing repositioning and getting to high ground easier. The tele will make her more mobile and flanking will be easier. Her ult is 15 seconds like Mercy/Widow ult, and it’ll be good for protecting my cute supports. I just can’t wait to play her on live. I hope to see her played more in comp. :blush:

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