Symmetra Piercing orb. DON'T REMOVE IT!

Her primary is becoming a hard counter for shield comps too though. I get what you’re saying but she kinda needs a long range ability or she’s right back to where she was, and orb is basically just there to spam chokes.

The Teleporter is gonna work miracles on 1st point Anubis attack.

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Sym mains before rework: Please give us a rework

Sym mains after rework details: THIS REWORK IS GONNA KILL SYMMETRA.

Tbh this is like the entire don’t remove scatter trend and now Hanzo has some dumb E ability that is arguably more overpowered than scatter.

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195 not over 200.

It rewards good tracking does it not? And she’s squishy. Her orbs will likely be her safer way of doing be damage.

Does it sound op? Maybe but that’s the same thing people said about sym 2.0

Hey there! See this source? It doesn’t really 100% confirm what it no longer will pierce. Geoff’s statement was a rather broad and general one, so it could go either way. In my honest opinion, a general statement implies an umbrella effect, so that would also include barriers since he said in a rather straightforward manner “will no longer pierce.”

If her orbs do not pass through barriers, it’ll be a huge nerf.

But remains to be seen. The massive speed buff and spammability can make up for enemy piercing skills… but if it doesn’t pass barriers, it’s all moot and shield comps and pirate ships become even harder to deal with.


Only the primary fire gains ammo when attacking shields

It’s not a buff if those rockets ain’t hittin nothin

(shields are “nothing” in this case)

Not really a “hard counter” to shields… Maybe a soft counter at best, otherwise your tanks that just take trash damage into their shields.

As rein, if you lower your shield right before her balls start getting in your face, it’ll negate the damage to the shield, that would’ve passed through the shield and you anyway (if we are assuming the tank isn’t dodging just like the rest of the team should be doing). If you get hit constantly by sym spam, you need to sharpen your games sense through practice.

At best her orbs are just uncomfortable to deal with when it comes to good positioning.

Turret = torb finding the courage to constantly move it, or swap off torb, Bastion = as long as he has a brain, he will get up and just change his positioning. It isn’t really hard to annihilate a bad sym that gets comfortable, especially with a rein/brig combo. Fat shield health, and regeneration.

Don’t miss then? I don’t know what you’re trying to say here.

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(Yeah I kinda also confused myself trying to make a TF2 scout reference)

What I mean is that if the shields block the rockets

They essentially don’t do anything

Exept break the shield
“But who does that?”

They have an AoE, which means you can shoot around the shield for one, but yes they also break the shield. But seriously, you’re trading a Pharah Rocket launcher for the slowest projectile in the game. It’s a good trade.

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I would also argue not to remove shield generator as that means we just have to forget about all the intricate and amazing hiding spots we found for that thing. Symm needs to retain at least one long lasting hardlight structure and since tp is gonna be a limited time thing in an ability, shield gen should stay.

I haven’t looked at the changes but I will definitely miss RMB Orbs. It was my go to for cheese bastion comps that we couldn’t deal with. Even if it didn’t kill the Bastion, it forced him to sit there and heal constantly or move.

That said, they were almost entirely useless outside of that situation of an immobile shielded target. You could occasionally get the jump on someone around a corner or something to kickstart sucking the life out of them but it wasnt really a huge part of her in that regard I dont think.

This is a massively inaccurate and reductionist statement

Most people in the mega thread were simply asking for cooldow changes and QoL stuff.

This want even going to BE a rework at first, it was announced as literally “nothing too drastic”. Next thing you know they turn her in to Zarya.

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Yeah i don’t understand why they change it to explosive orb when the piercing one is the perfect counter to Turret/Bastion hiding behind a shield.

With the increased speed and charge rate it will hard counter Torbjorn and Bastion and people will stop complaining about pirate ship and then you can safely buff these 2 heroes.

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I know personally me and my wife both would prefer her orb pierce and they drop the ammo generation on barriers. The new secondary is not so much a nerf though so I agree, it is just different.

I would love that but I can see how people might feel that would bust her. The last thing I want is her rework to come around and she gets nerfed into the ground. Oddly on the opposite end I am worried she gets so popular I can’t even play her anymore despite maining her since release through thick and thin.

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I was glad to hear that the autoaim noodle was getting the axe, but I was unhappy about the piercing orb change. Ammo regeneration? Neat idea, but if it means that I can’t create a danger zone by lobbing tons of orbs into an area without obstacles, I can deal without the ammo regeneration.

It’s exactly what the OP described; counters barriers, Bastion and turrets. I love making a Bastion constantly have to get up and move if they were looking to have a lazy LMB battle for the whole round.

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I feel ya but i dont think a choice between shield gen or the massive shield would be op at all.

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