If you play Symmetra, you are using the Orb 90% of the game.
Its a hard counter for Shield + Turret / Shield + Bastion / Shield + enemy behind Shield. Against Chokes and everything.
Why are u delete a ability that doesn’t need a change? A simple Speed buff or a bounce from a wall would’be make the orb good too.
Why the change to a Zarya Rightclick.
Thats just a hard nerf for Sym players.
An example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHnMimxfJbY
I’ll still get to feel like mega-man charging shots to fire out of the megabuster. Only they’ll probably do more of a threatening job to deny space… because of mini explosions.
But that orb is also the slowest projectile in the game making it easily avoidable, and if you spam it while your ult is active all you’re doing is practically feeding ult charge to enemy healers (Goes for Any Non-Lethal Damage Sym Deals While Her Ult is Active tbh)
I do think the piercing property is pretty nice but if they increase the damage and speed it may become difficult to balance. The current “changes” aren’t final yet so there is a chance they don’t fully commit to it yet
The Orb does 125 Damage btw, you should get your information correct if you’re going to be complaining.
If you think that slow of a projectile is good, i don’t know what to tell you. They’re literally giving Symmetra an extremely powerful ranged option and you’re complaining.
You can say that to every hero in the game. That is no argument against Symmetra.
Thats a extremly nerf to her. She lost her strongest “Weapon” and get replaced with a boring Pharah rocket / Zarya Bomb.
You dont know how good is the Orb right now.
The Orb is pretty much garbage, and I appear to know more about it than you (considering you couldn’t even get its damage value correct.) Giving Symmetra a legitímate ranged option is a crazy buff, especially when it’s replacing the slowest, most dodgeable projectile in the game.
My understanding is that it will go through shields but explode if it hits an enemy/the environment. It will still be effective in all the same ways, assuming the explosion can hit multiple enemies - the only difference is that instead of relying on a projectile to hit enemies standing in a straight line, you can now do with Pharah does and go for AOE splash damage (sounds really useful close up, assuming she doesn’t take damage from her own explosion)
For her rework, they stated that her orb will charge faster and its travel speed is greatly increased, but at the exchange of getting explosive damage instead of pierce.
I would MUCH rather her orb stay the same while keeping the above mentioned changes (minus the explosion). Right now, her orb would eat Brigitte away. Plus it would effectively deal with the death ball we’ve been dealing with the past week.
Oh, I was under the impression that pierce is removed. He even stated:
“Her alternate fire is still a charge-up large projectile, but it has a bunch of important changes as well. First off, it charges to max charge in 1 second, down from 2 seconds. Next, the projectile speed has increased significantly, currently it has changed from 10 m/s to 30 m/s. Lastly, instead of piercing enemies, it now impacts enemies/environments and explodes, dealing area damage around it.”
True! But you never know. We have Pharah and Junkrat for countering Brigitte and breaking shields. If Genji can Deflect those things back, it would be helpful. Granted, this would require Genji to change up his flanker playstyle a bit. Just food for thought!