The ability of the Photon Barrier and Photon Shields:
Her Italian hand gesture.
I don’t care what it’s connected to or what it does but we need that spicy hand motion back!
i always LOVED that gesture lol
It was amazing.
I once spent the best part of an afternoon practising it because I was so mesmerised. I even practised the Hindi they added to go with it (Though I could never quite get that down).
I catch myself thinking about how gracefull was.
Just make it her hello wave.
They could make it so she can manually destroy her turrets by using interact on them so you don’t have to cycle through them all and end up with a 30 second cooldown to replace them.
The animation can be reused for that.
Is there a video of this? I didn’t start playing Overwatch until Sym 2.0.
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She had the hand gesture then 2
It was reused for the Photon Barrier on 2.0.
I’ll have to look back on some of my old POTGs. Cheers
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I remember practicing that sexy gesture and just do it on everything as if I’m building it from hard light…
Anybody has a therapist’s number they can give me
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While it’s hardly farewell, that was beautiful…
Brings back so many fond memories of Sym 2.0…
(Actually brought a tear to my eye, not kidding)
I just made a concept for a new hero that includes a different version of Photon shield:
This hero concept may be complicated and hard to understand.
My intention with this concept is to make a hero to replace Symmetra’s old Shields, similar to how Brigitte now replaces Torbjorn’s old Armor.
Hero Description and Lore:
Jimin is a South Korean male omnic that was kidnapped and modified by Talon (possibly by Moira and Sanjay). Unlike other Omnics, Jimin is built to be almost indistinguishable from humans. This is one of the reasons Talon want to use Jimin for their missions. Jimin …
Thaaaaat’s a spicy shield-a wall!
I thought of a way to bring the old photon barrier back, which would include this:
I have played Symmetra since I got Overwatch(Season 3), and seeing her get two reworks that fail to bring her out of F-Tier is disappointing to say the least.
Witht he experience I gathered by playing all her itterations, I came up with the following alterations to her kit in order bring her to a more viable place:
Primary Fire
Secondary Fire
Shift Ability: Deploy Turret
Cooldown reduced to 8s (down from 10s).
Stores up to 4 Turrets (up from 3).
Max Nº of Sent…
True, oh the old good times ~ :’)
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We don’t need those simple shields back, they mean nothing.
We need only that saucy Italian gesture and then we’ll carry games even harder!
(Seriously though, I think it’s much better to look forward than back. If anything, it might end up being an inverse Mercy:
Underpowered and overshadowed to begin with but keeps receiving a slew of buffs until she doesn’t need to be buffed anymore but they buff her again out of fear that she’s still overshadowed.
Besides, aren’t we all secretly sure the Italian hand is the only buff she’ll ever need? )
My concept is very different and more powerful than old photon shields. This hero might have some beautiful animations that rival Symmetra.
Jimin is an off tank/support hybrid with a smaller hitbox than other tanks. Jimin is designed to sacrifice his own health for allies. He has 50 health and 250 shields to make up for this (300hp overall). I personally think Jimin would be a 3 star difficultly hero.
Primary Fire (No ammo required):
Jimin’s primary weapon is Staff of Chaos. Jimin swings his staff to release a slash projectile that can pass through enemies and barriers that does 60 damage per slash and travels at 20m per second. Each slash/swing takes 1 second to charge. Staff of Chaos will also act as a melee weapon at close range, dealing an additionally 40 damage every second. This can do a maximum of 100 damage per second at a range of 5m.
Photon Shield (No cooldown):
Jimin sacrifices 50 of his permanent shield health and gives this to an ally. This lowers Jimin’s maximum shield health by 50. He cannot regenerate these lost 50 shields unless he removes Photon shield by using the interact button, or if a teammate dies. It does not require line of sight to stay on a teammate. When Photon Shield is removed from an ally with the interact button the 50 shield health becomes temporary and decays away after 2 seconds. Photon shield can be applied to a maximum of 3 allies at the same time. This, however, would reduce Jimin’s maximum shield health to 100 (He would have 150hp overall).
Photon dash (8-second cooldown):
Jimin transforms into light (photons) and dashes a short distance in any direction (including vertical movement) with incredible speed. Jimin is still targetable during photon dash, unlike Moira’s fade.
Life Link (10-second cooldown):
Jimin grants a single ally 25% damage reduction with the cost of taking this 25% damage himself. All buffs Jimin receive from other teammates (such as healing, damage boost, speed boost, or damage reduction) will also be shared at 25% value with Jimin’s Life link target. For example, if Ana Nano boosts Jimin and she is connected to Jimin with Life link, Ana will receive 25% of the effects of Nano boost herself. Life Link requires line of sight to stay on a teammate and has a 30m range similar to Zen’s Orb of Harmony. Life link has a 10-second cooldown and an 8-second duration.
Ultimate ability (Thrive):
Jimin grants himself and all allies within a 15m radius around him 2.25 seconds of Invulnerability and 50 permanent shield health until they die. This shield health stacks with Photon shield to 100 shield health.
Passive Ability:
Any damage Jimin does with his Staff of Chaos to enemies will activate personal shield regeneration (Shields usually start to regenerate after 3 seconds without taking damage). If Jimin has a current Life Link target, their damage will also activate shield regeneration.
Honestly I just wish her secondary fire changed faster and her teleporter came online faster.
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