yes she needs her old shield back, and shes indian
Jimin, South Korea, I see what you did there
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I miss saving my teamates with photon barrier
Photon Barrier no, Photon Shields absolutely! I’m still upset they gutted that and Torb’s armor packs. Hopefully these abilities will just be added to future heroes kit.
And I loved League of Legends’s Garen frontflip Q but Riot removed that. I loved my ex-girlfriend more than anything but she broke up. You loved Symmetra’s Gesture and now its gone.
I’ve moved on from the first 2. Its time you symmetra players did the same. Oh and, that doesn’t just go for you symm players. It goes for all of you, every main for every hero. Just move on already and stop dwelling in the past.
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Oh, no, we don’t need the shields, just the gesture!