Symmetra Minor Nerf?

I am 2802 for Damage Que and I agree with him that she could use a minor nerf. Looks like your statement was a flat out lie, and not honest what-so-ever like you claimed. Yikes.


She is the worse DPS right now, with no real dps role or positive match-ups. Even bastion is more reliable, if team dependant, that her.

She is a taxibot that even OWL teams struggle to excuse the full team pocket that she needs to be an usable dps hero.

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How? Okay correction, people that BELONG AT THEIR RANK above 1700.

Symmetra is literally the worst hero in the game. Please explain, in what POSSIBLE area do you believe symmetra needs to be nerfed? Her breast size?


This made me laugh lol


Symm is on the verge of being literally absolute trash, please, PLEASE, dont touch her


Well… Didn’t that go to Bastion or Sombra?

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Sombra is good, but her kit is too over reliant on teamwork. Otherwise her actual kit is good.

Bastion is…okay yeah bastion is the worst.

But symms whole kit, every aspect is mediocre.


Are you saying I don’t belong at my rank because I agree with OP that she should get a minor nerf? A MINOR nerf? That’s funny :rofl: I’d like to know how I ended up in the wrong rank by only solely solo queuing. And my support rating is over 2,000 as well so I’m inclined to think that’s not a fluke.

No, my point is that your opinion is extremely wrong. Again, answer my question. What possible aspect of her kit do you think needs a minor nerf?

Her primary fire is awful.
Her secondary fire is awful.
Her teleporter is mediocre
Her turrets are one of the worst abilities in the game.
Her wall is mediocre.

Her melee attack is the only thing in line with other heroes. Is that what you want nerfed??


You must be new… all I can say.

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My opinion is extremely wrong because YOU don’t agree with it, is that right?.

Her turrets can be useful if used correctly, put them in a not so obvious spot while the enemy team is distracted and that can catch them off guard, even if they react quickly to shooting the turrets down then they likely have taken quite a bit of damage already from them.

Turrets also can be used as a distraction, so while their shooting down the turrets someone on my team can swoop in and catch them off guard.

Her secondary fire takes half the health of a 200hp hero when you fully charge it, and it’s big as hell so it’s easy to land a “shot”.

Her primary fire I agree is pretty dang useless unless the enemy team has a shield tank for which Sym can get her beam charged up quickly.

Teleport can save a lot of time to get back to defend point, such as on Dorado, Junkertown, Rialto, and Route 66.

And on maps such as Temple of Anubis and Hanamura, there are a couple of spots to place tp for quick access to the point. Such as on the roof above the Temple of Anubis 1st defense point.

Now I am not saying she’s viable all the time, but she can be a great pick depending on your team comp, the enemy’s comp and the map.

The slowing down that her turrets provide is a little too much, that’s what I think could be nerfed a bit, she’s fine otherwise.

To be honest, it doesn’t sound like you’ve ever played her a day in your life.

Bastion is beast or famine, and even there he is more reliable that Sym, and easier to get results when a team works with Bastion.

Sombra is niche and dependant on her team to kill, but she is otherwise a great counterpick hero against things like bunker.

Sym meanwhile is only strong in 1 map, and she remains a barely usable DPS even with her team working with her and pocketing her.

which is what im afraid is gonna happen to moira, every time they REWORK a hero it becomes an absolute mess

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Yeah supports or in general anti-Genji reworks have all been awful and unbalanceable.

RIP Moira she will be given some token utility and made a full on free kill for Genji, most likely.

Assuming the healers know they’re a healer then they would heal that.

They can still retaliate and they have teammates to rely on.

Assuming they have no barrier tank, yes.

Fair point.

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Why nerf a f-tier hero

Absolutely not.

Haven’t check OP’s profile, but I guarantee that he is a hanzo, widow and/or doom main. It’s just in their nature to be delusional

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Yeah, because she literally doesn’t need a nerf, minor or otherwise.