Symmetra Minor Nerf?

Literally just you.

Git gud.


You know that it was already effectively nerfed -only one turret’s worth of slow affects a target now IIRC. It’s nothing like before, which is why they lost a lot of power when turrets were clustered.

Sym is still quite good, I reasonably good enough with her that I routinely got Gold damage with her, these days it floats between Gold. Silver and Bronze depending on who’s on my team. I would say she’s mostly balanced, though I think she needs a bit more range on her primary. Its ridiculous that Moira has a 20m beam, Zarya 15m, and the DPS Sym has 12m.


Your not the entire comical entertainment industry, your the definition of entertainment itself.

Im sitting here in disbelief. Nerf sym… are you ok?

Try all of the above.

It’s very obvious you checked their profile first before commenting that because those are his top 3 mains in exactly the order you listed, hilarious how you’re trying to make yourself look like smart here. :joy: Sis we ain’t fooled.

True her beam range is actually pitiful, most of the time even if Sym has full charge on it she has to put herself in danger to confirm kills with it.

Like it’s a death sentence to use her short beam when the enemy team has a junkrat spamming stuff everywhere.

in fact she could use a buff

No. Literally nobody on earth thinks she needs a nerf but you. She’s OK at best in certain situations and sucks anywhere else. She’s part of the troublesome trio of trash DPS (Sym, Sombra, Bastion), who only see success in one situation or in the hands of dedicated specialists like Stevooo or StealthHacker that exclusively one trick those heroes.

This is literally one of the reasons she’s a clown of a dps. Sym does 180 dps at her max charge. Obtaining this charge means she has to put herself in harms way to attack an enemy/barrier to charge it up. Whereas you can get someone like widowmaker that can deal 300 damage instantly, or someone like Ashe or McRee who can two tap you dead from half way across the map. Why on earth would u pick symmetra who can only function at 15 metres or closer over mcree who can two tap from miles away ? This is why symmetra doesn’t see high pick rate.

I honestly don’t know what you’re having trouble with when facing sym. Her turrets are made out of paper masche and will literally explode if the wind blows too hard near them. Hold down m1 on winston for 0.5 seconds and her turrets are gone. One made from ana, they’re gone. One slam from doomfist, they’re gone. One flail from brigette, they’re gone. i Her beam requires her to hit an enemy to charge it up meaning she has to get within 15m of you to become even somewhat of a threat. And almost the whole roster can punish symmetra for being that close to them.

Shes bottom of the barrel when it comes to DPS. Making her any less powerful will literally just be a joke at this point.

I think some of y’all are forgetting op said Minor nerf in some areas. Minor.

I dont think anyone missed out the minor part. The thing is she’s already bottom tier in 95% of scenarios. So why would anyone think to nerf the things that make her good in 5% of situations and make her fade into more of an obscurity than she is already in ?

The amount of times people have solo ulted me while I was playing Sym is laughable. So Sym must be some sort of annoyance when played correctly.

Girl U think I’d bother with that petty business? I’ve been in this community since launch, those players are generally the ones to have the strangest opinions

Well you already did so, yes, I do believe you’d bother doing that.

Lol this thread is still going?

I forgot to reply to that when she posted that a couple of days ago. My B