Symmetra Minor Nerf?

This must be a joke. Tell me it’s a joke.


True about Lucio, though he cant immediately put team mates on higher ground behind enemy lines, and get them back and forth easily, assuming the portal isn’t destroyed.

Any Damage character can get kills.

Also, the turrets have exceptional range. Placing them on higher ground and in random spots to force the enemy team to look away is a good strategy.

no ur actually high.

Would she even be picked at all if not for her teleport and/or die hard Sym fans?


So you suggest nerdfing a troll pick?

Why? Just git gud…literally


At the tradeoff of him having no cooldown, deploy time, etc.

And they definitely specialize in that more than Sym.

So does your gun. Even if you’re Rein, just use your shield.

This argument could be made for every single hero. Get highground, get to a point where the enemies don’t expect, get kills. And you know what’s funny?
“X Character gets sneaky highground and kills a support or two.”
Reaper: Shotguns the Rien, pressuring him to turn around.
Echo: Stickies and beams to kill a support.
McCree: Flash fan a support.
Junk: Very high aoe damage, can use grenade + mine to kill a support.

Sym: Wait three hours until your beam is charged up, then die.


Your points are valid and great strategies for each of these characters, but I wouldn’t see them as the only solution.

Every character provides a unique approach to the game. Exploring them all can only promote a player to think outside the box.

I promise you, streamers could say that Zenyatta is OP, and the people on here would eat it up and make 30 threads about zen nerfs.


There will never be “only” in Overwatch. That’s why.

So are we arguing about Sym or approaches to characters?

Obviously other characters can bring something to the table to distract and confuse the enemy line up, get kills, etc…but I am talking about Sym and Sym alone. Her approach to the battle field.

Her kit, her team comp, her enemy team comp, how much support she gets, team battle strategies, etc. All of these variables and vary from match to match, which is why Overwatch itself is so addicting.

The ultimate question…As she is now, (with these variables and more in mind), would a tweak be optimal, or is she fine the way she is?

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Yeah, and if they do her job better, she’s garbage.

How can you though? Better options are better options. That’s why Sombra and Bastion are terrible.

She is fine, and may need buffs.

Matches may vary, but things can be consistent. Rien/Zarya/Ana is consistently meta. Sombra/Bastion are consistently terrible.


Needs 3 seconds to reach fatal levels. Meanwhile Symmetra only has 200 health, has to be in visual sight to charge, has no defensive abilities, has no immediate mobility skills and has no one shot potential.

You can literally see this coming. Her character model’s gun shines when an Orb is being charged. Unless she’s spamming, you can easily side step.

Max damage is 90 DPS. That’s a little over 2 seconds to kill a target if they are all hitting said target and target is recieving no heals, has no Barriers or is just sitting there and crying when Turrets hit them. Also Turrets are easy to track as they have a loud ambient sound that gives away their position.

Can only be used to create a pathway every 14 seconds (2 second deployment time) when used Offensively, you can also hear it.

Don’t know why you believe she needs a tweak in the nerf direction. Unless you can’t hit anything and have the awareness of a potato, Symmetra is a free kill.

You were playing QP classic, where Symmetra Turrets can get PotG, weren’t you?


I think the word you meant was “buff”.


You brought it back to other characters and what they can do.

No (period)


Symmetra needs buffing, not nerfing.

Unless your entire team works with you, Symmetra barely gets value.

She needs something that give her instant value in a teamfight. All of her kit has some form of wind up to it. She just can’t act on her own like the rest of the dps heroes can.


No, Sym doesn’t need to be nerfed at all. She could probably use a small targeted buff.


Because they can do what she does better.
Because they are consistent.


You have completely missed the point. Thanks for your responses though.

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No. Nobody at all above 1700 sr agrees with you. And that is not me trying to insult, that’s me being honest.