Symmetra mains were scammed

Uh, if a character has an insanely high win rate, that’s a failure. Not a success. Just, FYI.

Good Symmetra players were really hard to deal with. Not bad for a character that’s a tHrOw pIcK.

It’s not really a scam when the devs didnot expressively invite you to buy the game to just play a single hero, especially the extra flavor hero like Sym. In fact the term of contract did say everything is subjective to changes.

And at one point they were very transparent about their take on 1 trick and Sym as a niche hero. They do not want Sym to be a generalist

When the game was revealed, everyone I knew was choosing a main from the cast. The whole hard-counter bs was never advertised in any teaser or trailer; it’s not on the box, it’s not in the official guides, no where. Everyone assumed you could pick a main and just play it, and I did. A few years later, it was deleted. :clap: How would you feel if they deleted your best hero?

If you read the thread, I said many times that this redesign is just as niche as her first rework. She’s no longer a strong Defence hero with crazy utility, no. She’s a taxi that doesn’t get played outside of spawn. :woman_facepalming:

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2.0 would have been fine if shield generator went away on its own after a bit of time like briggs armor in ult does. It allowed for to large of hp pools and was to easy to babysit and prevent it from going down.

Wait did 2.0 have the autolock bs on her primary? Cause that definetly had to go.

The redesign was brought about because the Sym 1 tricks hold the game hostage, they insisted on playing her outside of her intended niche, causing grief to everyone involved.

To be honest, I’m not a Sym main, but I can still use her on same maps effectively, or when I deem it’s optimal for Sym to beat Sym 1 trick black and blue. With the rework, the Sym with the better aim will get more stuff done, only Sym who couldn’t aim get mad because the game takes away the skill equalizer, now she is much more reliant on player input instead of the hero.

and she’s still garbage. :clap: She is currently in the worst state she has ever been in. And before you mention 1.0, at least 1.0 was faithful to the hero.

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As someone who likes playing Symmetra, I do not want to go back to 2.0. I would want non-infinite TP back. There are still a lot of things the devs can improve on the current Symmetra, but going back is not one of them, at least not for me.

And of course there was a redesign. Symmetra’s very base design was, dare I say, “wrong”. She was a non-healer in the support character while her support/“heal” ability was poorly thought through. She was then moved to the “Defense” category, a category where all its characters needed reworks or full-on redesigns. Torbjorn is completely different now compared to his first iterations, people still want Bastion “reworks”, Junkrat got major buffs and Hanzo/Widow are still being complained about (and so is Mei, actually).

I don’t think it’s fair to say that players got “scammed” because a rework was more of a redesign. The game itself has moved on from what the developer’s vision was originally (see role-queue). I would say it would be more of a scam if they hadn’t given her one. This isn’t a game anymore where Sym 1.0/2.0 would work well, at all. Piercing Orb is about the best thing she would have in today’s metas, but that just feeds Sigma’s Kinetic Grasp, while she would just be a throw pick against all the new characters (Sombra, Doomfist, Hammond,… other than hoping turrets stay alive on the objective Sym would never be able to do anything against them).

What’s interesting too is that so many people want a support Symmetra, which is an even bigger redesign. Like, many forum posts here that suggest their own version of (support) Symmetra tend to be whole new characters.

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What’s creative about having to use the same spots every single time?

They reworked her not only because she was passive (turrets and ult need virtually zero player input), but also because her design was flat and woefully ineffective


I miss the utility that she brought to the field, but I do like the 3.0 beam, though.

Spots and ult choice would change depending on the composition of the enemy team. It was the decision making that made her more complex than people made her out to be.

And it wouldn’t have been if they’d just made reasonable changes to her. Removing the charge up and giving her a static damage would have done wonders for her, and anyone who CAN’T figure out to not be around her is equally not able to figure out how not to be around Winston or Brigitta or Rein or Moira. To say that her noodle beam is some magical unfair advantage when other characters have Melee abilities that damage within a similar range is just unfair - why can they do it if Sym can’t?

People just can’t assess her kit properly, they never could and now they never will because the Blizz team ruined her.

This makes literally zero sense.

You’re saying they reworked her entire character because some people were too good at her and could do TOO much with her? Because that’s… insanity? I don’t remember seeing any videos of 2.0 one tricks where they were ‘causing grief’ - outside of the usual one tricks that everyone was like Tracer and whatnot. I mean… This kind of logic just baffles me tbh. Why do you even think this???

edit: or are you saying that they weren’t good but played her anyway and wouldn’t swap, so they changed her entire character because people were just mad they were playing Sym, even though this exact scenario happens with a ton of other characters too like Widow etc. ?

Like I said, it makes no sense. No matter which way I look at it, I just can’t figure out why you think it’d be OK for the Bliz team to gut a character simply because people liked playing her. People like playing Torb and play him all the time regardless of the situation, but we didn’t get a Torb gutting ; he still is primarily the same stupid dwarf he’s always been. Sym is the only character to lose a bunch of abilities and get next nothing back in exchange for them.


Agreed. Like, lock-on is ok if the damage isn’t insane. Winston’s design never bothered me, Moira’s ok, etc. Just … Sym brought forth so much rage. XD

LOL Dude, yes, speed boost was ridiculous with Sym. I remember us hiding and ambushing people on Anubis. “Drive-by beam of death.” :joy:

I know it only really works in low ranks, but still… lol

Story of my life…

The problem was that you never really knew why you were abruptly melted by Sym, you just WERE. That’s because she could have charged her beam up to level 3 on someone else and turned around to use it on you - but that didn’t mean her gun was always good, just that in rare circumstances it could melt people.

Unfortunately people are not good at seeing those circumstances, so instead we get “waaah her noodle gun is unfair because I refuse to acknowledge that being around Sym is a danger to myself!”

Like her gun on level 3 WAS nuts, but it didn’t need to be that way. I’d have been happy with slightly-better-than-base-damage that she used to have, because the noodleness of the beam AND her shield meant that you had plenty of options to survive a duel fairly. Pop a shield and shield dance, juke out the other players abilities and suck them dry over a few seconds. Not instantly, a few seconds, thus giving both players time to assess the situation and change course. Fairness.

Now we have Zarya’s Laser Pointer of not-gonna-kill-jack-diddly.

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I mean, you may be right. But torb also received a similar rework or redesign. Turrets deployed from distance, ultimate moved to ability (the overload used to be a part of his old molten core), ability moved to ultimate (well, in torb s case, instead of shooting armor he shoots magma, but he already had an emote and a highlight with the magma).

Yeah. Symmetra 2.0 was unique. I have no idea why they changed her into a DPS. Blizzard has a weird obsession with turning practical supports into unwanted DPS heroes (Also Tassadar from Heroes of the Storm)

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Yep, we were scammed all right, we want SUPPORT SYM BACK!!!

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Sym was never a good support. She was always a dps in the wrong category.