Symmetra mains were scammed

That’s the problem. Only Symmetra players voted, tons of which have already been proven from other suveys in the exact same subreddit to be former Symmetra 2.0 mains.

Again, I have still to see any actual evidence which supports such a claim.

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I will never forgive blizzard for taking Symmetra 2.0 from me. She was the reason I played so much overwatch nonstop, I loved her so much, both in character design and gameplay, I found her interesting and fun to play, despite the hatred I got for being a “Symmetra one trick”.

I miss her, sometimes I watch my old POTG’s of Sym2.0 and get genuinely upset it feels like they took my best friend from me and all I have left is a robotic replacement that doesn’t feel the same lmao


I like sym 3.0.1 version better

Sym 2.0 had its problems too. Turrets with 1HP and short deploy range, made it very difficult to rebuild your defense during fights. Relaying on getting her ult as fast as possible to get any form of value for the team. Unreliable ranged attack/poke with alt-fire, and low survivability for being a melee/close range hero.

Sym 3.0 fixed most of these problems. I wished they’ve kept the Shield Gen as the ult tho and only did the other changes they did.

The increase range and damage on her primary-fire was a good change, faster alt-fire for more reliable poke was also good. (I personally have no problem with the removal of the old photon barrier as it had also issues, if it where like Sigma’s current shield then photon barrier would be amazing, but Sigma can have that one, more love for tanks in the end.)

Moving the TP to an normal ability made it more useful and also allowed some creative utility and unlocked some cool team comp synergy. Improved turrets with unlimited deploy ranged was a god sent and also they got 30HP instead of 1HP.

Overall 3.0 is a better version of Sym in most aspects, the only thing I wish is that she was still support, so I could play her mor in this era of 2-2-2, I used to play Sym and later switch to a mercy or moira when needed before 2-2-2. But whatever, I play this game less and less and probbly will move on to other games, OW is not what it used to be, but thats ok I guess, if we stop enjoying OW, we can always just stop playing the game and let it retire like most other games.



Bruh. My survey was responded to by like 90 non symmetra mains. At least go read the data. Yes my demographic was the forums but I think it could be a representative sample of at least forum users. But while its low it was answered by people who find the game fun enough to come to forums which tells me those people will have similar opinions to most.

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I mean, with old Sym I at least respected her close range. I honestly don’t care about that anymore, she might do more damage but since it’s harder to track I’m likely to come out on top anyway. :laughing:

Also, considering people whine about double shield it’s ironic one of the best secondaries for dealing with it was removed.

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Ironically she’d probably contribute to the issue. You destroy both Shields and she places the emergency third one…
Why did they make her ult the shield…

Great. The data you provided are kind of representative of the opinions Forum users and nothing more (which by itself doesn’t say a lot and in no way suddenly turns the surveys provided to actual evidence which supports the original claim of Symmetra 2.0 being ““preferred”” by the majority of users, etc. Personally, I’m 1000% sure the exact opposite is actually true if my perspective were to be considered).

You should had phrased it that way then, because no amount of stretching is going to account for the fact that not only the amount of participants was still low even by Forums standards, the Forums themselves simply do not fairly represent the game’s player base as a whole and that’s a fact. The over - proportional amount of Support players here is just one of the many reasons why.

Well out of the sym poll on reddit and both the surveys above, Sym mains preferred 2.0 in a heavy majority. It actually tended to be non sym players that preferred 3.0. I think that says a lot about Sym mains as a demographic and what they want.

She’s better right now. I remember people telling me I couldn’t aim and her gun carried the game… and when I do good on her I know that wasn’t true!

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Great. The majority of the 2% of the game’s total player base prefer Symmetra 2.0 as ““proven”” by a single survey with 150 votes on the Symmetra subreddit.

In what world exactly does that warranty any change being made??

I really miss her lock-on beam, it was the big thing I loved about her, but if they were ever going to make her ‘good’ it probably needed to go. People whine about Moira having a beam which does much less damage and not even being lock-on, can you imagine the outrage if Sym ever became highly picked while having an -actual- lock-on?

Thankfully that was never an issue because the only time she was ever at risk of becoming a popular pick she was nerfed within -days-.

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It doesn’t prove anything alone. However, it does suggest (like most data only suggests) that Sym mains preferred their hero in the 2.0 state if assuming all the around 200 sym mains interviewed are representative of most sym mains. Which I think they are.

Now that’s a good way to present these specific results and leave it at that.

Lissen Sym players and fans alike. You can propose reverts and changes and everything, except for the primary fire. As long as the primary fire stays as a linear beam that doesn’t lock onto targets, anything is fine

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Symm 3.0 got nerfed to the ground though, New TP ruined, Primary fire buffed then ruined once again, Ult nerfed, Turrets nerfed, only thing still remaining that’s decent are orbs


I’d argue that Sym 2.0 had the highest skill ceiling ever in this game. Only a handful of people were able to get her to masters and above, which should say something.

while true, I think they were referring the “design” of the kit rather than the poor “execution” of the “design”.

Must have felt great having a pocket Mercy and Lucio to speed boost you =p

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I think the massive changes to both Symmetra and Torbjörn did nothing to improve community perceptions of them. They’ve always been considered throw picks due to the perception of: Turrets = Braindead easy character for noobs = easily counterable and worthless

People said that these characters were only viable on defense, and even when they’re played on defense, the players are still yelled at and falsely reported. Even Jeff of all people wrote on the forums that he and the team never expected anyone to pick a character like Torbjörn on attack, which I think is absolutely disgraceful for them to say after all of this talk of “diversity” and “inclusivity.”

Anyway, so they changed both Sym and Torb so that they were more viable on attack, but this did virtually nothing to change their image among the broader community. Now they’ve shut out people who played those characters due to physical disabilities that impacted their aiming skills, and everyone still thinks the characters suck and should be the first ones to swap off if team performance is poor.

Even in bronze, people will still pick characters that require precise aim over Sym and Torb, because they’ve had this idea burned into their skulls that Widowmaker > Sym/Torb no matter the rank. I’d love to see them buff the heck out of Sym and Torb (like what they recently did to Genji) so that people are incentivized to actually play them and see that they’re viable. At least it’ll cut down on the false reports and antagonistic behavior directed towards Sym/Torb…