Symmetra losing her purpose hurts a lot

Honestly If push came to shove and something had to be done about turrets, I would much rather have them do little to no damage in favor of stronger slow and more ground to cover. I really despise how 3.0 needs to rely on her turrets - I miss how with 2.0 they always assisted you while you did the heavy lifting.


I’m honestly starting to think that this is the direction to go. They did it with Torb, emphasized his own damage and weakened the turret. Plus they kind if inverted the issue with Sym’s old beam so that now the rest of her kit prevents it from being able to be useful because stacking it with sentries would be OP if it was buffed.

Tone back the sentry damage, give them more utility features like giving vision on their targets, and buff primary.

IMO sym is one of the easiest heroes to play, 195 dmg a second, orb that deletes squishes and turrets that make Genji mains like me cry at night.

I would also stress to this point, that to actually benefit from the new tp takes a lot more teamwork and coordination than what most players encounter (or provide for that matter). Every team member loved to use the old tp/sg, now barely anyone uses it and when they do it’s almost only during the pre-match period.


… its 180, its not easy to get 180, she is massively immobile, orb does not delete squishies because after you land the first they escape, and a genji cant dash out of it and kill it from range?


Reaper -can- deal 560 DPS, but that doesn’t mean it’s feasible.

I think Blizzard has suffered from a bad case of tunnel vision while crafting their reworks. They tried too hard to preserve the fundamental aspects of Sym’s original design, never realizing that maintaining the key features of a failed design might just be a recipe to perpetuate failure.

It’s time to scrap the turrets. OW was a casual game at one time, but now it’s an esport that aims to be taken seriously, and that leaves little room for zero skill-floor aimbot abilities in my opinion.

Her teleportation has immense potential and should serve as the new foundation for the character. I think Blizz should expand her TP capabilities further and also make them faster and safer to execute.

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Erh exsqueeze me? tried to hard? THEY DELETED HER ENTIRE KIT! the one thing that is semi similar is her turrets and you wanna take them away 2?


See, here’s what bothered me SO MUCH about it. They didn’t go far enough and left in the massive drawback that balanced an aspect of her weapon which no longer exists to need balancing!!! Gee thanks, the one thing NO ONE wants, we get to keep. How nice of you. Should have just committed to the departure and made her primary actually useful, but they flaked out on perhaps the most important thing.


I do miss grilling genji’s tho. Orb and her current primary are far more difficult to hit on a spastically moving genji who can even deflect the orb back. Turrets are still unreliable.

But I suppose the genji grillign abilities with ease was one of the reasons why they changed her, since they complained about that a lot.

They gave her a barrier in some form again. They kept her turrets. They kept the fact that her weapon has to charge up to do worthwhile damage. They repurposed her teleporter as an ability on a CD.

Her kit was not deleted; just basically remixed and fed back to us. Not much of a rework at all in my opinion.

No it was deleted her barrier is nothing like her old one her turrets are the only good thing about this replacement, a weapon that has to charge up as a dps… great idea, and srsly? just because it has the same skin does not make it the same ability it has none of the same functions don’t even try and compare them

Okay, if you feel like those changes warrant being called a deletion, that’s fine. It appears we have different perspectives on it but that’s okay!

Not even enough.
Not remotely enough.

AFTER she’s been hitting enemies for 4 seconds straight.

As opposed to McCree which does 150, barring headshot, or Soldier’s 171, barring headshots, from much longer range, without wind-up.

she is a taxi + none of your team mates use the teleporter even with communication.

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I’ve had good matches with people using it. It proves veritical movement to some death ball comps. Which can be useful on some maps. It also serves as a powerful shortcut in many 2 cp and assault maps. It definetly can be useful but often requires a rein or orisa to get most value. Also Zarya who lacks vertical mobility. It also is a buff to heroes like bastion and torbs turret. I think its powerful but in coordinated play. It can even port a D.Va ult so I think teams need to work with her. Lots of people dont like to but at least in Quickplay it is a very powerful team tool.

Either too little or too much. They didn’t hit the Ballmer Peak

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But that’s the problem

No one wants to work with Sym. They would literally rather lose and die at a Volskaya choke than work with Sym. And that is not only NOT the Sym’s fault (Sym knows that’s the smart play why should she be punished for not being able to herd cats?) but it LITERALLY ties 3.0 to her team by the apron strings aka “being forced to build around her” (/whiny nasally voice) that 2.0 never had to deal with.

2.0, as I said before, was the support for supports who got tired of playing mommy. She didn’t hold hands and she got the job done without being forced to sacrifice herself because some critical numskull couldn’t bother to look behind him. She was independent and as a support character, support players would play her so she was the perfect symbiotic bodyguard for healers because Symmetra knew Support Life.


I mean she right now has team oriented teleport. Its not very useful by herself but as a team it is really useful. And its up to people to get use for her. Such as pharmercy. SHe has her good pairings. Its not exactly fun being the mercy in a pharmercy comp for example but its fun being symmetra.