Symmetra losing her purpose hurts a lot

Geoff said that the new Symm was able to counter better but that was just a lie, her former self was doing that job much much better and consistently.


You’re misconstruing a quote that was already paraphrased. They didn’t say they wanted Sym to counter Dva. They heard people’s pleas for something Dva didn’t counter and hoped Syms beam would quell that (which it kinda does).

90% of time? Don’t you know how to play Sym? Sym can be played in different ways which is why her kit was unique.

Like you would know. It worked for me when I was in masters ranking. It depends on your opponent team. If you’re not detected a lot and team does communicate instead of raging over a Sym pick. 9/10 the the strategy works.


Not an argument, shouldn’t have brought into the subject when symm can do so much poorly against her now.

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They changed how everything works in her kits besides her turrets

I’d say including her turrets, since the change in placement mechanics and the reduction of her turret stash in half demended you to relearn when and where to position those turrets. So, your previous turret expertise would help, but still have to be learned back from scratch.

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She does have a new purpose.

She’s a long range beam sniper :smiley:

Why are you trolling. You make an alt just to spread controversy. You likely never played sym2.0 and have no idea what your talking about. If you understood sym 2.0 and you actually think the primary got stronger you are delusional. I think you have no idea what your talking about. And just started playing sym since the last rework


This is how I end up feeling all the time except for Volskaya industries where I know my teleporter can be used for entire group flanks.

What I miss from Symm:

-A left click that no one can juke. Very short range and ez to kite, but very punishing to the squishies that come too close. Most of all I miss being a danger to ulting genjis.
-The steady and reliable value of shield gen. Simple as that really.

What I like:
-Right click

What I can live without and don’t care if it changes:
-Teleporter. I know it’s central to her kit now, but I wish she had a different crutch.
-Her ult. It’s nice, but not reliable enough for me to consider it worth sacrificing the old sym for.

Also, if sym is not going to work in this tank stacking meta, then she will never ever work in any meta if she doesn’t change.


The thing I don’t like about 3.0 is her kit in theory is just…too much but in practice it does so little. I miss the personal shield. Honestly I’d rather have that back than keep tele.

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I actually miss 1.0 the most, that was the Symm I personally fell in love with.
100 shield, then 75, then 50, then 25. Nerf, nerf, nerf. They ruined their chance to show non healing supports could work when they could have just made the shield she gave a mini Lucio effect but for shields or have it dissipate after a few seconds.

Done the same thing with 2.0, shield gen could have easily been changed from having to hide it to make it similar to Orisa’s ult, when used, it will destroy itself after a bit but would give a constant tick rate of shield to everyone in range, which would be lost after a few seconds of not having its range. Could have easily adjusted it to that to make a more push/defend heavy usage instead of hiding it.


I love how people are suddenly implying TP/ SG weren’t destroyed in under a minute after placement due to there being literally nowhere you can place it to keep it up for prolonged periods of time, unless the enemy just completely ignores it and blast through your team with ults.

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You also forget Symmetra could get her ultimate in SECONDS and her ult was also a taunt for the enemy to ignore the point. It won’t matter if they destroy it if they lose.


I never expected TP/SG to survive for more than a single team fight. Any time it got above that was a bonus. People whiff ults all the time, and no ult charged faster than Shield Gen/TP. It was as expendable as Pulse Bomb, where using it to gain a minor advantage was enough to pay for its value.

Sometimes, I even used them as bait to prevent the enemy dashing to the point, making them detour to break it. It’s something NotMuda call Shield Gen Disease, and a very common tactic to remove a high value enemy from the actual fight. Stevo was extremely skilled into delaying enemy Tracer for minutes while protecting his shield gen, and his team fought 5v5 with extra health and without enemy Tracer pestering his healers.

The ironic part is that a buffed version of Sym 2.0 would be good againts goats (pierce orbs) and good against the crazy Genji storm everyone is talking about.


Anything that takes 2s to charge up to use is not “half decent mobility”

Otherwise people would be saying how Amazing Shadow Step on Reaper is.

So i guess, we will go with Crazy?


Fair point.

I admit it is amusing watching Blizzard run round in circles regarding Symmetra.

They clearly have absolutely no idea what to do with her, and simply deleting/reverting her would be an admission of failure so that will never happen. A third rework would also be a pretty bad look though, so they’re pretty screwed either way.

I’ve never been more glad to not be a Symmetra player but you guys do genuinely have my sympathy. I just can’t wait to see where this crazy train goes next.


Made the megathread on Symmetra. My love of her was gone “back in my day…”

Seriously miss shielding. Miss barrier piercing.

Holding out for echo.


I rather like this, though I definitely think the sentries shouldn’t snap onto the same target that you’re beaming. Max charge primary (which would be considerably easier to achieve with those changes) + 20*6 would be monstrous DPS to an enemy that’s being slowed by 30%, especially since fully half of the damage couldn’t miss. Keep them to their slowing utility.