Symmetra lock on beam is an iconic ability, pls dont remove it, we can balance this!

Sym main here.

Glad to see the no-skill death-noodle go.

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I think they should keep it as an ability with a CD

oh man, don’t say that, help me here! kkkkkkkkk

Most people complaining about getting microwaved (in prior threads over the past year) seemed most upset about both the distance the beam would lock on and how it would wrap around physical corners/walls. I’d rather they nerf the beam a bit then remove the lock on ability completely.

Will just have to wait and see what they end up actually releasing.

so we go back to sym 1.0? wow

This argument is even weaker. And thats what I do all the time because Sym is absurdly easy to kill.

Lets be honest, Overwatch isn’t about aim. There’s dozens of weapons and abilities that require no aim, especially when it comes to Supports. The fact that Symmetra is being singled out is completely unfair.


Agreed, variety in the hero pool is too important. Symm may not be the most popular hero but her toolkit is a unique way of playing the game and it’d be a shame to see it go in favor of “another dps hero”.


I quite look forward to the new Sym, including the Weapon. However, I think it should have been a new Hero instead of a replacement.


Overwatch is a FPS
First person shooter
The name itself would mean you require aim. If every character had auto aim would this game really be fun? What if for soldier his ult was his basic gameplay? It would be ok because Overwatch isnt about aim right?

All first person shooter means is you are in first person, shooting things. And that does happen in OW.

But you quite plainly do not need aim to get by. Here’s a list of the characters you can play very effectively with no aim.


And that’s just off the top of my head. As you can see, a large portion of the cast caters to the no aim demographic. And all of these heroes are more popular than Symmetra (except maybe Torb).

So why is Symmetra the only one who is having her autoaim taken away?

It can’t be because balance, because most autoaim heroes are balanced.

It can’t be her damage, because multiple other autoaim heroes do more damage than her.

The only explanation is Symmetra is being singled out because she’s the most unpopular, and doesn’t have many fans, so ppl feel like they can deride her kit, call her a trash no skill hero, and get away with it, because the likelihood of someone defending her is infinitesimally small.

And that’s wrong.

If Symmetra is no skill and bad for the game, all of them are.


Or because autoaim doesn’t fit her new kit/playstyle that well.

Sym beam is as “iconic” as scatter arrow, people only make fun of it.

Aiming or not, Symmetra should still have her lock-on. That’s the core of her design. And probably the only reason a lot of players like her.

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How. How does autoaim not fit.

Scatter arrow was hardly iconic, lots of games have ricochetting weapons. But I ain’t never seen a weapon like Symmetras.


It was as Iconic as mass rez.

And look what happened to mass rez.

no. how about they make her interesting to play instead. btw shield gen + brigitte ult LULUL

Maybe because she’s meant to be more offensive.

Connecting DoTs are present in other games, just as bouncing projectiles.

Just give her Morbid Obesity so she is an easy target like Winston. This will help balance out her auto lock aim

No matter how its look iconic or fun to play,If it’s broken,It must remove.Didn’t you learn anything from Hanzo’s scatter arrow?

Just remember she won’t be support anymore and DPS with high damage + auto aim is unforgivable.

Don’t compare her with Winston/Mercy/Moira,they are not DPS.

The fact that Winston can do more damage than Symmetra whilst not being a DPS is even more damning.

Also, the autoaim is balanced by her short range. Lots of heroes are bad at range and powerful close quarters, Symmetra could easily be this kind of hero with her current gun.

They could even give it the new damage value but nerf the range to 5-7 meters, and even remove the .5 Los break mechanic if they really wanted. This would make Sym a great DPS whilst also giving her clear counterplay (range).

But apparently wed rather destroy her character and turn her into a mini Zarya instead.