Symmetra is very weak right now

what do u mean. Sje was straight up unplayable. It was during dive meta where she saw literally no play i believe.

This is simply not true, her overall hitbox is the smallest in game and her head hitbox is just slightly larger then for example Tracer´s

I have no idea what you’re talking about:

sym can clearly dive if she actually has tp frequent enough like old 3.0 tp: Reddit - Dive into anything


Nah, it would be busted to have a longer beam that charges faster and starts that high. If it was just that change, then maybe.

but then everything else added (i.e. secondary + turrets) would be too much overall.

Such strong words for someone who mains Lucio and Mercy in competitive. Double standards are awkward.

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It did. It lowered her win rate and pick rate. Not just one or the other but both. If you refuse to accept hard data and just have some anecdotes to back up your claim that she is better then you are the one who is trippin

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sym had literally 0 seconds of playtime in all of owl, and then after the rework it changed. Cheese strats in low rank dont matter.

Cheese strats is all she does in OWL and btw she fails at them so, really not helping your case here.

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shes literally meta on lijang, all three maps aswell and other maps im blanking on. Thats more than she ever got

Play symmetra successfully in OWL

Step 1: Pick Symmetra
Step 2: Put a teleporter to point
Step 3: Go back to spawn and swap to a useful hero

The Symmetra meta is too complex for me I guess.


i want every single dps nerfed and brig/moira gone from this game (except the bottom barrel, pharah not included)
then we can look at ana and maybe bap :slight_smile:

I’ll trade you Brig and Moira for Genji and Pharah. Do we have a deal?

except on lijang, a bunch of cp, hanamura, and yeah, try again lol

It has been a recurring theme in OWL that Sym players swap after TP is used. Sorry, you need to try again if you plan on putting all your eggs in OWL basket. If you plan on using ladder than she has lost pickrate and winrate. Pick a lane and stick to it, either way you’re still wrong and she is in a bad place.


if u think her play is limited to tp from spawn u havent watched owl. Just debate about other things i guess i dont think this suits u lol

is she meta because strength or that they just want early cap on point for the objective progress then pick a better hero after they lost point?

her play is limited to just being a taxi tp and being a w+m1 bot in double shield which she isn’t even the best pick in (which basically leads back to the original point of are they really picking for her strength or just for early cap?)…

don’t get me wrong. I think 3.0 rework is better. but she is in no way fine. she’s pretty much the only hero that doesn’t have a good mix of burst, sustain, mobility and effective range (yes this includes orbs) for her job. even supports and the other “utility dps” have better and more reasonable independence.

to impose a separate standard exclusively for sym is literally a biased double standard.


thats not the reason, tp is rly good to get to point first on bap orisa rein comps and her microwave primary rolls thru the enclosed point of lijang. She was played on nepal as well!

glad we agree

and it’s been shown that df, mei, reaper can do better in double shield comps. heck isn’t ashe meta now too because dynamite?

yeah shes good at setting up on small points or bypassing a hard choke or highground. And df mei and reaper comps were good in old double sheild. Poke is better for orisa sig now. Ashe and echo have rly good poke so they r rly good with poke comps and comboing with pulls

Either you play a hero like Genji or Tracer or if slowing and stuns are removed you will 100% hate those heroes because there would be little to stop them.

FYI, the turrets have 30hp. That’s the lowest hp anything in the game has.