Symmetra is very weak right now

lol the only people who fear tracer and genji are bad supports. Having to think to contest dps is actually engaging and fun

I don’t think anyone wants to see more of this hero in comp

Sym has been garbage for awhile, her good maps horizon and Paris are literally gone lmfao, her counters get buffed, and she still gets nothing. Blizzard is literally trying to delete the character.

Yikes balance team.

It’s funny every time I stop playing and come back the game somehow finds a way to be worse than it was before :slight_smile:

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I’d start with simple buffs.

  • +20 dps on her stage 1 beam(80/120/180)
  • -2 sec on turrets(10–>8)
  • beaming barriers restores your shields instead of ammo(added sustain while she charges)

I rather they buffed the tp so that I could actually use it as an escape, it’s been trash and the CD is not worth it at all. This is literally the only thing I’ve been asking for, and the devs keep it purposefully useless because reasons. They’ve stated they worry about giving it any power, cause then ‘op’… but OWL proved that wrong, cause when she’s used in OWL it’s still countered easily and switched off quickly. Buffing turrets will never happen, so never mind suggesting it; it’s the only reason people complain about her then and it’s the only reason now (baseless as it has always been).

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They cant even give the symm community the golden glove or highlight intro with her gun its a cosmetic and not balance related for freaking sake and lets not start with how few legendary skin she has, as part of the OG heroes she is neglected in every aspect and it shows, no excuse can fix this super obvious bias hate towards her and her mains.

Widow’s mine has 1hp.

She still is one of the only characters who have straight up hard counters. You can just dominate the Sym by playing Pharah… And being good on 1 map isn’t good enough.

Also with the current meta, she’s far from op on the 2 maps she’s good at. She’s very very easy to take out of the fight.


i hate slowing of the turrets, they are annoying bcz u cant expect me to turn around and fire at them while be attacked from the front

I stand correct… At least widow’s mine is laughable as it’s crap unless you’re already low on HP.

That’s the point of the turrets.

I hate a lot of things in the game but I won’t feel they should be removed.

maybe im bias which is said but… no her turrets is just cc and more damage OW needsw to be as fast pace as it can to be fun… cc is just making the game more not fun and more of a job to play

But if a much more lethal flanker makes you turn around thats okay right