Symmetra is NOT a healer

Problem is a support who does not heal is totally pointless and unplayable. That was the case when she actually was a support, when the reworked her and when they moved her to dps. It’s still the case and I see no indication that will or ever should change.

Now I agree her identity is that of a support, it’s what she was built for. Problem was she sucked and all the dev’s efforts (and they did try a lot, she is the most reworked and changed hero) failed to make that work as its a bad identity to have.

That’s why Sym has problems, her identity was a failure and in order to improve and be viable her identity had to change, which is difficult process even if her players supported it which they haven’t.

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Yeah I totally agree with you with that myself loved sym 3.0 at least before infinite tp nerf. It’s just the devs clearly didn’t want sym to be in that spot which is what I think is such a shame.

And just to let you know I don’t ever want a revert. I think the best would be to add sanjay with 2.0s kit but nerfs to hitbox size and shield gen duration. I believe sym 3.0 is a good character that shouldn’t be removed from the game

The only problem is with the garbage state the devs left 3.0 in. currently She has a much worse winrate and pickrate than 2.0. I wish the devs would help 3.0. It just doesn’t follow their goal of making her less niche at all

I just wish they kept that one week until sigmas learned their character

I actually created a rework idea that incorporated this!

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