Symmetra does not need 250 HP

So what’s the harm then? It’s a billion times more harmful making the deploy time 1,25s than to make it an infinite-until-destroyed/replaced object. Keep in mind the enemy has to both react to Sym actually putting it down and then locate the exit teleporter. 1,5s would be the max, IMO. I’d like them to test 1,75s though.

The only reason I want this is to make her feel more like a builder, as I said. Before, she had both her ult and her turrets. But now she only has her turrets, which are permanent.

Both Sym and Torb feel less like builders after their reworks… and making Sym feel more like one is so easy.

Edit: When I said «Multiple tps during a fight» what I really meant to say was «multiple tps during the duration of the game/current point you’re holding or attacking». Sorry about that.

100% agree that perma-TP is the way to go. Sym’s reworks aimed to reduce downtime spent placing structures. The constant need to replace TP is a leftover of that era. Permanently linking two spots on the map could be a HUGE help to a team, and it would cut down on Sym’s downtime. It would also justify TP’s shield health, which currently does nothing because it does not last long enough for regeneration to matter.

The only issue I have is the TP lasting forever. The first two points I think she desperately needs.

If Sym is a valid counter to grav, I think she would actually be seen as useful to her team.

I disagree. Symmetra cant get much done if she isnt behind a tank for the whole match. Giving her 250 up will allow her to be a little independent for moments that require it. But yeah her teleporter does need help.

No. Look at her hitbox and she isn’t supposed to play up close stop playing like she’s reaper.

Better solution that fundamentally gives +50 hp without adding to health pool.

So then… Whats the primary fire for?Suicide button? Her orbs arent that good for consistent damage. She used to be able to have 275 hp with her old barrier and a better primary so…

I agree with the support side of what u said but faster tp is more survivability

Your primary is the orbs. Symmetras primary is like mei’s

they should just make her overpowered and then nerf her slightly to make her balanced

just like doomfist, its a better way to balance rather than reworking her constantly

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I don’t really know how to word it but extra HP doesn’t really seem necessary.

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I like having tp last forever until destroyed. You have no idea how many times my Sym will set up and tp, everyone will go through, and my amored German bum doesn’t reach it in time (cos I’m usually staggered you know, the usual).