Symmetra does not need 250 HP

I really don’t think she needs any more survivability. Maybe it’s my playstyle but I think she needs better tools to assist her team and TP is the obvious way to do this. With her new ramp up speed she is a serious dps threat if you have decent aim. They are already working on fixing the tp interaction with surroundings which is great but I’d like to see the changes many of us were asking for:

  1. Increase the interact radius so we don’t have to walk forward to go into it after placement. (This will make it the mobility/escape tool we all envisioned)
  2. Decrease the deploy time to 1.25 seconds. (Would help make it feel a lot less awkward to use)
  3. Allow it to last until forever until it is destroyed or until a new one is placed. (Torb turret lasts until the enemy destroys it so why can’t Sym have a similar tool the enemy can’t ignore)

I’d love for Sym to be more of a DPS-Support hybrid. And a support who does so other than provide healing like all the others.


I can kinda agree with this. I think the 50 additional HP was necessary before her damage buffs. Now I just think that all she needs is her TP to be less of a pain and she should be in a pretty alright spot~

I want shields back somewhere in her kit. One of these

  • Right click will provide shields to allies it passes through if it hits an enemy at the end of its path
  • TP adds 50 shield to allies either in an aura or after the first time an ally uses the TP for 20-30 seconds
    -Ult now provides shield to allies that pass through it for the first time. If they pass through again the duration is refreshed but they don’t get the shield restored
  • Turrets provide shield aura to allies in an aoe or zap shield onto them, encouraging allies to defend the area they exist in.
  • Damage done to shield or barrier with her left click at full charge pulses shielding to allies

Any of this.


I would pick Orisa every time I get a Sym if TP was better.

But if the devs are keen to push 2/2/2 and sym is in the damage category, she really needs to compete with the likes of Tracer/Reaper/McCree/Widow for a game…

The issue is, much like her prior lockon, if the enemy has decent aim, your screwed…
To actually get some non trash damage and kill some people (ie not just orb spam that healers use to farm ult) she needs to get in close range and melt people with her crappy beam. To do this, she actually needs to survive running in close like Reaper/Mei.

Tbh I would’ve preferred her to remain in the support category and have more varied utility type options (including shield gen etcetcetc) to compensate for her lack of heals.

This is just my perspective as someone who doesn’t play her and has never really felt threatened by her while playing either damage (and offense/defence), tank and support =\

I mostly agree.

I do think that one idea of mine which is an instant 25 shield regen on Beam tick (like 25 at L2 and 25 at L3), could put her in a good place and let her push harder into brawls. That’s essentially a 50 HP buff (for a skilled Sym player) but it only comes into play when Sym goes aggressive at short range. She wouldn’t be a 250 HP hero when ranging and peeking with orbs (I think that would make her OP).

On TP placement, I feel like it could use some work. I am not sure, but I might like if standing still it is at my feet, if running forward it is at the right distance for me to use. Right now I do a little dance, I cast TP, take two steps back, then run forward with Interact button held down. It takes a little practice but you can TP in like, .7 seconds if you practice the method. Would it be better if you didn’t need to do the little dance, maybe, who knows.

On TP duration, I have long had the suggestion that the timer doesn’t start until it is USED, and then the normal timer starts. I think this would be a sizeable QOL buff to teamwork TP’s but without making solo TP’s OP.

Whether or not she gets more hp I would love for her to have a 25 shield aura to “protect her team” and give the teleporter the ability to Regen shield health so her and her team get a pseudo shield generator

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My idea is
M1+ E = TP
M2 +E = Shield
They share CD so needs to think hard which too use.
And new ult added instead

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I’d be perfectly fine if they removed her turrets and gave her 250hp other then that add up all her turrets hp and hers and that’s her hp actually.

I agree.

Even more than her tp or turrets, shields was her defining mechanic. When you thought of it, you thought of her because she used to have the photon shields ability and the shield generator. It would be great to have it back in some way

YES! Teleporter also needs a safety net to keep people from falling off ledges during mass teles because character models on the same team push one another…

Symmetra should also have 4 turrets and damaging shields with her beam should increase her personal shield HP.

Agree with your suggestions (1.25s may be too fast, I’d start with 1.5s) and add on a 25 shield aura that doesn’t have to affect Sym herself and I’d say she’s golden.


don’t :weary:

I can back the first two. Third one isn’t necessary because of all utility it provides.
As a reminder when TP was an ult it lasted forever and had a 6 person cap. If it lasted forever as a skill it would both need to have like 2 person cap and massive increase on cooldown.
(Symmetra already have turrets that last until the enemy destroys it and the enemy can’t ignore)

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It’s only 25 meters. Her old ult was basically moving the next 6 spawns next to the point.

Since her TP isn’t currently infinite I don’t understand why it only has 300hp… Baptistes IMMORTALITY field has 250hp.

I don’t see the harm in making her TP infinite. It makes her feel more like a builder and it barely has an effect on the game as it’s downtime is only 2s if it isn’t destroyed. They could easily make it so, if it’s destroyed while it’s off CD, it would start a 2-3s cd.

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There is harm. For example I could make a TP right off spawn point to make everyone who dies go back to fight way faster for all the game. (That would be 25m per spawn ran instantly. For some maps that’s almost half way to the objective)
There is a reason Lúcios rush back to spawn to get people back from spawn.

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Okay, and? That’s 25 meter and it halts Sym from using her TP in actual fights if she wants to keep the one close to spawn.

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Compared to that bonus Symmetra would give for her whole party (including herself), whatever she can do with the TP during a fight will be way less. Symmetra would become a “TP bot”.

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Unlikely. TP is used in every fight. It enables her to actually do stuff. It also enables her team, if they decide to use it. I don’t see how a spawn tp would be more useful than multiple tps during a fight. The only time it would be useful is after you wiped the enemy and someone from ur team also died. Then u could place a tp for them to use… which you already can do, you just have to stand there waiting for the right time to place it so they reach it in time. Doesn’t feel great.

“Multiple TPs during a fight”. Unless you’re fighting on GOATs no fight lasts that long. You get to use two if it takes too long.
Sym’s TP lasts long enough already. What holds back its actual use is the deploy time and many bugs for placing it.