It is confirmed, but they just haven’t given us details yet.
So, they’re just partially reverting needless nerfs?
Symmetra is literally being held back by her turrets. The dev comments about her being “statistically strong” says it all.
Yes, in a perfect world, where Sym can set up her turrets and combo with them using full charge primary / secondary fire she can one off as really strong.
It barely works in OW1 and downright fails to work well in OW2 outside of the most niche of scenarios.
She will always pale in comparison to other DPS has a result. Nothing short of reworking almost every aspect of her kit will make her even close to remotely-moderately viable.
If it were me, I’d pull the trigger and make her a support.
Get rid of the primary fire beam altogether.
Met her fire healing orbs that can pierce through team mates and heal a bit less with each team mate.
Teleporter that gives a speed boost after passing through it that can’t self stack.
Keep her secondary fire the same.
Remove turrets - replace with Hard Light Matrix - an Overheal buff that also improves damage by 10% and has 3 charges.
Turrets are broken in low elo - TP is broken in high elo. You cant balance this hero - so Symmetra has to be nerfed. She’s a niche.
Turrets and TP did get nerfed.
That’s no excuse to touch her gun.
Its her whole kit. Yes, TP got nerfed, but it’s still a mighty tool for great teamwork and people with brain.
Symmetra doesnt belong to DPS category, support will fit more into her.
I am talking about current cooldown ability team TP.
There is a massive difference between old TP and 3.0 TP. Surely I dont have to remind you of what happened to the other ‘‘make this ult mechanic into a basic ability’’ case, right?
Because most of the time its easier to pick mobile heroes than to try to herd cats. Consistent team TP strats are thing of organized teams, in Diamond I can count with one hand the times that people followed me through TP within a month.
Also because Sym herself is an overnerfed husk of a damage hero that cant compete fairly in the role. You got over the choke, cool. Now, unless your team babysits you, you will die a horrible dead to any non-Sombra DPS, most tanks and half the support role.
Because I have been talking about basic ability team TP. Sorry if I thought it was obvious.
Why do you think people consider her only an acceptable pick in the maps that can be cheesed in team TP, and often gets switched regardless of the results of team TP strats?
As someone that has actually climbed from bronze to diamond on her twice - they arent. They work once, and even bronze players become more attentive to it.
If Sym was anywhere near a noobstomper in low ranks like people claim she could be picked as often as Reaper and Soldier, the actual noobstomper heroes of Silver and Gold. But she isnt, she is still a sub 1% pickrate hero.
You know the devs literally said 2 weeks ago that Sym’s winrate was inflated, right? They are contradicting their own words.
Specially since the shiny tickle orbs that die to a melee are far from impactful. They arent Torb’s turrets.