Symmetra changes [confirmed]

I dunno, I look at Symm mains holding onto sentry bombs like trying to pull some trash away from a starved raccoon.

Like they will freely admit it’s trash. But their their trash.

I wouldn’t get too excited for nerf reverts, there also keeping the trash low damage on them so that sucks

And you think Sym mains want her to be meta?
We had that for 9 days back in 2019 and they prompted gutted her with quad nerfs.
If she can’t be buffed without risking breaking her, there are design problems.

Additionally, we have another change for her in mind that we’re currently testing internally. This iteration charges her primary fire beam to level 3 faster to help compensate for less tanks and shields to charge it up. We’re not sure if this change will stick, but our goal is to make Symmetra feel more natural in Overwatch 2.

I wonder what this is? I heard an idea on here (idk who it was) where you would gain charge on your primary from landing orbs. I really hope it’s that.

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Just make Sym a support - easy fix :slight_smile:

Nah just sounds like she charges her beam faster. They’ve buffed the charge time a couple times before

Yeah that idea has been floating about. It’s a good suggestion. Wonder if they took that and iterated on it based on testing into something else.

She was used in OWL to teleport players at spawn. Too much usage.

I don’t think the like biggest projectile hitbox in the game should keep 120 dmg, while moving twice as fast.

Sym has been dead since they took away shield gen and turned her into a really crappy Zarya. Might as well retire the hero at this point.

I don’t want a projectile size revert, there’s no need.
It doesn’t help it just makes her easier.

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I want to be happy for this part in particular, but I know DAMNED well that this will come with nerfs to the beam’s maximum damage…

That said, if the result is that she can be lethal in her own range and not get rolled promptly as soon as literally any other hero pays attention to her… then I’ll take that. It seems like even high-level players like Stevo have to depend too much on “misdirection” in order to do anything with her right now.

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My guess: will still not be good because she has no place in OW2 how she is now… she needs a rework.

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I really really really do NOT think this is the play.

Her Right Click will still feel clumsy. It’s a projectile with a charge time that can’t headshot.

It’s soooooo Overwatch 1.

Sentries, Teleport, Beam and Ult feel decently adjustable and nicely unique. But that damn Right Click has never felt good, imo.

She would be so much better if she had a Right Click that was incisive, fast, and inventive. Be brave!

Because she is, in the situations where she wins, she wins hard, but otherwise people swap off, the goal was to even that out, not buff her so she dominates where she was winning but can win everywhere else too.

the same applied in OW1

2CP is gone and Night Market is one map that you might not even get to play on.

Fixed it for you.

The statistics showed she had a 60% winrate last beta, so something must have been working.

It is inflated by people swapping off her, but it does mean that she wins a lot when she is stayed on.

The stats show this.

She was a decent hero on most maps in OW1, so I expected that to carry over into OW2.

She is also pretty good on first point hybrid, teleporting to point on midtown was pretty good and teleporting highground on circuit royal was good enough to use in OWL.

she has a lot of situations where she is a good pick she just isn’t versatile enough to stay on her if it goes badly.

Orb should do at-least 100 dmg so it can 2 shot

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Any idea when this patch might roll out?

Blizzard must have missed these bullet points. It’s okay, everybody makes clerical errors.

  • Secondary Fire damage increased from 90 to 120
  • Teleporter HP increased from 200 to 300 (50 HP / 250 Shield)