Symmetra as support?

I understand that this could be a hot take on the character, but I and some of my colleagues honestly think that looking at her character build, support would make significantly more sense. Seeing as there aren’t any support joining the roster for a couple seasons and she was originally a support character, reaffirming her as support may make her a more desirable character to choose due to the limited support pool.
With a couple tweaks, in my opinion, she could help bolster the supports and allow for more variety to support players to help the team, as her build seems fairly oriented to the support role and relatively niche for a dps.
Some tweaks I think would work would be:

- Turrets heal allies and damage enemies
- Her primary fire heals allies and damages enemies 
- Her secondary fire gives a decent over shield to allies 
- Keep her teleporter the same 
- Either keep her Ultimate the same or go back to when she had a shield generator 
- Passive: Damage dealt to an enemy barrier transfer to more healing given through 
  her primary fire. (Similar to her current “barrier” ability, but specifically for healing)
  With all of that being said, thank you for taking the time to read this and I look 
  forward to any and all inputs.

Or lets just leave her alone


Constructive inputs friend


Worse Moira? Turrets don’t move like Orb and are destructible, much worse mobility, lower numbers.

Why do people keep coming up with the same bad ideas wishcasting for 2016?


The usual ‘‘I am sure that slapping token healing in the worst, clunkiest places in her kit will make her a viable support, right???’’ ideas.


She’s completely geared to support. Just because she wasn’t OP back in 2016 doesn’t mean she needs to be today. Comparing her to a support character that is primarily used as a backline attack instead of staying within her role isn’t really ground to stand on.

They tried this, didn’t work very well. It was hard to balance its targeting.

so Brig? Before they removed armor on repair pack.

This is an interesting mechanic.

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Of course I’m not saying it has to be done, but she seem like an easier hero to transfer from the already stack dps seeing as she was support already

In regards to the turrets, worst case they can be worked to only heal or damage, kinda like Moira’s orbs.

The primary attack could be rigged to work like Moira’s ult.

Just think about it.

This idea of your is how to make an inoffensive healbot with destroyable healing. Picking this hero is a giant neon sign that says ‘‘please flank me and farm me’’.

A recipe on how to make her worse.

Moira is healer, flanker and anti-flanker at the same time. This Sym is only one of those, and worse at the one she is.

Like the idea or don’t. Doesn’t matter. But there’s no need to bash someone for trying to make the game even just a little bit better.
Again, constructive criticism

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Symmetra is one of the few remaining defense heroes in the game. Just because you think that every DPS is the same doesnt mean she should be taken away from her playerbase just because supports that didnt like Kiriko want a new healbot toy.

“Symmetra is one of the few remaining defense heroes…”
As she is currently one of the lowest picked DPS characters.

I’m not saying I agree with Symmetra being a support, but the experimental was a very poor implementation that relied on the turrets being her only source of healing. They would also target full health targets. It wasn’t a fair look at what a proper rework could offer.

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Ok so what if her turrets were to be left alone and her primary work specifically for support instead of dps?

IDK, there’s a lot to look into and this post is specifically looking for inputs

You’re saying she’s a defensive hero wouldn’t it make more sense to have that be geared towards a more supportive role?

Even when they were fixed it was terrible.

And the thing is that to make Symmetra a functional support that isnt just dogpoop Mercy/Moira, you need to demolish her kit and still fix many of the current issues she has and for what exactly? To placate support players that didnt like Kiriko?

That is not excuse to delete and replace a hero that has nothing to do with her previous role lmao

Wasnt an excuse when they did it with Sym 2.0 the defense dps, isnt an excuse right now.

Cool so worse Mercy beam.

Please, think before you suggest things. Throwing poop into the wall while hoping something sticks is literally not what Sym needs.

Exactly. The idea that defensiveness is somehow exclusive to the support role is as stupid and moronic as saying utility defines the support role.

You keep bringing Kiriko in the conversation, you’re saying just because support just got a new hero the same as for tanks and dps. Support players only have 8 heros now to tanks having 10 and dps having 15 heros (including Symmetra)

People who play heroes like Sym havent gotten a hero similar to her in years. Far more time that supports, and probably never will.

Do you think I am going to play Sojourn??? lol