Symmetra and Sombra vs Hanzo

“Okay so we need to make Symmetra and Sombra viable. Infinite stealth? Excellent. Tp as an ability? Cool cool cool, that will definitely be a huge success. Ooh, what if Symmetra had a photon wall as an ultimate? But wait! These changes are REALLY GOOD so we need to make sure Sym and Sombra don’t take over the game. Let’s make Symmetra’s primary counterintuitive and suicidal! That photon wall also needs to be on a timer and enemies can walk through with NO PENALTY! And Sombra’s translocater needs to be as fragile as an old Symmetra turret AND everyone can see her AND she needs to be slowed too so she can’t traverse the map to the backlines. This will bring these heroes out of f tier! BALANCE IS OUR PASSION.”

“People think Hanzo is a troll pick, we really need to fix this. He has no mobility, so lets give him a jump. His arrows are a little slow too, let’s fix that. You know what? Scattah IS pretty bs when you’re a tank, so let’s replace it with Mccree’s gun. strokes a framed picture of Hanzo Soon they will love you like we love you. Our little baby, off to destroy people wipes tear from eye

Tl,dr; even though Symmetra and Sombra have consistently been at the bottom, they have significant drawbacks and problems meanwhile Hanzo got buffs galore and when it comes to nerfs, they’re just little lovetaps as opposed to being whacked with the hammer like Mercy and Sombra.


preach it sister!!!


yup … every time sombra gets a “buffs”, she either get hotfixed instantly or a nerf in disguise, her translocator is LOUDER than old symmetra shield gen jesus, if you can’t hear that, well, then there’s nothing to help you, also her hack seems to be breaking from dust particles or some atoms …


The Devs are Torb
Hanzo is the turret getting all the love
Sym/Sombra are Brig having to look to Papa Rein for Love

Someone else feels my pain <3


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While I don’t disagree with the original post, was this really necessary?

I’m glad for the necro

Sometimes, I do think that a necro is better than a new thread. Especially when the thread is relevant or has interesting data points.

But a Hanzo complaint thread? I make enough of those myself every other day. He could just reply to one of those, or the others littered through the first two pages.

I didn’t see anyone even asking for a Hanzo rework; people were frustrated with the inconsistency of scatter arrow. We wanted something both reliable and offered counterplay.
Instead, every aspect of his kit got buffed.

Players have been complaining since she was released that Sombra needs better visuals for hack and that “just use voice” is an inadequate justification for her inordinately high reliance on team coordination.
Instead gets translocator and stealth tweaks.


Yeah but this particular issue doesn’t get enough attention: some heroes get reworked but the devs barely buff them, if at all; but if it’s a popular/mascot-esque hero? They get the works.

I knew Torbjorn’s rework was going to be ok because players care a lot about Torbjorn, I was worried the Sym rework was going to be a flop because nobody cares about Sym.


Isn’t this sad that 4 months later this is still very relevant and very true?

They keep Sym in garbage tier and that “buff” she got won’t do jack about her state.


Believe me, I’m too painfully aware of the double standards that exist in this game. Sombra is the perfect example. A couple of small tweaks (I still refuse to call it an actual buff), and suddenly she’s OP and needs nerfed? Again? No. She’s good against the currently super meta heavily ability reliant heroes. That’s the only reason she sees as much play as she does now, and you still have to try ten times harder to get the value from her that you would from other heroes.

Meanwhile, Hanzo is spamming arrows and one-shotting a majority of the cast, and killing the rest of them on cooldown. Totally fair.

Bit of a tangent, sorry. Sombra’s state constantly infuriates me -


Oh joy. The mentality of buffs not being “buffs” is spreading from Mercy to Symmetra.

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Anyways, Symmetra’s joke buff does nothing to remedy the issues that keep her from seeing decent play and the Devs aren’t listening to feedback. But nothing new there.