Symmetera's new Ultimate

“Infinite Size barrier”

Now I really want to see what an infinite size barrier looks like.


Expect a ton of theories about it :joy:

He did say that it can stretch across the map.

Like, what does that even mean? Does the entire map just get covered with a giant barrier?


yeah, i dont even know what that will look like during gameplay

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Maybe you can squash and stretch the x and y dimensions of the barrier forever as Symmetra? On paper, infinite in the sense that it could go from one spawn to another, but in reality, technically finite in that it conflicts with certain pieces of map geometry? (buildings, payload checkpoints, etc.)

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Idk, im excited though. It really fits with her lore.

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They said “effectively” infinite which probably means they just gave it some giant range like 30-50m and it’s “Infinite” in the sense you won’t be getting around it without destroying it, not so much literally where everyone’s GPU crashes from a giant barrier spawning in and persisting in the environment.


My guess is it gets stopped by a wall but has the potential to stretch across the map. I can’t imagine the server lag if every game had a symmetra placing down an infinite sized barrier.


It would be hilarious though if that was her new ult. And she crashes the server every time she ults.


I can imagine symmetra being used to cancel losing games :thinking:


They probably mean it will grow until it hits a boundry, like a soap bubble filling a container.

I think the main reason for this is defense - they want to force short range engagements and prevent enemies from standing kms away spamming like Junkrat \ pharah \ widow.

So they have to go through the barrier to take the point.

I was picturing it like being underwater. The barrier would be all around us, so any enemy that shoots will see their shots negated.

I am thinking more like a Huge Orissa shield.

He said you can use it from spawn like hanzo ult

Imagine Mei ice wall.
Now imagine it as a barrier.
Now imagine that when you use it, whichever way you chose to place it, it will go on both those ways infinitely or, for a huge range like maybe up to 50 m

Barriers have ways clipped through walls. I highly doubt this will be stopped by objects/walls.
I do however think it will be destroyed and completely countered by EMP. Something to watch out for

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They said “effectively” infinite which probably means they just gave it some giant range like 30-50m and it’s “Infinite” in the sense you won’t be getting around it without destroying it, not so much literally where everyone’s GPU crashes from a giant barrier spawning in and persisting in the environment.

Now this is the real ult we need lol

so for example, lets say we’re in hollywood right before the payload
Symmetra can set up her barrier right at the entrance so that anyone shooting from a far is forced to either go around or step into the area to attack
the Photon Barrier will go as wide as the map and as high as the sky

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With an ultimate as an ability. Great…

Teleporter no longer teleports teammates from spawn this isn’t even remotely comparable to Resurrect as an ability.

The new TP allows her to create shortcuts or, well the possibilities are actually quite endless and it’s going to be a lot of fun communicating with my teammates and making some amazing Teleporter plays.

Everyone needs to lighten up and look at the bright side here.

Also I can’t wait to block Deadeye, Rocket Barrage, Tactical Visor, Self Destruct, Earth Shatter and more with the new Photon Barrier ultimate. Way easier than using that small photon barrier we currently have as a regular ability.