If you connect the dots you can kind of see this is maybe another mythic balance patch. Things that don’t make sense begin to sort of make sense when you think of the changes as beneficial to the mythic receiver. Not all changes are for that reason, there are always changes to attempt to fix issues, but some/many are seemingly mythic related season to season.
Patterns emerge.
Especially when you know that 99% of the money comes from midranks where most players are. They want more people to buy the Battlepass. So they want to either directly or indirectly encourage a meta with the mythic receiver.
Rein Mythic.
Sym: TP buffed. Trying to encourage brawl TP shenanigans mayhap?
Torbjorn: Random Hammer buff? Trying to encourage fun/silly brawl shenanigans?
Doom: Nerfed. He is often annoying AF to play against as Rein in midranks. They just keep punching you around. Or they punch around your supports so you get no heals.
Mauga: Hard counter to Rein. Unfun/bland/boring. Nerfed.
Orisa: Rein counter yes, Buffed. The most likely reason is that her ult is dead useless against Juno. Juno just speed rings the enemy out of her ult. And instead of fixing the problem OP hero Juno, the powercreep buff other heroes to band-aid fix the problems Juno creates. But, she is brawl. Brawl meta encouraged too? Might not be mythic related, but might slightly be?
Ram: Buffed. To help him against Juno. Potentially unrelated to mythic, BUT also… Brawl. Buffing brawl for Rein mythic season?
Pharah: Fliers counter Rein. Nerfed.
Lucio: King support for Reinhardts (before Juno)… Buffed.
The poke hero buffs for Ashe/Soldier/Bap are all likely to be to try keep Juno in check.
Juno doesn’t need a Brig in the midranks to run the lobbies. She’s free value. And Juno is basically inaccessible for Reinhardts. So, Mr Hardt needs some poke on his team to kill her.
TLDR: Some of these changes are not to attempt to fix the problems of these heroes. Like Sym and Torb changes. They are to fix the fun for the mythic skin receiver. Not even necessarily to increase winrate or actual viability, but… fun.
The other changes are attempts to fix Juno.
Why wasn’t Rein buffed? He doesn’t need to be. He is a staple hero who will always be picked. Like Mercy.