Symm "buff" proves yall dont listen

No one wanted a TP buff. No one. Not symm mains, not symm haters. We’ve been begging for better reliability on her damage and put more power back into her gun and this is what yall choose?

She is HELD BACK by the ‘team play’ aspect of her kit. She’s NOT a support character please stop balancing her like one or move her back already. God the Devs just refuse to listen.


She isnt even held back by her team aspect. Her barrier ult is nothing special but its fine… because Sym can use it for herself and is much more easy for your team to use and play around. TP requires your entire team to be coordinated and agree to use a key that console players doesnt even have mapped.

Team TP as it is isnt intuitive to use for non-Sym players and that means Sym has zero agency over it. And she keeps getting nerfed for its pro-play usage.

I have bad news for you but she would be an awful hero regardless of being a support or a dps. She would get nerfs regardless, moving her ‘‘back to support’’ (lol) wouldnt make Team TP not a broken map cheeser in the hands of pros.

Team TP 3.0 is a tumor. Its broken and unsustainable as a basic ability.

Make TP personal only and superbuff Sym from there. 3.0 was released with it hogging a lot of her power budget, and she has been mostly nerfed since then.

  • Make TP personal
  • Revert all her damage nerfs (65-195 dmg beam, 140 dmg orbs. 50 dmg sentries)
  • 300hp like every other close range hero.
  • Turret no longer reveal enemies.

its pretty much a running joke at this point


If anyone doubts Ranulf, I’d like to remind people about the support Sym that lived and died in the ML7 joke mode. Not even when she was only available to play for a single weekend was this support Sym allowed to be anything but dog.

Sym’s just cursed. :headstone:


I actually smile every time i see Ranulf on her defending Symm. Doing the queens work and slaying as per usual. :heart:


The little dev comment they gave for Sym really proves they are a bunch of silver players whodo not understand the correlation between winrate and pickrate.


Welcome to being a doom player!

Where a majority of the community will provide feedback on how to make a hero more tolerable / better to play, and blizzard will do the complete opposite for zero reason, because the balance team is simply incompetent.

And don’t worry, you’ll be getting a nerf soon where your hero will be worse than where they started.

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Calling them players at all is generous.

They are just corporate idiots that are fully aware that the playerbase will let them nerf Sym around pro-play TP gimmicks and get away with it.

OW’s biggest problem has always been the whole ‘‘our leadership are corporate goons that dont care about the nuances because players are just a product for advertisement’’.

No its not the same.


Syms buff is a whole lot of nothing. Its literally just a buff to say they buffed her. If the teleporters getting destroyed it may give like an extra second but really its nothing.

I mean look at sojourn, insanly strong for a long while, gets nerfed, sees lower pickrate and gets a good buff to the strongest part of her kit. Maybe they should try that with sym. It would be like if the sojourn buff was that her slide moves slightly farther instead of the dps buff, thats nothing just like how this is nothing.


Team TP cheese is the strongest part of her kit at this point. That said strength is entirely out of the reach and agency of Sym players… is another issue that the devs dont care about.

This buff is just an pro-play buff.

In fact its probably the ‘‘weakest’’ part of her kit of her what needs help. Sentries need their damage nerfs reverted. Orbs too. Beam too.


I despise them reasoning balance to Pro play because OWL failed monumentally and cost them a ton of money yet they’re making a new one for OW2.

I just can’t see any reason other than they’re trying to force overwatch into maintenance mode like how they did to Heroes of the Storm. It baffles me every time Orisa or Mauga or any sniper gets buffed because they’re already dominating the game as is.

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But in coordinate play your going to be tping as a group when doing cheeses usually. So again the buff doesnt really do anything.

We really just need sym 4.0 at this point. Remove the tp, i get they dont want to destroy her “identity” but if its holding her back so much that she cant even be somewhat playable then its time.


Yeah. But this isnt a honest buff. They are just reverting and de-reverting changes made to her a year ago so people dont complain about Sym being left to rot.

Personal TP is fine but undertuned as personal mobility.

Team TP can be reworked into an ultimate with the same concept behind it but without eating away Sym’s normal kit power budget.

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What a stupid buff to give her :sob: they really have no idea what they’re doing with Sym.


Orisa and Mauga don’t dominate anything… They are literally bottom of the barrel picks. And no, I don’t care that some organized teams tried to use Mauga recently. He is still super easy to kill in regular pub lobbies.

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Your prays successfully delivered to Akatosh but he ate them before reading

easily ~2k hrs on sym with k/d of like…24.2 (yes, actually 24ish k/d ratio from arcades and casual modes). tp is amazing. it is her main tempo agency and carry potential, so without even looking at the buff, or trying it I can confidently disagree. tp is really fun and core to her identity even in og OW.

honestly sym doesn’t need any buffs/nerfs or changes at all.
you people just dont play her right.

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If you connect the dots you can kind of see this is maybe another mythic balance patch. Things that don’t make sense begin to sort of make sense when you think of the changes as beneficial to the mythic receiver. Not all changes are for that reason, there are always changes to attempt to fix issues, but some/many are seemingly mythic related season to season.

Patterns emerge.

Especially when you know that 99% of the money comes from midranks where most players are. They want more people to buy the Battlepass. So they want to either directly or indirectly encourage a meta with the mythic receiver.

Rein Mythic.

Sym: TP buffed. Trying to encourage brawl TP shenanigans mayhap?

Torbjorn: Random Hammer buff? Trying to encourage fun/silly brawl shenanigans?

Doom: Nerfed. He is often annoying AF to play against as Rein in midranks. They just keep punching you around. Or they punch around your supports so you get no heals.

Mauga: Hard counter to Rein. Unfun/bland/boring. Nerfed.

Orisa: Rein counter yes, Buffed. The most likely reason is that her ult is dead useless against Juno. Juno just speed rings the enemy out of her ult. And instead of fixing the problem OP hero Juno, the powercreep buff other heroes to band-aid fix the problems Juno creates. But, she is brawl. Brawl meta encouraged too? Might not be mythic related, but might slightly be?

Ram: Buffed. To help him against Juno. Potentially unrelated to mythic, BUT also… Brawl. Buffing brawl for Rein mythic season?

Pharah: Fliers counter Rein. Nerfed.

Lucio: King support for Reinhardts (before Juno)… Buffed.

The poke hero buffs for Ashe/Soldier/Bap are all likely to be to try keep Juno in check.

Juno doesn’t need a Brig in the midranks to run the lobbies. She’s free value. And Juno is basically inaccessible for Reinhardts. So, Mr Hardt needs some poke on his team to kill her.

TLDR: Some of these changes are not to attempt to fix the problems of these heroes. Like Sym and Torb changes. They are to fix the fun for the mythic skin receiver. Not even necessarily to increase winrate or actual viability, but… fun.

The other changes are attempts to fix Juno.

Why wasn’t Rein buffed? He doesn’t need to be. He is a staple hero who will always be picked. Like Mercy.


they dominate every match in pub lobbies and are constantly used as panic buttons.

Give her the old primary back so she has a real useful niche against the skinny unhittable heroes that love to get in peoples faces

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