Symm "buff" proves yall dont listen

And another day passes where sym is fine. There’s nothing wrong with a situational hero or maining a situational hero. But learn to swap and play other heroes it’s the point of the game :stuck_out_tongue:

Can we say that for soldier/widow/ashe/cassidy/tracer or is this like a sym exclusive AHEM I mean load of **** hitscan players continuously regurgitate from their mouths


Who are “WE”? Dudes, play real characters already, you won’t get free values for this piece of crap of a hero.

It still doesn’t make sense to buff things, that are basically useless in mid ranks.


Sym mains don’t even know what good buffs are. Went to the sym mains sub with some quality of life changes and they weren’t having it. If it isn’t beam or orb buffs they aren’t listening.

Oh, I’m certain they’re listening, they’re just not receptive to it. They want what they once had. Something lost, never to be regained.

They want a functional version of Symmetra who can hold her own on the battlefield. They want survivability. They want to matter in a team comp. They don’t want to be insta-deleted or hard focused by any character that can displace.

They want to have as much survivability as any other char in the DPS roster. They want a gimmick that works. They want something they keep being told they already have, but because they main Symmetra, they know what they have isn’t up to the task, and not comparable to what other characters enjoy.

So they’re relegated to either suffering, or playing another character.

They’re tired of the TP Tax. They’re tired of being bullied. /shrug

It is what it is.


Almost as if buffing irrelevant things achieves nothing.

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Symmetra needs more than ‘‘quality of life’’ changes.

Its almost as if her biggest issue right is a lack of damage. You know, to be a dps hero.

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Hitscan heroes are not as super dominant as you think. They can be worked around especially when you respect the sightlines. Yea on certain maps this is difficult (i.e. Hate sniper maps not the snipers)

But when you think symmetra is the Lord Almighty and you keep running it down main well…yea no duh mediocre 76 on high ground will destroy you

Every point of data says otherwise. Hitscans and Genji all the way from bronze to GM.

Soldier, Cassidy, Ashe are omnipresent in all ladder. Widow, Sojourn and Tracer are close behind. Genji is the only DPS that isnt a hitscan and doesnt drop from top 5.

This IS a hitscan meta. S9 made the game even more of a hitscan meta.

This isnt deathmatch. Sightlines dont matter in a game where standing in an open space is how you win.

You can do anything as Sym and Tutorial 76 will be able to just outstat you easily.


Just makes her more frustrating in the small niche she does have whilst making her no better outside that tiny niche

Where are symm and her tp already good? Lijiang where she just puts her tp in that window on the point and basically creates a stallfest for several seconds where as the opposing team you basically have to battle a tsunami of enemies funnelling through that window onto the point all whilst trying to destroy the tp asap so the enemy cant just keep respawning and immediately tp’ing onto the point over and over

This just makes that playstyle more frustrating cus it now takes longer to destroy her tp, thus making it able to tp more enemies more often and makes her even more of a cheese stall hero

So, basically, in unlikely case team is coordinated and competent, buff is actually visible.

Improvements to a hero won’t hurt. Get a grip.

Also funny considering how neither of these replies even knows what changes I was specifically suggesting.

Well you are the one that claimed this. It feels like you just posted to complain.

It isn’t like we needed more evidence of this tbh. Blizzard never has listened to Symmetra players or really cared much for the character.

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Sym is NOT supposed to have as much power in her direct damage as other heroes. She is supposed to be a specialist. The TP buff is good for anyone using her correctly. If your team won’t use her team play, that’s on your team and you’re free to switch, but it would make her pointless to just make her a reliable solo DPS.

No, Sym players refuse to accept the identity of the hero they claim to love even though she has ALWAYS been a team-dependent specialist. I know y’all want to use her all the time and have her balanced more toward low-effort, straightforward DPS so y’all can yass queen without teamwork, but that’s on Sym players, not the devs.

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I really don’t remember ANY time where I put TP down and then thought “oh no! my team was about to make a play by going through it! if only it had more hp and wasn’t so easily destroyed!”

I’m tired of Blizzard thinking Sym is just a TP bot and that’s all she’s allowed to be. Her TP is only used effectively at high levels of play with highly coordinated teams all in VC and planning and strategizing what to do.
It’s incredibly stupid to balance a character ENTIRELY around how she functions at the absolute PEAK.

  1. Sym can get lots of value out of teleporting herself back and forth or just up to high ground. I do it all the time. Then her team still has the option to use it the whole time it’s up.
  2. As a console player, my interact key was bound to L3 by default.

There are no “specialists” in the game. I would call neither Mei nor Torb nor Bastion a specialist and they are still doing much better then Sym, because they decide how effective they are, while Sym prays to god that the team is using her teleporter correctly to gain ANY kind of value. Specialist = weak and needs a rework.

One of the problems is that she is so team dependent, that even in pro play, she is used for a one time use of the teleport and then switch to another hero, because how worthless the rest of the kit is.

She is terrible in mid or long ranges, has no instant damage, because she needs to either set up turrets or charge up her beam to be any kind of a threat. Even as a “shield destroyer” she is trash.

She has no identity, because her ult is a tank one, the teleport is a support ability and so is the weapon and her turrets are kind of a damage/zoning tool. At this point, Sym would work more as a tank or support with the current kit she has, than as a DPS. She is also the only beam hero, without survivability and no, her teleport is a bad movement ability and nothing more for her personal use.

To stand here and say “Sym players dont know how their hero works”, while she needs her 4th rework, is used by no one besides said Sym players and having no impact on the game at all is more then silly.

You dont need to tell me that Sym is “fine”, when there is no reason to play her outside of 5 stacks, bronze, meme teams or one time use in pro play. Any hero is more efficient than Sym in any department besides the stupid teleport and THAT is not something YOU decide.

Just change the hero and be more efficient and remove all the nonsense. You will be more efficient with 90% of the DPS roaster.

I did. :slight_smile:
It needed to tank Bob’s damage more efficiently.