Sym, torb, and moira dont ever deserve to be meta

i don’t think digging someones post history just to make 3 replies flaming them is allowed, gl explaining this to the mods <3

“all of them” / “all these characters” means all of them, that’s what they were implying

How dare some hard to play, fair characters be meta than ohko punchers or ohko machine guns, it’s far more fun to be unable to play the game!

Really, skill/aim elitists like you OP can shove it.

i never said that, it’s just some people sad in their lives trying to paint me as an idiot just to feel better, ignoring them usually works

Torb? Really now? Im dying :joy:

OW has more whiners I guess.

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“all of them” doesnt mean ALL 6 of ONE character LOL. You’re deliberately misinterpreting the statements and putting words in their mouths.

anyways what it clearly means from context is that they would either just prefer to play against them in games opposed to dive/snipers. not play against 6 of each one lmao. also playing against 6 of any hero is annoying as heck, so even if you interpret it that way its still not a good argument.


They didn’t say “look at his post history”, they said “look at his answers”, i.e. the posts you’ve made in this thread.


so 1 of them back then…
yes definitely what he meant

I rarely see Torb in my games, and even Sym has fallen off a lot. I understand after a meta with Moira why you might be sick of her. And Bastion is a problem when a team coordinates, so that can be irritating, but hey, the game is about teamwork.

I do want a meta shakeup, but I want entirely new viable characters across the board. All the usual suspects get boring to play against after awhile. Gimme like…Rein, Bap,, Genji, Soldier, Zen, heroes like them who I haven’t seen in the meta for a hot second. Then maybe in a few seasons I’ll be clamoring for Moira back lol.

OMFG, you don’t remember all the hatred towards Engie Nests on Dustbowl, do you?

i dont need to explain anything to anyone your idiocracy is pretty self explanitory to be honest and it seems everybody here agrees on that one

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they really like to twist words and are (probably intentionally) bad at reading what is actually being said.

I played against Mercy at peak of her broken Valkyrie in Total Mayhem. Still, it was enjoyable, even while fight for last point took over 30 minutes.

Stop … just stop.

You’re entitled to your opinion by all means but DONT pretent to speak for everyone.

I’m not tired of any of them.


I don’t like psychologists but i have gotta admit they were right, people tend to :

  • trying to lower others to make themselves feel better :
  • looking for comfort in the group :

i am not the one listing someones elses answers on a post, sure took that one to the heart. keep trying buddy.

the rabbit hole is pretty deep

oh i was just listing them for any mod passing by to see how persistent you are in your flaming
also apparently i am the one taking this to the heart if you act just like an annoying psychologist would predict about someone “taking it to the heart”

i am actually not acting like a psychologist u were analysing me on your last post.

you keep making a joke out of yourself. it is pretty entertaining for me to see what you write

you started being rude by the way if you dont like the answer dont knock the door

Bob has aimbot as well.