The problem is that people don’t want her to be good.
Her direct pick comparisons are other “melee” primary fire DPS heroes. So thats: Reaper, Mei, Doom. We do not include Tracer because she is strictly an assassin. Also, she plays MUCH differently than her other “melee” counterparts.
Reaper: Can teleport, go invulnerable, has a primary fire that includes fall off and does not just end, has lifesteal, the ability to one shot 200 hp heroes and thoroughly spank tanks, and an ultimate that wins fights on its own without needing to be comboed.
Doom: Has mobility and cc on all abilities, a rangeable primary, a one shot ability for 200 hp heroes, regens shields when landing abilities, and has an ultimate that can instantly kill an opponent or save Doom. He’s not good numerically anymore, but he’s still better than Sym because he can just kill someone outright and quickly.
Mei: Has cc (slow+stun) on primary, a super good nuke rmb that is faster and can headshot, an lshift that makes her invuln and heals, can make a mini version of Sym’s ULTI as an ability, and again has an ult that wins fights on its own.
Sym: Has a beam that that gives damage but falls off to 0 damage at the end of its range and further, has an rmb that requires a charge and consumes tons of ammo and cannot headshot, has turrets that lightly slow and damage but are easily destroyed and she can only have 3, has a teleport that tells you where the start and end of it are and can be destroyed, and an ultimate that is just a mapwide Mei wall that cannot win fights on its own because you can just walk through said wall.
Sym has: No regen, no hard cc, and no invuln. Her comparisons do. They also have 25 more hp. They also can one shot (Mei freezes you into an RMB which reduces your ability to fight then kills you while Sym says “plz don’t kill me”). They also ALL have mobility options that are quick and personal. Sym makes a tele and its really good, yay. But nothing else is. I’m so glad ALL of her power budget went into an infinite duration teleport with no internal use cooldown. It really adds to her ability to do literally anything else so well. It solves all 4 of her 4 problems. Yay. It gives her regen, an iframe, a one shot, and good personal mobility. It also grants her a stun of some kind.
Sym just LACKS. Making her have more hp will only break her. It will not fix her. Take this patch to its illogical extreme. Sym has 5000 hp. Now what? Just pick Mei and she is permanently useless, but REALLY frustrating. Takes forever to kill, but Sym is so non-threatening that she functions as an infinite ult generator. I’m so glad. She got health buffs. SO GLAD.
Edit: I may be low rank. But I can look at data and get it. It’s not hard. I will die on this “give Sym meaningful changes” hill xD. Also Pharah has no splash from her own primary when? Also Bastion gets crit on primary back when? Lastly, its not a step in the right direction. Its a buff for something that overall doesn’t matter. It does not solve a problem or create a weakness. It just gives her hp, which she does not need. She wants hp, sure its nice, but does not need it. She needs some form of value. She barely outdpses a full charge Zarya, but Zarya has so much inherit value and usage. Sym is like “but meh tele”.