Sym players you no longer have to complain about no owl playtime

Except a niche hero is only balanced if they’re proportionally stronger in their niche for how narrow it is, i.e. strength in niche compensating all the weakness outside of it.

Is that the case for sym? I highly disagree that it is.
Her winrate on gm overbuff in the last month and 3 months struggles to be top 10 which is filled with quite a lot of generalists.

Like if she’s only picked in her niche to justify how low that pickrate is, you’d think her winrate would be much higher.

If you think that unpopularity is another reason for how low her pickrate is, then you’d think her winrate would be even more skewed higher from the lack of mirror matchups.

So the resounding question is why is that the case?

And a likely answer is that she’s simply bad.

And when you start comping her kit vs others, esp in terms of how often she can get uptime for herself to do her job vs how often others can get uptime for their respective jobs, the answer of “sym simply being bad” seems more and more likely. I could and legit have written essays of analysis of sym’s kit, but to spare you the details and proofs: amongst the cast, she legit has low sustain, low effective range (yes, even when including orbs), low burst AND low mobility.

no her core problems is her insufficient tools to get uptime and that can legit be solved through buffs on sym without making her OP: