Sym players you no longer have to complain about no owl playtime

we are in rush meta
who is good in rush meta? sym
what is syms best map type? Control
basically I think sym will be played quite often on Nepal, lijang and maybe a little bit on oasis (which are very frequently played in owl)
so now you stop complaining about little owl playtime cause she will most likely be getting played there often

you want proof?

Danteh plays sym this whole match
Danteh would only play sym if its the meta for the map and because he needs to practice it for owl
im 90% sure he would rather play tracer or anyone else in his hero pool

now you have 1 less thing to complain about :smiley:

from the no1 sym hater


“but sym is bad and needs MANY buffs!!!11”

she’s a niche hero, deal with it


from the no1 sym hater

Nah, that’d be Omni

no, I am taking this title from him because I said so
he hates sym
but I dont think hes as vocal about it as I am

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You don’t know him then uwu

Nah omni hates sym a lot lmao.

ive been talking with him a ton the past few days :rofl: :rofl:
but hey people know him better so ill let him have it I guess

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Sym is a taxi driver for koth maps, because koth maps are trash and that is an exploitable mechanic on what is essentially team death match.

Sym in general is weak.


Who is complaining about OWL playtime? Most of us don’t give a rat’s butt about it.


Legit though Symm mains dont care if owl players use her. Owl players are in a whole other game. They can make any hero work. Symm mains want her to be usable for THEM. And right now shes a glorified taxi.


Another troll who thinks “niche” heroes are acceptable to have in this game. yaaaawn. Not even going to bother explaining why that’s wrong it’s been done to death.

Niche is codeword for bad.

AKA “I’m not good enough at the game to hate the actual OP heroes that have oneshots, insane range, absurdly powerful abilities, so I hate a hero that you literally just have to not be stupid to beat.”

I never stop getting tired of the Anti-Sym maroons. Always a new treat.


Usually, it’s non-Sym players that use her “lack of presence in OWL” to say she is weak. Symmetra players in general don’t give a bull shrimp if she is played in the top tournament.

The only reason many of us point out she still have a low presence in pro play is because one of the stated goals of her 3.0 rework was to make her viable at pro play, and honestly, “TP from spawn and swap” is not something I consider “viable pro play”.

In fact, during Sym 2.0 most of us actually understood why and were perfectly fine with her kit not being useful at tournament level, because it was perfectly serviceable on ladder.


Waiting for the “MaYbE iF yOu GoT rId Of HeR tUrReT BoMbInG, ShE’d GeT bUfFs”


Oh stop my heart can only handle so much


Niche heroes are perfectly acceptable for overwatch.

Less so with forced 2/2/2, but having heroes that accel at something but are otherwise underwhelming is supposed to make for dynamic map and team based strategies.

Didnt work out that way, largely because of balancing and forced 2/2/2, but the idea is still good.

In before they pick he for the initial fight and as soon as they die on her they swap off to Doom McCree Mei or Junkrat because that’s what they all do in contenders.

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Someone plays sym on lijiang and people decide to have a circle jerk




Well, yes. But too many people misunderstand what niche means. Eg.:

Niche means that character or strategy work outside the mold of the game, and thus, is appealing to a non-standard audience.

Reinhardt is niche. Mercy is niche. Mei is niche. Genji is niche. And many more, including Symmetra. Those are characters that lure players that are not interested into FPS mechanics into a FPS game.

Niche can also be used to mean “situationally useful”, but you can quickly tell when people are using this meaning when you ask what is the specific situation where they are good. Eg, Bastion is good on bunker, and Junkrat is good on maps with hard chokes. They are niche heroes in that sense, that they are not “good” everywhere, but really shine in specific circumstances.

Now, I understand where Arcadium came from, because too many people use the word “niche” just to give an excuse to prevent buffs or advocate nerfs on a character they do not like fighting against. I mean, to this day people pick up torches when anyone mention anything about Brigitte because they fear Goats 2: Electric Boogaloo.


Niche means only good in some situations. That’s a problem with the kit, you’re not supposed to buff the kit, you’re supposed to REWORK it. When you overbuff the kit, when SYM is being played, like right now, she’s a nightmare to play against with that 225hp.

Your problem is solved by a rework, not buffing.

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What nightmare fueled Syms have you been playing against. Sym has many weaknesses and drawbacks that can be exploited. Has she frequently been hard meta or universally oppressive on ladder?