Every d.va main acts like she’s absolute trash tier. However she’s still being played rn.
Nah, I think she is one of the best tanks right now. I don’t want to call her better than Rein, but in my heart of hearts, she is better than Rein.
But d.va mains still cry for her to be buffed. All whilst Symmetra, Reaper, Doomfist, Moira, and Winston rot.
I’m going to be honest. I think the “dva mains” are actually the same handful of people on the forums. I know for a fact one of them has multiple accounts.
Tell me the name and I’ll have my next victim to hunt.
I pretend like I ain’t seen that - -
Look who’s flirting now
I didn’t say any hero has to be niche. But the fact is Sym is, not because of her numbers, but because of the kit herself. Rework that, don’t buff the kit that’s not the way.
You say to deal with the fact she’s niche
I said deal with it because she is right now, if she wasn’t, why would I have a problem?
I normally play Tank and Support and been trying out Symmetra recently and she’s actually really clicked with me. I often wonder if people are playing her right.
For example, her Teleporter should be used as an offensive tool to get to the high ground or to flank the enemy. A well placed Teleporter can get key team members (especially Rein, Roadhog or Sigma) into a surprise flank position behind barriers. I usually open with a charged shot into the enemy team as well just after the teleport. Imagine a Junkrat, Bastion or Mccree using your Teleporter to get to high ground and spamming behind the enemy, it increases the team ultimate charge economy in your favour and there is possibility of killing at least one DPS or Support.
People complain about her beam but it’s not really suppose to be used as dueling tool against DPS or Supports. It’s actually a barrier buster and Tank destroyer tool. Once you’ve charged your beam against the barriers and Tanks, that’s when you’re suppose to target the smaller Supports or DPS and watch them melt. I’ve had a lot of good results from staying just behind a Rein for protection and just beaming barriers and Tanks down and then focusing on the tasty Supports. Also her turrets deal more damage proportionately to DPS and Supports so her beam is suppose to supplement her damage that already done by the turrets.
Her turrets are a difficult balancing act. I think maybe they could use more life or have a faster setup time but deal less damage. The slow effect is great though.
Her charged orbs are somewhat situational but they deal a lot of damage (120) if they hit dead centre. They are sort of like Junkrat spam in the sense that they aren’t very accurate but if the enemy is clustered together it can deal a lot of damage as it also does splash damage. They are much more predictable which is actually good for aiming and hitting enemies coming through chokes although admittedly easier to dodge as well. Combined with the Teleporter it actually becomes quite deadly as an opening volley since the enemy isn’t looking at your direction.
Her kit is overall very versatile but doesn’t excel in one specific area which I think is a perception problem. Just like every utility DPS (E.g. Mei, Sombra, Torb), Each point of her kit really tilts the team and ultimate economy situation (not the individual situation) in your favour and requires just a bit of teamwork to get going.
While I’m not a big fan of niche heroes, Blizzard tends to be. Niche is not a codeword in Blizzard’s langauge. You need to get over this.
Quoted for emphasis.
That pretty is her kit.
THis is false, they do stack.
No this is false.
Nah, this is hyperbole. There are some legitimate issues with Symmetra that could be addressed, but much of the fanbase of theirs wants to change the way she plays rather than improve what she does well at.
And there just as bad “victim-complexes” out there. See… just about any hero who hasn’t been in the metagame for some time.
Generally some good information, overall here. But this is not correct. Symmetra’s fully charged orbs do 120 damage on impact, not 140.
Whoops I better update that damage value.
Mb what I meant to say was that stacking multiple slows cannot be applied to a target. Like mei freeze + turrets for example. Instead it goes with whichever is slower.
This is the fact sym mains or whatever don’t wanna accept, Symettra, bastion, torb all have map modes that are tailored to them be it assault or control, its just that ranked players have too much of an ego to play these heroes
who thinks “niche” heroes are acceptable to have in this game
The funny part comes when their main becomes niche. Like Genji in GM, low pickrate but high winrate, the definition of a niche hero. Yet they claim he’s “underpowered” and needs a buff. Lmao.
I don’t think niche heroes should be a thing. Every hero should bring value to a game when picked. Forcing DPS players into picking this months overtuned hitscan and ignoring half their options is bad game design.
Except a niche hero is only balanced if they’re proportionally stronger in their niche for how narrow it is, i.e. strength in niche compensating all the weakness outside of it.
Is that the case for sym? I highly disagree that it is.
Her winrate on gm overbuff in the last month and 3 months struggles to be top 10 which is filled with quite a lot of generalists.
Like if she’s only picked in her niche to justify how low that pickrate is, you’d think her winrate would be much higher.
If you think that unpopularity is another reason for how low her pickrate is, then you’d think her winrate would be even more skewed higher from the lack of mirror matchups.
So the resounding question is why is that the case?
And a likely answer is that she’s simply bad.
And when you start comping her kit vs others, esp in terms of how often she can get uptime for herself to do her job vs how often others can get uptime for their respective jobs, the answer of “sym simply being bad” seems more and more likely. I could and legit have written essays of analysis of sym’s kit, but to spare you the details and proofs: amongst the cast, she legit has low sustain, low effective range (yes, even when including orbs), low burst AND low mobility.
no her core problems is her insufficient tools to get uptime and that can legit be solved through buffs on sym without making her OP:
I love Symmetra and feel that she could use a few tweaks, as most people would request for their favorite hero, but I feel that overall she’s in a good spot. She’s extremely versatile and can really fit into many comps, as well as providing unmatched utility for her team. All she really needs is her hitbox size to be fixed already, or be given extra shields to reflect her current hitbox size.
That being said, why should we care about whatever the hell OWL is doing or playing?