Sym players you no longer have to complain about no owl playtime

On certain maps like Lijiang, and in other scenarios, that +25hp makes Sym overtuned

This is comical please continue.

Feel free to list your “other scenarios” too.

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Well…Teleporter is a broken abilits so I would be surprised if she gets zero playtime in a meta that favors her.

The rest of her kit is trash.

yes she strong on that map but I feel she is still needs improvements for how narrow her niche is. I do not think she is overtuned. Personally I see her hovering between D tier and C tier.

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No I agree Sym isn’t OP at all. It’s just now that we buffed her kit instead of powershifting her from Turrets to the rest of her kit, we buffed her to the point that when she is picked, for example on Lijiang, you have to play Sym too, it’s way too oppresive.

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What are these lies??? I love sym


Turrets have already been nerfed and are a non issue.

And she needed that 25 health idk what you’re smoking.

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Sym’s power is still in her turrets right now, Torb used to be like the same, his power was mostly in his turret, but now it’s on his gun and overload. Make Sym similar.

The +25hp is not the way to making Sym better.


Her power is in her teleporter, and her 180 beam. The rest of her kit is weak. No one picks sym because of turrets because like I said – they are a non issue. The slows don’t stack, damage has been nerfed, and they do less to armor.

The 25 hp was to make her more survivable because if you – idk learned how to play the character – you would know she has to play dangerously close to be effective.

Her ramp up makes her incredibly weak and should be looked at.

She’s slow, and has no survivability/reliable range. Hence the 25hp buff. Only reason she’s showing up in like 1 map is cause rein is back.

But go off on how because she’s played on lijiang she’s too good and it’s not because you probably can’t shoot turrets.


Torb’s power was NEVER in his turret, not even before the rework.

Sym’s turrets are a joke, barely more than an annoyance. Her power is solely in her teleporter.


My point is that WHEN she is being played on Lijiang, you HAVE to go Sym to beat it, the first fight is about who TP’s first. In that one map, it’s impossible to beat Sym without another Sym, that’s bad game design.

It’s the best strategy and gets you to point faster.

Some heroes are almost meta on certain maps what’s your point? Ever seen a lucio/hog played on well? Obviously.

Also proves my point that you’re wrong about turrets and she’s picked for TP.

Sym mains legit dont give a damn about OWL. We want her to be fun not a taxi.



I stopped trying to have discussions with Symm players. They have some of the biggest victim-complexes. Unless you tout that she is objectively and undeniably the worst hero in the game, that the devs hate her to an unrealistic degree and want nothing but to spite her players, then your opinion is invalid.

Anyway idk. She can still use some buffs in her kit since her kit is lobsided but I don’t think she’s as weak as people make her sound. If OWL is the only place with some success for a hero, it’s not the best indication of balance.


If that’s how you view people then yeah maybe they stopped having discussions with you instead.

Agree with your 2nd non edgey paragraph


Have you tried playing sym? Other than teleporter, she has nothing going for her. Her primary is extremely short range, which would not be a problem, except that it needs to be charged up to do significant damage, which means sym has to REMAIN close the entire time.

Her secondary is a slow charging, slow moving projectile, that is just laughable in the fact it doesnt kill what it hits, meanwhile hanzo spamming like 3-4 potential one-shots in that amount of time.

Really, even over Doom players? Like, don’t get me wrong, it is a close call, but, eh?

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Nah, multiple times I have been open to having discussions and the amount of condescending tones and replies I had were more than I can count. Even when I’ve asked questions with no rhetoric or ulterior motive behind it other than to understand, and I had some Symm mains act condescending.

Not all Symm players are like this. But for the majority of the playerbase on the forums, I’ve found that to be the experience. If it’s a two-way street now, then idc. I tried to be open at first and legitimately wanted to have discussions and that’s how it was met. At least it’s even now lol.

But yeah even when I say frequently she could use some buffs because most of her power is in one part of her kit that was glossed over and never addressed. I don’t think she needs a long beam like on Experimental. There’s just a lot that has to change so her kit’s well-rounded. Her alternative fire being good in some scenarios and just useless in others is one part that should be addressed. Her TP being used for a taxi service momentarily and then not really viable otherwise is another. Her turrets being buggy and slow to regenerate are another.


It’s the forums tho, everyone’s given up on being civil. It’s always been a mess.

Don’t ban me wyomingmist

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That is also true lol